Teaser Tell All


Still clearing snow out front of the school – WHEN WILL SPRING BE HERE???


Yesterday was kind of a whirlwind wasn’t it……………we had a lot of ground to cover here at school – not just Teaser but also Professor Teddy’s big day and Miss D’s not so great date.

The Teaser yesterday was an interesting one we thought.   Our Graphics Department provided the photo and thought it could be just about “ANYWHERE”………….and the guesses showed that you thought that too!

“Anywhere?” – what country is that in????

Well not literally ANYWHERE but SOMEWHERE and the SOMEWHERE was difficult to figure out.   HOWEVER someone DID figure it out and we’ll tell you WHO in just a minute.   BUT FIRST:

Thanks to everyone for making my birthday so special!!!!  

Now, let’s talk about who was the FIRST COMMENTER yesterday shall we?    I know that’s usually a big clamoring mess of students waiting to mow down the front door of the school and be inside FIRST.    This week was no exception.   We have THREE First Commenters to honor today who were all within the first minute we went LIVE yesterday:


CLOWIE, PIX, and OLIVER/CALVIN that’s who!!!!


All of you get one of these of your VERY OWN!!!

WHEE! I was one of THREE First Commenters on the Teaser of March 5, 2019!

Then we waited to see what kind of guesses would come in and we’re talking BEACHES ALL OVER THE WORLD!!!    There weren’t a whole lot of hints available in the photo BUT someone DID figure it out…………wanna know who?????    Well, we’ll tell you but first here’s the photo one last time:

This is a photo of beautiful Long Island, New York.    A most interesting area and if you’d like to know more, CLICK HERE !

Who figured this one out FIRST?

Well I know it wasn’t ME!

Our First Right Guesser was:

JACKIE from Two Devon Cats!!


For you!

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of March 5, 2019 – good for ME!

Did anyone else guess Long Island?   Well, not as of when we worked on this post, BUT if you were lucky enough to have figured it out too, then you get one  of these:

I guessed RIGHT but I wasn’t FIRST to guess RIGHT on the Teaser of March 5, 2019. Still, this is a pretty cool badge!!!!

And those of you who tried to guess the Teaser this week but had WRONG guesses……….you know that we still honor you for TRYING:

I was wrong with my guess on the Teaser of March 5, 2019 BUT I tried and that makes me a winner anyway! So there!

Congratulations everyone!

I was wrong but still got a cool badge….I need to polish up my Sherlock skills!

I’m already excited about NEXT Teaser…..maybe I’ll be FIRST!!!!


Wasn’t that a splendid Teaser?    If you’d like to send us a photo that you think would make a good Teaser photo – please do!  Just email it to us and we’ll give it to our Graphics Department.   One day YOUR photo will be what the students agonize over.   It’s fun!

Can students send in photos????  I’ve got some doozies…….

YES INDEED!    Students are welcome to send in photos!


Who’s up for lunch?    Miss Dingleberry is over her disappointment at Blind Date #1’s rude behavior and is looking forward to Blind Date #2 next week.    Remember him?  You all chose him as the second guy for Miss D to meet:

We’ll just all hope things are BETTER with this guy than the other one right?     Now let’s see what’s on the cafeteria line for EATABLES today!

Hello Students…..hope you enjoy your lunch today.   Eat up!!  

Today’s Luscious Lunch:

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Your Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy


41 responses »

  1. Congrats to Clowie, Pix and Oliver & Calvin.
    Congrats to me too. When we were on the shore excursion driving down that road, it looked as if we were going to drive right off into the Atlantic in the distance. Luckily the coach took us back to Brooklyn so we could continue on to the Caribbean.
    After making a pig of myself yesterday I will stick to the bacon and strawberry salad today.
    I hope Miss D’s next date goes better.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I bet that was a nice drive on your excursion down Long Island……..it looks rather fascinating – it’s apparently the LONGEST island there is too which we didn’t know or realize. Hope you enjoyed that bacon/strawberry salad – sure did look yummy!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Congratulations Pix, Oliver & Calvin! Oh, and to me! 😀

    Tell Miss D that I will be her chaperone / bodyguard for the date if she so wishes. I’m very discrete. If we arrive before her date, I can position myself under the table so he’ll never know I’m there – that is unless I need to discuss his behaviour with him!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah I tell ya, I woulda bit this guy if I’d been along. Not nice! Miss Clowie says she would go along and protect Miss D from weirdos for Date #2. Maybe we should take her up on the offer!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Congrats to Clowie, Oliver and Calvin and me, too! And congratulations to Miss Jackie!!! I will have to come back after breakfast and check the link for the Teaser picture. Maybe Miss D will be pleasantly surprised this time. I am going to take the fried fish platter to go. The shower and bathroom redo will be history in a few hours after Steve puts the fixtures on. Just the glass doors in two weeks!


    • Oh how exciting…..humans spend a lot of time in their bathrooms (!!) so I know having one that’s “el primo” and FITS their likes and must-haves is wonderful. My Mom and Dad have both said that. Their bathroom is GREAT but could be improved but they say that about everything in this house (except me of course!). Concats to you for being a Firstie this week – that’s not easy to do is it!! Enjoy your fried fish platter and say hi to Iris (and the others!).

      Hugs, Teddy B
      p.s. Mom says send photos when you can………OK?


    • Me again-my big fingers hit enter before I was done. Congrats to the clever and quick guessers. I would have never come up with Long Island. I actually went to Long Island once to film a commercial, I think it was in Dix Hills. Glad you had a nice birthday. XO


      • WOW……that’s exciting being in a commercial!! My Mom lived in Levittown, NY when she was a wee little girl and was often out on Long Island but doesn’t remember a THING. Of course she can barely remember yesterday either! HAHAHA

        Hugs, Teddy


    • Yes you were right – exactly right! YAY!!! My Mom hates it when she has to change doctors – ANY doctors……it’s important to be comfortable with your doc – actually we pets feel the same way about our docs…if we like them we are more relaxed. How dare these people RETIRE!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. This teaser gets a greenie. The answer doesn’t conform to the rules. “Lon Gisland” doesn’t cut it. It isn’t a town. Not only are there MANY towns on Lon Gisland, there are four counties there (Queens, Brooklyn, Nassau and Suffolk). Anyone guessing Lon Gisland would have been ruled incorrect. (You’ve been caught in a L.I.E.-Long Island Expressway).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Kismet………I was going to ask you if you had a camera fastened round your neck and you did a fly-over to send in this photo for Teaser but I guess since it’s Lon Gisland and a little far away from where you are in the snowy desert, it wasn’t you. Dang.


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