Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Thursday and time to be thankful with Brian on his Blog Hop!    Time to share what we find ourselves thankful for this past week or whenever.    If you’d like to join us – click his badge and link up!    I am beginning to sound like a broken record when it comes to why I’m thankful but indeed I do seem to be thankful for the same things almost every week:   my Mom and Dad who indulge my every (almost) whim, the weather which is persnickety and rainy much of the time but when it’s not raining so hard you can’t see, I’m usually out there on my leash with a human attached at the other end holding an umbrella…….that I get regular treats (that’s what Mom calls those “Squeeze-ups” that I love so much).    See?   Lots of thankfuls.   How about you?  What are you thankful for??

I also thankfully got Angel Sammy’s poetry post for the week………..and I will happily share it with all of you poets and appreciators of poetry alike!


Time for Poetry!

This is “MY” day on Teddy’s blog – I get to see what you all have written which has been inspired by the photos I give you AND I can share the poem I wrote as well.    Keep on writing folks – poetry is fun!

If you did write a poem this week – let us know in comments so we can visit you and read it!    Here’s the photo I gave you to inspire you for this week’s poem fun:

Before I share my poem I have to tell you (because so many of you asked!) – this is an ACTUAL Tourist Home in Switzerland.   Isn’t it a simply staggering view?    Someone said they think it would be a dangerous place to have too many glasses of wine and accidentally – well – you know!    I think it would be one of the most amazing spots to spend the night (or two or three) and have a wonderful meal on the patio and just stare out over those mountains where you can see FOREVER.    Anyway, here’s my poem which this photo inspired:

“In The Clouds”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell     ©June 19, 2019

High up the mountain tucked into rock wall

Be careful coming up – you don’t want to have a fall!

A haven from the world of noise, problems, and woe

There is a heavenly escape where people can go.

The way is not easy but the rewards are very clear

You can find your “center” again and the peace we find so dear

When the time comes to leave this spot your spirit will be renewed

Your secret smile will tell the world that they haven’t got a clue!


Did you write one?   If you didn’t – or think you “can’t write poetry” – think again.   Anybody can write a poem……poems are expressions of feelings and don’t even have to rhyme!    Give it a whirl – stretch your imagination…………..and while you’re stretching, I’ll give you another photo to think about for NEXT Thursday’s poetry day.  

Cute?  I think so……..I hope you can find something to LOVE about this photo so it will inspire you to write a poem.    I already think I might have an idea for MY poem!   

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Until we meet again next Thursday…….Remember the Angels are watching over you!  

Love, Angel Sammy


I know what that photo reminds ME of Angel Sammy and I just bet it’s what you’re thinking of too…………….we’ll find out next week I guess…………..I’ll see you in my dreams until then!

Hugs, Teddy

50 responses »

      • We’ll probably get back to da poems next week – momma and me wuz down after Crockett died and we had a tuff time being silly like we like to be wif da poems. And since today are Angelique’s birthday, we’re letting her have the spotlight today. But next week – just ya wait!


        • Oh goodie! We’ve missed you but totally understand how hard it’s been with Crockett gone. I’m just so happy that you gave Bowie a home and have welcomed him with open paws. He’s a cutie-patootie and nice addition to the gang – you now have a TEXAS TRIO again!

          Hugs, Teddy


  1. Love the poem. And I was enchanted with the scene that inspired it. I have copied the penguins…and I am inspired to try to make a poem. XX


    • Your poem ROCKED today and certainly echoed MOST people’s feelings about that place. Thanks for the link to the info on it too – it’s a little too “primitive” for my Mom and Dad but WOW – what a view!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. It’s a lovely place and I enjoyed your poem, Angel Sammy. I surprise myself but I would probably pass on staying there. I think I will hang out in my little bit of the world. I just realized Teddy that at the end of your Thankfuls you ask what we are thankful for. I don’t think I have ever thought to answer that here at the end of your thankfuls. I think I’d get all emotional but this week I am thankful for finding my place where I belong and I am thankful for a friend that we have met in our little community and I am thankful for your Mom and the other bloggers I have met and have so much in common with. Good Morning, Virginieeeeeeeeeeeeee!


    • Miss Pix you know after we found out that this place has no water supply and only mattresses on the floors in the three rooms with room enough for sleeping bags, Mom said she’s not as “enamored” of the place as she was initially. I’d be fine on a mattress and I could drink puddle water and be happy but Mom and Dad are a little beyond “roughing it”. HAHAHA As for your thankfuls – Mom told me that sometimes it takes a very long time to really find that “RIGHT PLACE” but once you do, you settle into it, grow roots, and get your “happy” on. Mom and I are glad you’re doing that and have friends there you can count on. You will always have my Mom (and me) – you can count on that too!!!!! Good Morning Floridaaaaaaaaaaadeeeeeeeeeeedaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

      Hugs, Teddy the Tiger

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Terrific poem fur sure and next weeks picture is so cute. Hey Teddy, thankfuls are never a broken record, just extra special. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • I think because I lead a rather uncomplicated life being an only kitty in my house with two old (oops sorry Mom) humans, I don’t tend to have a lot of NEW thankfuls. My thankfuls are basic – food, shelter, love. Can’t beat that right Brian?

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. You are a lucky boy Teddy. Great poem from Angel Sammy. I would like to go stay there-if there was an elevator to get up there 🙂 Have a great day! XO


    • We found out they don’t have water (other than what trickles down the mountain) and the three available rooms are for people with sleeping bags. Mom decided to pass on scheduling a trip there. She’s beyond sleeping bag age! HAHAHAHAHA
      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Fabulous poem, as always, Sammy. Mom says that she would love to spend a few days there away from all the noise and confusion. We’ll have our poem tomorrow. Guess a day late is better than not at all. Love to you, Teddy, Mom Pam and Dad David. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Birthdays are more impawtant than poetry any old day (unless it’s a birthday poem for Calista Jo of course!!!!). Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – my Mom thought she might like to stay at this place but not sleeping in a sleeping bag in a room with a bunch of other peeps – apparently this is a “hostel/guest house” kind of spot. Not my Mom’s “cuppa tea” !!!!

      Love, Teddy


  6. sam o bacon; as all wayz ya nailed thiz weekz poem…. we bet YUR veew oh thiz place iz even better than R veew huh……we iz seein it from de NW SE korner 🙂 ♥♥

    ted a nator…yur recordz like R record but we canna go outside ta roll in wet soil; hint: tho we feer
    de next few monthz R gonna bee vizshuz hot…..hope we iz w.r.o.n.g 🙂 🙂 ♥♥


    we due knot see burd
    but noe pizza dood either
    noe donuts for uz

    how high up iz thiz
    900 million milez
    lotz oh fresh air tho



    • Hi gang!!!! You know it would be a problem for pizza delivery there – maybe they deliver by drone???? I am lucky to be able to go outside and roll around in the dirt but when Mom brushes me off and cleans me up before we come back inside I whine and cry the whole time. Sometimes if I really don’t want to go back inside I just lie like a limp dishrag (kinda like a 2 year old human kid in the store not wanting to walk with Mom anymore) and become a dead weight. It makes Mom laugh but carrying me all the way to the door is a chore since I’m a BIG-DOOD – poor Mom’s back! HAHAHAHAHA

      Happy Week-o-end
      Love, Ted-o-nator


  7. Sweet poem, Angel S. One thing I know for sure is I would not want to go food shopping at that mountain house in the clouds. How would Mom and I get the grocery bags up all those steps??

    Love and licks,


    • You might need to get a drone to do the bag delivery. I think I’m more worried about me and Mom actually getting UP those steps ourselves. Mom would have to stop every two or three steps to rest. Me too!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Mee-yow wow!!! Furabuluss poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy!! Yore so furry talented!!! Mee was at Vet’ss yesterday an mee not feelin poe-etick at all….
    Maybee next week ‘angel’ Sammy an Teddy.
    **purrsss** BellaDharma


    • I saw your post about the vet visit dear girl and it doesn’t sound like much fun AT ALL. I’m glad that you are OK though – hopefully your treatments won’t be bothersome and you will feel PURRRRFECT after you get a bit of a rest-up from your adventure!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanx so much fore understandin Teddy… iss Furiday an mee feels bettur. LadyMew iss now sick!! Mee has thott of a poe-em fore THE photoe so here goes:

        “SAFE HAVEN”
        Livin way upss high
        so close to THE sky
        wuud bee a deelite
        efurry day a furabuluss site!!
        Mee wuud bee safe from THE Vet’ss
        on that you cuud betss…..
        Mee wuud stay inn Safe Haven
        with mee LadyMew an frend Raven!!!

        What do you think Teddy?? Did mee do guud? 😉


        • You not only did GOOD, you did EXCELLENT! Wouldn’t it be magical to live up in the sky?? I’m sure it would be!! Well done on the poetry – you’re becoming a “Poetry Master” !!

          Hugs, Teddy


  9. It looks lovely but would be lost on me as I would be afraid to open my eyes.
    Next week’s photo is cute. It looks like the little penguin is saying, “Thanks mum, I love playing the flying scene in Titanic.”


    • HAHAHA…..I hadn’t thought of that but it DOES look like that scene in Titanic! Oh-by the way-I feel like you do about those dizzying heights. It looks like a “nosebleed” kind of place to get to and might be tough to actually RELAX and enjoy the view knowing how high up you were!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  10. A lovely rhyme, and i wrote one, finally, here it is:

    A hobbit house I said I’d build,
    But life had another planned
    I ended up living in a mountain pass
    So here my home does stand.

    It takes a while to go somewhere
    And I don’t get out too often,
    But with each glorious sunrise here
    My heart does really soften.

    I’ll stay here, then, in my mountain home
    Even though it wasn’t exactly
    What I thought I wanted,
    I love it, matter of factly!

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s a super poem and totally fits that photo! Thanks for contributing your poetic talent to the challenge!! Imagine living there – it would be a little too isolated for me I think!

      Hugs and Happy Friday
      Pam and Teddy too


  11. Wonderful poem. I don’t like heights so probably not a good place for me. Hope your having a great day. Light rain/sprinkles and some sun so all in all a nice day-70’s.
    Sue B


  12. We’re sorry we’re a week late to comment! Teddy, we’re so happy that you have such a purrfect mom and dad who take you outside to adventure the great outdoors. Angel Sammy, this image and your poem are so stunning. I sure would love to spend time in a beautiful place like that, thought the climb there might be a bit terrifying. Purrs!


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