Tuesday Teaser Time


Hello Students!  Have you COMMENTED yet?  

Good Morning and here we are on another Tuesday ready to study a photo until we get eyestrain.    The photo today is kind of easy on the eyes but still we believe it’s a toughie – maybe you will have a different opinion on that but we’ll see in a few minutes!

First of all – we hope you commented – the only two who we know did NOT comment were the two that the Security Guard found in the boys bathroom doing what bad hooligans do the world over………….

Honestly guys – don’t you know that is a VERY bad habit to have????  HMMM?????

Shame on them!

Well – BOYS WILL BE BOYS I suppose however I understand the Principal said this is their last warning before they will be expelled.   YIKES!

Today’s Teaser is not a GUEST TEASER remember – but we still have rules to follow no matter what……..here they are along with a REFRESHER on the badges you can win today:

I’m REALLY hoping for a RIGHT GUESSER badge this week…….REALLY!

Let me remind all of you that we are having an EASTER BONNET contest……….to enter (and yes there will be a prize and voting!) just send a photo of you in your Easter Bonnet to me via email BEFORE April 14th.    We will vote for our favorite bonnet on he 14th and 15th then announce the WINNER during TELL ALL class on April 17th!!!     Exciting right?    RIGHT??????    We’ve already received TWO entries – don’t be late!

How about we check in with our PAWSOME Cheer Team.   They are already in the spirit of Easter – EARLY for sure but so what.   They look cute and they do great cheers so I say more power to them.   Girls – come get this crowd whipped into a frenzy to guess the Teaser today!

Here we are all EASTERIZED
We’re lookin’ good so feast your eyes!
Today is for Teaser though so we hope you’re ready
Don’t disappoint the Profs, Angel Sam and Teddy!
Tomorrow we’ll be back to cheer the winners
Then we’ll head to the cafeteria for our tasty dinners
Good luck to you from we slick chicks
Now get to guessing and make it quick!

OK girls – thanks for getting everyone’s blood pressure up – now we’ll bring in our security guard with today’s CHALLENGE!!

I need a diaper change before I can concentrate!

I’m from the diaper department…….


Reporting for duty – here’s today’s TEASER photo!

Where was this photo taken??   Hmmmmm?????????

NOW while you burn up your little brain cells concentrating you have a choice of either staying here in the classroom to stare at the Teaser photo OR coming to the cafeteria for lunch.   Hop in line if you’re ready to eat………otherwise we’ll see you at TEASER TELL ALL tomorrow!

Greetings students……please enjoy your lovely lunch prepared with TLC by our cafeteria staff!!


See you in class tomorrow students!   Your Profs……….


A special Pee Ess……….HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY MARG of MARG’S ANIMALS!


73 responses »

      • Happy birthday to Marg.
        I blew up the photo and can’t see any clues apart from it being somewhere that gets a lot of snow! I am sure it is not somewhere I have been.
        Still no notifications, and I did threaten WP last night.

        Liked by 3 people

        • I think it is Europe, it looks slightly Bavarian to me, or maybe Switzerland, even Austria. Do you get the feeling I am clutching at straws!!

          Liked by 3 people

          • I should have clutched those straws more firmly. I didn’t get chance to come back for ages and then I eventually found Garsten Abbey and prison in Austria. But I have been well beaten to finding it.
            At least Evil Squirrel will be happy it really is a prison this week.


  1. Is that the Prison, Garston Abby in Garsten Austria. Yep. Dad was locked up there as a double agent sniffing out a counterfeit Kæstur hákarl ring.
    Thanks fur the cheer and wow Miss D you really have the grub today. Line up family and get what you like as I have to run to get it done.
    Purrs Professors
    Timmy and Family

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brrrrrrr! That must be the cold and snowy Canadian national prison located in the far out reaches of Nunavut. This cooler houses some of the most notorious inmates from the Great White North… which explains why there are only a few lights on in the facility since there are no bad guys in Canada. Among the gang of hoodlums who help shovel the walk in the Canmax are Moose McGraw, who once took a donut from Tim Horton’s without paying for it. Fred Frostbite, accused of treason for daring to eat American bacon. And then there is Mr. and Mrs. Bieber because unleashing their menace Justin onto the world is one of the most ghastly crimes to come from above the 49th parallel.

    BTW, I find it funny that Miss D always makes something special for Kismet. I think she has a crush on that lovebird…

    Liked by 2 people

    • We did not know that there are no bad guys in Canada….! Wish we could say that for the country on the other side of the border down south. Every Tuesday we learn something new from the Squirrel! If Ding Dong Sheep School ever decides to add a “Prison Identification” class to its’ curriculum – purrrhaps Professor Squirrel would teach it??????? Miss D and her cooking have been “much maligned” by Kismet and STILL she insists on trying to win that burd-brain over with special gourmet seed meals. Sometimes persistence pays off….not so sure about this time though!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wee are furinallee here Teddy. Mee asked LadyMew where shee thinkss this place iss an shee said “Graz, Austria!” Like shee reelly knowss, mew mew mew….shee iss so cute isn’t shee??
    See you tomorrow…..
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  4. Well, lots of peeps have already been here, and we almost forgot it was even Tuesday…sigh…petcretary had to work last night, so her brain cells are rather addled to say the least. And since we are now in the springtime, and the grass is actually showing to be green (oh, no…that means lawn mowing chores are looming…), well, we think that place looks like too cold for us right now, MOL/BOL! And though it looks magnificent, we really have no idea…and no time to snoop for clues. either…oh well…tomorrow when we get here late again, we will be informed!

    Happy Birthday to Marg!


  5. WoW! We don’t have a clue where that is! But it sure looks cold, And LOOK at that food! Chicken parmesan For me and Ninja!
    Ninja is laying on his Daddy right now so I will say Hi for him too!


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