Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday!   Time to tell what we are thankful for since our last Thankful Thursday!     My biggest thankful really is that our very long wet run of weather gave us a break yesterday.    We had sun almost all day long and it was just so glorious.   Mom was finally able to mow the yard and I was finally able to “nest” in the back yard leaves without getting soaked.    It was heavenly.   Speaking of heavenly, I heard from Angel Sammy last night – he got through on his wi-fi connection and emailed me his poem and message for today!    YAY!!!!


Hello Poetry Fans!

Here we go again – another Thursday and time for us to share the poems we wrote this past week using the photo I gave you as “inspiration” !    I also have picked out another photo which I’ll give you later for you to use for NEXT Thursday’s poetic get-together.  

If you wrote a poem this week please let us know in comments here so we can visit you to read it.   I’m so happy some of you are joining in the fun and writing a poem.   Thankfully for all of us there are a LOT of poetic formats – some short like haiku and some long like mini-short stories – and even many forms that don’t rhyme…….so you can have FUN writing something using a photograph and your imagination.

Here’s last week’s photo followed by my poem for the week:

Howdy Partner!

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell        @May 15, 2019


A long hard day riding the range

Cattle moving slow in the mid-day sun

Hard life yes but you wouldn’t change

For you this life is perfect and fun

Time to relax and put up those boots

While ranch hands in the distance holler and hoot

Let them work while you take a break

Giving back to the land more than you take

A life on a ranch is in your blood

You’ll stand your ground in pestilence or flood

The family heritage is entrenched in this land

And you’ll love it until the day you die and take God’s hand.


I know my Mom talks about childhood memories and of course in her day every little boy watched cowboy movies, wore a cowboy hat and wanted to ride the range when they grew up.   Well Mom tells me that these days it’s harder and harder to hang onto the land and work it – especially farmers and ranchers.    It’s not an easy life but many of these ranches and farms have been in families for generations – you don’t just walk away from that I guess!

Here’s your photo inspiration for NEXT Thursday……………………..

Now let’s see what we all can do with this photo – I think it will make for some FUN poetry don’t you?     I hope you’ve all had a great week and that the one coming up will be too.    I’ll look forward to seeing you next Thursday.   

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love forever and ever, Angel Sammy



There you have it!   Another poetry Thursday and as usual, Angel Sammy has given all of you a fun photo for NEXT week just as he did with the one for today.    I hope you’ll give writing a poem a try if you haven’t done it before.   It’s easier than you think and it’s very cool to look at it and think “HEY – I WROTE THAT!!”.

Hugs, Teddy

44 responses »

    • No glass doors allowed at “home on the range” !! We loved your poem today – you really GOT IT for sure……as for that poor little sheep you are pulling apart – are you having lamb chops for dinner?????

      Hugs, Teddy


    • She looks like she might be reading the riot act to some scammer…’s amazing how many of those dingy dang calls come in every day isn’t it? By joining the DO NOT CALL Registry we eliminated a lot of them but still get 4-5 a day most days. Irritating? Definitely!!


  1. So glad you were able to enjoy outside yesterday, Teddy! And that’s a great poem again this week, Angel Sammy. Cute pic for next week’s inspiration, too!
    Love, Sundae


  2. A fantastic poem, Angel Sammy! And the words are so true! Glad there was sun in Virginieeeeeee yesterday and I hope you have sun today… haven’t checked up on your weather on my phone this morning. OhMyGosh I had almost forgotten what a phone looked like back in the day!


    • Phones were awfully “clunky” weren’t they! Now it weighs nothing and slips in your pocket! Cute photo though isn’t it – should have some sweet poetry. Glad you liked Sammy’s poem about cowboys – everybody’s that we’ve read so far have the same idea! Today isn’t as sunny (so far) as yesterday but Dad went flying anyway. Mom and I are doing housework…..well….I guess she’s doing the work, and I’m in the house. HAR HAR HAR

      Love, Teddy


  3. Boy Angel Sammy, you hit the spot again! And your poem was great! I love the picture you and Teddy picked out for next week. That little girls face is so fun to see. I like the idea of having er answer spam calls. I bet they would halt “forthwith” .


    • HA! Glad you like Angel Sammy’s poem today – all the others we’ve read so far have had similar thoughts – we’re anxious to see how the poetry turns out for next week!!! Love that photo. Leave it to Evil Squirrel to come up with the spam phone calls tie-in. HAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


    • You did a GREAT job with the poem this week! Perfectly captures what almost ALL of us felt when we saw the photo…..home on the range……I recall playing “cowboys” with my little brother when we were kids. You’d ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up and it was either a cowboy, a garbage man or a “digger” (guy who operated a steam shovel). The photo for next week is adorable – I have a photo of me like that too when I was about 5 but it’s not for public consumption – I was wearing only underpants and my Mom’s high heels. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Pam


  4. That was an excellent poem, as always. I have a great respect for all farmers and ranchers. It is not an easy life. Next week’s photo is so adorable. Have a great day! XO


  5. I’m glad you’ve had some sunshine. We’ve had some really warm days, but it’s still unpredictable. What am I talking about, I live in England – it’s ALWAYS unpredictable!


    • Yes I know what you mean – it used to be VERY predictable here in Virginia but not any more. We now have endless Spring whereas we used to go right from Winter to Summer!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh I hope your Dad will let you write a poem – did you see that our buddy Marv and his Mom are now writing poems? YAY! Angel Sammy smiles so big when someone else joins in the fun.

      Love, Teddy


  6. sam oh bacon……yur poem thiz weekz way kewl….we canna help oh thinkin oh de herding cats commercial made by EDS for de soooper bowl bak in like ’12 !!

    ted on nator; dood; if ya get outside again pleez N thanx… haza roll in sum dirt.. soil.. N leevez for uz oh kay !!

    two dayz hi coo

    wunder if thiz dood
    haza horse ore a ponee
    who likez ta eat oatz

    his houz iz awesum
    we could scratch de day a way
    on all thoz big logz



    • Hi Tabbies!! Thanks for popping by and reading Angel Sammy’s poem. You know what? I hadn’t thought about it but you’re right (of course) – just look at all the climbing posts in that photo – lots of great wood to stick our claws into….I’ll be going outside today a time or two and one of my “rolls in the dirt” will be JUST FOR YOU GUYS! So if you feel a little dirty later today – you can blame me – I’ve sent you a VIBE from my roll-round!

      Your hi coo is wonderful…..thanks for being our friend cuz you keep us laughin’ and the world needs MORE of that for sure.

      Love, Ted On Nator


  7. We think it would be a lot of fun to live on a ranch with a cowboy or two. He looks like he is enjoying his evening after a hard day’s work. Nicely done.

    As for that little girl, who might she be talking to? Hmmmm…

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • It would be fun to live on a ranch and run around with the horses and cowboys and stuff….Mom would sit on the porch with an iced tea watching the action. The little girl in the photo – maybe she’s talking to Santa Claus putting her order in early??????

      Love, Teddy


  8. That is another lovely poem, Angel Sammy!
    We have had several lovely sunny days, but still a bit chilly. It is forecast to turn showery from tomorrow so I have been busy planting my bedding plants. I hope we don’t get any more frosts now!


    • Glad you liked the poem from Angel Sammy yesterday – he never lets us down and isn’t that a glorious photo he gave us for next week? Cute! My Mom is going to be repotting plants today BEFORE our rain comes – we’ll have some this afternoon and over the weekend too. We are waiting patiently for WARM WEATHER too. Happy Friday!

      Love, Teddy


  9. Great Poem Angel Sammy!
    Mommy wrote one for this week. She was a cow girl for a while-she worked on a dude (and cattle and horse) ranch in her teens and she actually knows how to make Cowboy coffee! She says THANK YOU for the memories!
    And we are thankful for your thankfuls! We are happy we ar getting more sun than rain right now.
    Purrs and Love
    Marv and Mom


    • Oh Marv how VERY COOL that your Mom was a cowgirl! I bet that was a very fun job too. We truly loved the poem – it was right on target for the photo inspiration. We’re so excited you and your Mom are pawticipating in poetry day – because you are ROCKING it! Yep!

      Love and hugs, Teddy


  10. Angel Sammy’s poem this week is very thought-provoking. It definitely is getting harder and harder for those in our country to make a living as farmers and ranchers. Mom says the little girl in next week’s photo could be her as a child. Bet Mom Pam looked like that as well. We did write a poem. The link is
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We really loved your poem – in fact every poem that was written this week was REALLY good. It was a fun photo to write a poem with….and next week’s surely is. Mom says MAYBE she will rummage through my Gramma’s photos to try and find the photo of her on the phone. It’s pretty funny although she’s in her undies in the photo so she might not post it on the blog!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. Teddy, we hope that sunshine and warmth continues for you! That way you can have lots of fun walks outside. Angel Sammy, your poem is so purrfect for this image. My uncle is a farmer, and the land he farms has been in the family for decades upon decades. It’s so sadly true, though, that farming is not an easy job these days. Purrs!


    • Farmers are amazing…..we’ve always admired them and same for those who have land their families have owned for hundreds of years whether they farmed it for food or cattle. Around here there are HUGE tracts of land devoted to horses and food and still some huge tracts of land that are just GREEN as far as the eye can see.

      Hugs, Teddy


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