Monday Pre-Teaser Class


Hello Students!   Welcome to Pre-Teaser Prep Class!

We will have you tuned up and ready to rock tomorrow when you see the Teaser photo.    You DO want to play along with us here in our Geography class right?   Right!

YES – I’m ready to be prepped!

First thing we do is go over the rules with you THEN we show you the badges that will be up for grabs…………….the Teaser tomorrow is provided by our ever-challenged Graphics Department so who the heck knows what she they will come up with!     REMEMBER WHEN YOU ARRIVE AT SCHOOL IN THE MORNING COMMENT FIRST THEN SIT AT YOUR DESK!!!!!!!

AND here are the badges:

So there you have it – how to handle the guessing tomorrow AND what you might win if you’re HOT !!


Well I’m glad you’re psyched but just in case there’s a little bit of you that isn’t psyched – we have the cure for that – OUR CHEER TEAM!

Here we are on a Pre-Tease Monday
We’re here to cheer you up and make it a fun-day
Tomorrow is the day to dread
You’ll wish you could just go back to bed!
There will be a photo for you to see
You have to guess what city and country
Sometimes it’s easy and sometimes NOT
But you can count on your cheer team to always look HOT!

Thanks girls………….I’m not sure how “prepped” you made our students with your cheer today but at least they paid attention as you leaped around and shook your pom poms!





OK – get those eyes back into their sockets boys and let’s head to the cafeteria – Miss Dingleberry is back from vacation and she SAYS she actually missed all of you.  Imagine that.   Will wonders never cease!

Hello Ding Dong School Students – YES I actually did miss my job here and seeing all your smiling (mostly) faces when you take a break from geography class to have some lunch every day.    Chef Sven said you were all very well behaved when he subbed for me last week.   Thank you for not having a food fight while he was here!!!    Enjoy your lunch.

Today’s Incredible Lunch Selections

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Remember students – tomorrow’s class will be at a SURPRISE TIME – then hurry to class and COMMENT OK?

Study up!   Your Professors!

PEE ESS – did you know today is CAT WORLD DOMINATION DAY?   Well we sure did but then we’re cats aren’t we……..even if you aren’t cats, you have to admit, we know how to keep our households and humans on their toes.    This special day was started by Sparkle Cat and is being continued by Summer.   You can visit her to see her post if you just CLICK the badge below!!

39 responses »

    • I bet it would take WEEKS to clean up after this crew of Ding Dong School students had a food fight……….it might be easier to just tear down the cafeteria and start over! HAHAHAHA


  1. Mom wants to know if it’s too early for an adult beverage???? MOL We think we’ve got her confused because we CAN because today is Cat World Domination Day. Now we’re going to have a Corned Beef sandwich and study our geography.

    The Florida Furkids


    • The Cheer Team doesn’t think it’s too early for an adult beverage and my Mom says there are some mornings when she’d love to have a nice bloody mary with breakfast so I say IT’S NEVER TOO EARLY OR LATE!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. I don’t want to upset Miss D. but we had lunch at the pub before we went shopping. I keep refreshing but still mostly end up one whole minute late. I will try harder tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

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