Friendly Fill-Ins


Hello!   Time to fill in the blanks…….this is a Hop co-hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15andMeowing and it’s so much fun not just to be filling in but to see what OTHERS fill-in too!    Want to join us?   Click the badge above and link up with us.

Here are this week’s sentences (two from each co-host) and this week I filled them out all by myself with no help from Mom!!  YAY ME!!!  My words are in BLUE.

1. I would love to be a personal assistant to Garfield – I think we have a whole lot in common.

2. If I had a boat, I would name it Teddy’s Tugboat.
3. I want to improve my begging skills – I’m pretty darn good but I need to “UP” my success rate!.
4. Surprises are THE BEST (unless they involve a trip in the car to SURPRISE the vet!).
There you have it.    Some thoughts right off the top of my ginger head.    It’s Friday you know so I will wish everyone a HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!!
This was taken one month after I moved into this house from the shelter – do I look relaxed to you???????

Hugs, Teddy

51 responses »

  1. Teddy, it’s obvious from that photo that you knew you hit the jackpot with your new parents. You did great with the fill-ins, and we think we know what your transportation will be if Scouts ever has another cardwood derby. Teddy’s Tugboat would be purrfect. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Good Morning early birds!! You are probably right about that photo of me – only a month here and already sharing my tummy! HAHAHA Happy Friday to all of you…………..Sawyer – EAT YOUR BREAKFAST!!!

      Love, Teddy


    • Humans have figured out that if they try to sneak a vet visit in on us somehow it’s less awful for us. Well, no matter if it’s a surprise or something we’re expecting we all hate it PERIOD right Weimguys???

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Teddy, those answers charmed my mommy. Mine never do. But then, I just say what I thin she would have said, Teddy;s Tugboat! LOVED that. And amen to the surprise thing!!!


  3. You did a great job with the fill-ins, Teddy! We love the name “Teddy’s Tugboat”!! Purrhaps your pawrents will get you a little play tugboat for your sink….
    You knew right away that you’d found your furrever home, didn’t you??
    Love, Sundae


    • I think I did…..Mom said I acted like I was CERTAIN of it in the shelter too – I sat right in front of her and stared at her while “dancing” – I hooked her from the start!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers Teddy. I think you have perfected the art of begging already 🙂 Great name for a boat and being assistant to Garfield would be fun if he shared lasagna 🙂 I love this photo of you- I would love to snorgle your tummy. XO


    • I think Garfield would share his lasagna….I’m VERY GOOD at begging as you know. As far as snorgling, Mom calls me “THE VENUS FLYTRAP”…….I lie there like I’m ready for you to rub my belly then the minute you do, WHAMMO – all four paws do the most amazing KICK! HAHAHAHA


    • Oh yes………the eyes are the windows to the soul and cats and dogs have that maneuver DOWN very nicely thank you!!!!!! Hope all is well there…….we continue to send tons of POTP your way.

      Love, Teddy


  5. I’m sorry I’m so late to visit again. Thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins, Teddy! Your answers are absolute purrfection. Teddy’s Tugboat – now that’s a purrfect name for a ship! And you are so right about surprises, especially about how the worst kind is the kind that lands you at the V-E-T. Yikes!


    • I think I’d make a great sailor on The Good Ship Teddy. Mom says I just THINK I’d like being on the water – water in the sink is as close as I should get to it. She might be right!

      Hugs, Teddy


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