Teaser Tell All and Bonnet Winner!


We’ve got the SCOOP on the Teaser AND Easter Bonnets!

First let’s talk Teaser………..after all, that’s what we always do on Tuesdays right?     Well we thought it would be a lot tougher than it turned out to be…………..and it was only after we went LIVE with it that our Graphics Department (aka Mom) realized we’ve done a Teaser photo from this SAME TOWN/COUNTRY before!!!!!    YIKES!

Before we get into that though, we’ll let you know that we had ONLY ONE FIRST COMMENTER.    You all know that just hardly EVER happens but it did yesterday.    Who was the FIRSTIE????


Sharon from FRIENDS FUREVER!!!

We hope that makes you happy Miss Sharon – here’s your badge!!

I was FIRST COMMENTER on the Easter Teaser of April 16, 2019! YAY FOR ME!

Good for you Miss Sharon!

Then we got down to business with waiting for the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser photo………..here’s the photo one last time:

This is the Plaza de Armes in Lima, Peru   

We actually had a Teaser in 2018 from Lima but it was NOT this view of course – we thought this might fool everyone and it didn’t but only one of you mentioned the mysterious blue orb in the photo – that was actually courtesy of our Graphics Department which put a blue blob over the Peruvian flag because it would give it away!!!

WHO guessed it right first????????



(in case you wondered – that was a double drumroll)

Miss Csilla of Kolytyi !!

Congratulations and here’s your badge Miss Csilla:

I was First Right Guesser on the Easter Teaser of April 16, 2019! Whoopeee for me!

Several others guessed correctly – each of you get one of these of your very own:

I guessed correctly on the Easter Teaser of April 16, 2019 BUT I wasn’t the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER…..oh well….I tried!!

And if you guessed but were WRONG……..here’s your Easter Greenie!

I guessed wrong on the Easter Teaser of April 16, 2019 but at least I TRIED!!!!

Let’s give everyone a BIG HAND shall we????

YAY WINNERS (and losers too!)

Cheer Team – you’re up next!

Ricky Ticky Hello Honey
You all deserve an Easter Bunny
He’ll visit you and bring you candy
But your performance on Teaser was very dandy!
First Comment from Sharon and she was the “only”
She was early – we hope she wasn’t lonely!
Then we waited for our next winner of the day
We hope you all enjoyed our Easter fun
We tried to make it cool for everyone!-


Now – who wants to know who the winner of the EASTER BONNET contest was????????

WE DO!!!!!!!

OK – but before we do that we have a little badge for all of you swell folks who entered the Bonnet contest…………………………..

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest – it was a blast!   It was also a close race but there was only one winner:

Here are the results so you can see how WELL everyone did:

Easter Bonnet Allie 10 12%  
Easter Bonnet Phenny and Nelly 8 9%  
Easter Bonnet Katie Isabella 9 11%  
Easter Bonnet Noelle 8 9%  
Easter Bonnet Raz 7 8%  
Easter Bonnet Timmy Tomcat Family 7 8%  
Easter Bonnet Prancie 14 16%  
Easter Bonnet Valentine 10 12%  
Easter Bonnet Mauricio 12 14%

Congratulations Prancie from 15andMeowing!!!    We will be sending you an Easter Surprise soon!

Again, thanks to our wonderful friends who entered – your hats were SPECTACULAR

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Who’s Up For Easter Lunch?????

Congratulations to Prancie and ALL the entries – everyone looked amazing…..at least you didn’t have to have eggs in your hair like I do.    Now are you ready to have lunch?    Good!


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Enjoy your holiday everyone!  See you next week!  Your Professors


50 responses »

  1. concats to da teaser winner and concats to Prancie! …miss d.looks not really amused… she hoped for a win too right? we better look for a helmet, miss d. is dangerous in good mood but an angry miss d. is… well special ;O)

    Liked by 1 person

    • We agree – Miss D can be a bit SCARY……just think of all she’s gone through!!!! Miss D looks NEVER amused so it’s hard to tell if she’s happy or mad!!!! Don’t forget to take your badge for being in the contest!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lots of congratulations needed this morning! Everyone in the contest looked hat-tastic.

    Congratulations on winning, Prancie!

    Congratulations Csilla and Sharon!

    I get a lovely Easter badge for guessing the correct place in the Teaser! 🙂

    But the Easter Greenie is so pretty and my Greenie collection isn’t complete without it. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • So did you Miss Katie Isabella…..very much the beautiful Easter lady……..there were some GREAT hats in the competition!!!! Don’t forget to take the “I WAS IN THE EASTER BONNET CONTEST” badge !!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Congrats to Csilla and Miss Sharon! Prancie thanks everyone who voted for her. I am so happy she won 🙂 She had a lot of competition as everyone looked fantastic. Great cheer ladies! Happy Easter to you all. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations to Sharon and Miss Csilla! Wow you were early and smart in that order. We tried with our bonnets family but maybe next year we pick one cat to model. Yes, Rumpy, everyone loves Peeps and yes you probably would have won… Sigh.
    Thanks Miss D for a great Easter meal and as always thanks professors for a really fun Easter Teaser! We will take our Greenie and show it with pride as we Tried!
    Timmy and the Easter Crew


    • Thank you all for being in the Bonnet contest………we thought with so many very cool hats you’d win but you never know what people think do you! Anyway, you tried, and you got a badge for trying AND a Greenie too!

      Love, Teddy


  5. Oh. My. Cat!!!!
    I think the difficulty with this teaser is twofold: first I was convinced (as were others!!!) that this pic was taken in India, and I also thought that it should be a palace. I checked several keyword combinations including ‘mountains’, ‘palace’, ‘castle’, ‘India’, ’tropical’, ‘catholic’, etc. Then, I tried ‘exotic’, too, and found a pic showing a building with a somewhat similar style. This directed me towards churches and first Portugal, then Spain, and, thirdly, to South America. And after a while, I found it!
    I think the menu in the canteen is impurrfect. Tumbled eggs with nice pieces of colourful eggshell (rich in calcium!) á la Miss D should be added to ALL meals.


    • Concatulations Miss Csilla! You sure used your detective skills on this one! Lots of investigation led you to the RIGHT SPOT on the globe. Thanks for being such a loyal Teaser fan!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. CONCATS to the winners of the teasers and to Prancie for winning the Easter Bonnet contest. I kept telling Mom that the bunny ears she put on me is not a bonnet, but she wouldn’t listen. Tee hee hee. Thanks fur letting me enter your contest, anyway Teddy! Happy Easter, pal!


    • You looked FABULOUS in the Bonnet contest Valentine and we truly thank you for entering- don’t forget to take a copy of the badge that says you were in the contest – you deserve it!

      Hugs and Happy Easter,
      Teddy and Mom too


  7. And here I thought the double drum roll was for me spotting the UFO. Anyone can guess the correct location of a prison, but not many have the super sight us squirrels have when it comes to spotting invading aliens…


  8. Congratulations to ALL the winners, including Prancie in the Easter Bonnet contest! It was very close because they all looked so festive and cute! The winners for the Teaser…Sharon and Csilla did great! Lots of winners! I saw the blue blob, I figured it was on the lens.


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