Friendly Fill-Ins!


Friday – time for Friendly fill-ins!    This is a Hop co-hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs and YOU can join us if you like!    We get four sentences with blanks and all we do is fill them in and SHARE our sentences.   Amazing what you can learn about someone you know (!).    If you want to join – click the badge above and do it!!

Mom and I both filled in this week………………my fill-ins are GREEN and Mom’s are BLUE.


1. Looking back, is a monumental project for me at age 71 – there’s a lot to look back on BUT I wouldn’t change ANY of it.

2. Chocolate is a treat I give to myself.
3. A new skill I want to learn is NOT running off if Mom lets me go outside without my harness – I’m a big boy now – I’ll be THREE in March – I’d like to go out WITH Mom and Dad but not be “tied” to them (the chances are slim this will ever happen though!).
4. One bad habit I want to stop is breaking my favorite fish toy – it’s in two halves and I like to bite it and pull it apart then hide the parts – Mom gets frustrated looking for the parts so I SHOULD stop doing that!!!.
There you have it – sentences filled in by me and my Mom……………..Thanks to our co-hosts we’re starting another year of filling in the blanks.    Even if you think you know EVERYTHING about someone – you usually don’t!    This is a fun way to find out things about each other.   Join us!

Hugs, Teddy



42 responses »

  1. I wouldn’t change anything either, but I prefer to not look back as there are too many “what ifs”.
    I am a chocoholic and I think I treated myself too much over Christmas and New Year. My doctor probably won’t be very pleased next week as they always weigh me at my appointments. Maybe I should starve myself until then!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m thinking I need to do the same thing – starvation after a very Chocolatey Christmas!!!! I really did get a lot of chocolate this year…..I try to resist but when it calls me I’m hopeless and helpless!

      Hugs, Pam


  2. It’s tricky to stay if something interesting catches your attention! I know this because it happens to me all the time. That’s why I usually have a biped attached to me when I’m out and about. 😀


  3. Thank you both for these fantastic fill-in answers. I do more than treat myself to chocolate, I consider it a food group 🙂 Teddy, it would be nice if you stuck by your folks outside. And you are too funny hiding the fish parts. I think you are playing hide and seek with your mom. Have a wonderful weekend! XO


  4. I think all our parents are chocolate monsters. I heard mom say that she was actually looking forward to NOT having rich foods and desserts and getting back to the normal for her. More spartan things. NO one forces her to eat those delicious things but she is unable NOT to eat them…poor thing.
    XOX Katie Isabella


  5. No off leash Teddy…it can result in scary days.
    Kat (on my blog today) went for a walkabout in late November…he was gone for 5 days.
    Came home limping and very tired and his tummy was messed up. Off to the vet he went.
    Limp was he strained something and tummy was probably due to some weird things he ate and drank. That is why he now has a harness and leash.
    Hugs Cecilia


    • That’s what my Mom says…….and I’m fine with that. I sure don’t want my peeps to worry! I’m glad Kat was OK……like Dorothy said “there’s no place like home!!!”………LOL


    • Oh indeed BellaDharma, I’m going to turn 72 this year and my husband will be 75 – neither of us can believe it but here we are. Your LadyMew looks very young with her beautiful long hair and no wrinkles like my Mom has!! My Mom says she’s “earned” her wrinkles though whatever THAT means! Whatever their age though they are beautiful in spirit and THAT’s what matters anyway!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Meow meow Teddy yore Mumma an PawPaw look far younger then inn 70’ss. LadyMew has sum fine wrinkless butt shee usess moisturizer twice a day…a lot of it, mew mew mew….an LadyMew sayss shee too earned efurry silver white hair an wrinkle an iss gratefull to bee alive (as many of her frendss are gone…)
        An mee stick ’round to keep her companee now!
        Yore rite ’bout their spiritss!!! 😉
        **purrsss** BellaDharma


  6. Teddy, we wish you luck in learning to not be tied to the leash. But it’s hard when there’s so many things making you want to run. 🙂


    • There’s no way I’ll EVER be off leash although in his later hears Sammy was. He had no interest in exploring or wandering – he just loved lying in the sun with Mom or Dad in a chair reading……

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Teddy, we have the same wish, hope, dream, but being Siberian Huskies, we know it will never happen. Mom says we would be miles away in short order.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  8. OhMyGosh Virginieeeeeee, looking back there were a lot of things that were good and that I loved but I would change so much! Teddy, I know you have heard it enough probably but the leash is a must! Well, maybe a little rest under a bush would be okay if your Mom or Dad was right there. Z loved to be free with me being a helicopter Mom hovering over her. I love this picture and edit, Teddy!


    • Even if I were “harness-less” one of my parents would always be with me……Sammy only did that in his later years – he didn’t want to wander and liked being close to the house. I’m still dragging my Mom and Dad all over the place on my leash but have become MORE attached to my house, front porch, back deck and yard CLOSE IN. Mom would prefer I not wander to the bottom of the front yard – why? Because it’s all UPHILL when we come back up and she gets out of breath. HAAAAAAA!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Love your answers! The first one hit me, with a perspective of 68 years looking back. We both have stories of life without TV, coffee dispensers, stockings, phones, and of life with books, newspapers, playing outdoors using our imagination. We are blessed to have seen this part of the years when everything has changed, and many times.


    • YES – exactly – life is truly what you make of it. Kristiina, you and I have come a long way in life and seen/done a lot and as long as we keep our “excitement” about being here and living life, we will be able to go with the changes and challenges that come our way.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Teddy, we really, really like this arty photo. Please turn it into a puzzle. All Mom Pam had to do was write, “chocolate,” and our Mom went for the dark chocolate peanut M&Ms. Teddy, we suggest just getting a couple of extra fish to have around for emergencies. Love and many hugs. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  11. Looking back can be fun. Sometimes we get together with people from our past and remember days gone by. We usually remember them differently than those around us. Have a blessed new year.


    • While I have way more to look back on than to look forward to (at least “years-wise”!), and lots of fond memories of times passed, I focus on what’s ahead as an adventure into the unknown – kind of like being a member of the Enterprise crew (haha).

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Fantastic fill-ins from both you and your mom, Teddy! Mmmm. Chocolate. This here human loves chocolate, too. And isn’t it so tough sometimes not to break your favorite toys, Teddy? The kitties around here have some favorites that are very often getting repaired because they loved them just a little too much. Purrs, and warm wishes!


    • Well I have a toy that is in two halves and it falls apart OFTEN thanks to me chewing on it. Mom has bought me TWO of them and one of them has just about had it! Mom is still eating her Christmas chocolate – she got a LOT of it from friends and my Dad because everyone knows she’s got a THING about it!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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