Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Time sure is flying by…………..have you noticed?   Wasn’t Christmas just yesterday??  No?   Well, it seems like it to me!    But here it’s already VALENTINE’S DAY.    Sure got here fast didn’t it.    Well, I’m very thankful that I can say HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to Brian for hosting this great hop and to everyone else who is seeing my blog today.    Thanks for being my friends and here’s my Valentine’s Card to you all:

Today is also all about being Thoroughly Poetic and my Angel brother Sammy knows all about that…………he’s the Resident Poet on my blog…………and I have his poem for the week to share with you below.    I hope you wrote one to celebrate Valentine’s Day too?  If you did, let us know in comments and give us your link so we can visit and read your poem!!!!


It’s Poetic Thursday time friends…….and Happy Valentine’s  Day from the Bridge

Last week’s inspirational artwork has been on my mind all week – it’s an extraordinary bit of artwork that expressed what I would call unconditional love in a beautiful way.    I always felt unconditional love from my Mom and Dad when I was with them……..they let ME be ME and that was certainly an expression of unconditional love.   Now granted, I was a good boy – I never got in trouble or did anything bad or mean.   I was loving because that’s all I knew and all I experienced for 17 years with them.   I only felt sick for the last year or so and even then, I didn’t take it out on the world….I just did the best I could and so did Mom and Dad.     But this photo I gave you SPEAKS to that “feeling” I think.     Here’s the photo from last week and my poem to go with it.

“Lasting Love”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell     February 14, 2019


When I told you that I loved you

It came right from my heart

I thought it was forever though –

It felt right from the start

But then as time went by I saw

You thought there should be rules…..

You can’t do this, you don’t do that

I felt like a carpenter without my tools!

My love for you had no strings attached

I was wide open with my feelings

Perhaps that’s why the day you left

It sent my heart a-reeling.

The rules I found were JUST FOR ME

You could do whatever you wanted

The castle of love I’d build around us

Became so lonely and so haunted.

Love shouldn’t need conditions

It should be accepting, honest and true

I found that out after we parted ways

When my life puzzle found THE CLUE.



OK – time to “fess up”…………..that poem was actually written by my Mom.   I let her write it because she wanted people to know that if they HAD love and lost it, or are looking and haven’t found it yet, it’s NEVER TOO LATE.     She learned that herself!      Me?   I never knew anything but love and I want my little brother Teddy to grow up that way too.    He sure picked the right Mom and Dad to learn about it.    Unconditionally.

Ready for next week’s photo???     Give this one a whirl and see what you can come up with!

I love this painting by Norman Rockwell – reminds me of how exciting it is to see SOMETHING popping through the soil !      Let’s see what you do with this one shall we?   

Hope you decide to write a poem this coming week to share with us next Thursday.  Meanwhile:



Thank you Angel Sammy………………………I’ll look forward to you sending me an email this coming week with another poem.    It was nice of you to let Mom write this week’s poem.

Love, Teddy

56 responses »

    • Enduring love is the best kind but sometimes love vanishes in a puff of smoke because it really just wasn’t what you wanted it to be! Mom found that out as do many people. She and my Dad have said before they wish they’d both met WAY before they did because it would have saved both of them some heartache. BUT we know that all things happen for a reason. We hope you and Mr. Ivor have a REALLY special Valentine’s Day!!!

      Hugs, Teddy ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Oh we just love your poem today…it’s a perfect pairing for the beautiful artwork! We hope you have a lovely anniversary/valentine’s celebration…….love is FOREVER!

      Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too) ❤


    • Glad you like the poem……I started thinking in the middle of the night that I shouldn’t have done a personal poem but a “Teddy’s World” kind of poem – then I thought WHY NOT?! LOL

      Love ya girlie


  1. Your mom is a great poet just like Angel Sammy. I am glad she found her true love with your Dad. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all. XO
    PS: Next week’s photo reminds me of my hubby gardening 🙂


  2. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and everyone at your place. Sending love across the miles and all the way to the Rainbow Bridge for sweet Sammy. So happy you and Sammy adopted your folks.


  3. bacon nator; yur momz takin credit for yur werk; which bee awesum bye de way..984 pawz up on thiz weekz poem

    ted a natorz: a happee heartz day oh lovez frum all oh uz in de land oh trout two ewe mom N dad ♥♥♥♥♥ ☺☺☺


    • Dear Tabbies of Trout Kingdom…..glad you liked Mom’s POME. She poured her heart out on that one didn’t she. Well, that’s why I’m staying away from romantz – who needzit?! We hope all of you have been having a FANTABULOUS Valentines Day. It’s been nice here – I got to have TWO outside walkabouts today because it wasn’t eleventybillion degrees below zero for a chance……it was in the 40s so I was a happy dood.

      Sending you all hope for bacon, fish, and lotsa hugs


    • Mom says thanks for the compliments on her poem – funny but it wasn’t AT ALL what we thought we’d see from Angel Sammy this week – but it was nice he let Mom “tell it like it is” too!! Hope you and Katie had a LOVE FEST for Valentine’s Day too!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Whatever happened to us before that day we got our forever is as you say forgotten….once we know true love and safety (and regular meals!) we relax and become our true selves!!!! Adorable and happy little kids right????

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Pam, I knew as I read the poem that it was yours and not Sammy’s. And I can totally relate; though, my parents were the ones who failed me. Excellent poem. I did write a poem, but I am getting here so far past the fact, I am not putting a link. Hugs and love, Janet


    • Hi Janet……….I realized the minute I saw where the poem I was writing was headed that it certainly wasn’t from Angel Teddy this week. BUT he let me use his space for my message because I was hoping it would reach a lot of people who “knew” the same feeling. Turns out it did (!!). I loved your poem and all of the poems people did for Poetic Thursday this past week. Angel Sammy sure finds some food photos for us doesn’t he?

      Hugs, Pam


  5. I’m sorry sorry we’ve been so terrible at visiting, Teddy and Angel Sammy! We are having so much fun with the poetry challenge every week. We are all ready for tomorrow, using this fun image as our guide. Purrs!


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