Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday!    Today is TWO FOR ONE day here on my blog.    We always join Brian’s THANKFUL THURSDAY Hop – you can too if you click the badge above!    Then we also have Angel Sammy’s Thoroughly Poetic Thursday as Part TWO of today’s post.

First comes being thankful though.    Today I’m focusing on thanking YOU – that’s right – YOU.   All of you who are faithful followers of my blog – who write to tell me that you love Teaser Tuesday and all the craziness of Ding Dong School……the ones who say writing poetry on Thursdays was something they never, ever thought of doing before but now they look forward to it.    Why am I thankful?   Because I enjoy having my blog and if you didn’t like what I do, I wouldn’t do it!   So I’m thankful for YOU.    I’m also always thankful that Brian has this HOP every week so we can all share.

Angel Sammy’s weekly email with his poem and photo for next week came in RIGHT ON TIME so below, you’ll find the message I received which really is for ALL of us not just ME!


Greetings Poetic Friends!!

Time for us to gather together and have some fun with poetry.    You all know every week I give you a NEW photo to ponder and agonize (!) over as inspiration for a poem that you will write and share on Thursdays when I share MY poem written with that photo in mind.    Photos can be very inspiring and it’s so much fun to just let your imagination go crazy and write what you see or feel when you look at a photo.     If you wrote a poem be sure and tell us you did in our comments here so we can VISIT YOU!!

Here’s the photo I gave you last week, followed by my poem based on the photo:

“Climate Change?”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell     November 7, 2018


So many things change for us over time

More rain has been falling and temperatures climb

Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and fires

It seems we’ve awakened Mother Nature’s ire !

Floods bring loss of life, homes, jobs, and land

Beaches erode with storms stealing the sand

The seasons used to be defined, predictable and true

But lately it’s changed – I feel it – don’t you?

Is it too late to reverse it or is this just “one of those years”

When things are unpredictable and we needn’t have fear.

The signs are all there and we shouldn’t ignore

Mother Earth is pleading with us on every continent and shore.

STOP and think where we’re going…..before it’s too late

We can’t ruin this earth………and just leave it to fate.


Well I can almost hear you saying “Angel Sammy this is another rather dire poem!!” – when I usually like to write something upbeat and fun but honestly, I have to say that those of us at the Rainbow Bridge have been looking on and wishing we could do more to “hold Earth together” in just about every way including weather!    But of course we can’t.   Humankind has to help.   So that’s what I thought when I saw this particular photo…………………WHAT DO YOU SEE?   WHAT DO YOU FEEL?  

Here’s the inspirational photo for NEXT week’s Thursday Poetry Challenge – I kind of think this will be a bit more FUN and less SERIOUS than this week don’t you???

There you have it – inspiration for poetry for NEXT week!   Until then I hope you will have a super week………………….Thanksgiving is coming soon……….then – CHRISTMAS!   Wow…..time flies.     I became an Angel in December 2016.    Could it have been that long ago?     Seems like yesterday…………Mom says that too…………..   ♥

See you next week my friends………..

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love forever, Angel Sammy



Thanks Angel Sammy and thanks to all of you who took time to write a poem and join in the Poetic Fun every Thursday!    See you next week right here to SHARE some poetry!

Where did all these leaves come from????

Hugs, Teddy

58 responses »

    • Oh Angel Madi you wrote a brilliant poem for Angel Sammy’s photo this week! We love it………..the seagull needed a “voice” and you did that while everyone else focused on the water……..WELL DONE!!

      Love, Teddy


  1. We’re thankful for YOU, sweet Teddy….and your pawrents and your angel brother, Sammy! My “assistant” (Motor Mommy) has been a bit lax lately on blog commenting, and somehow she completely missed that photo last week for the poem today. (I’m going to have to have a meow or two with her…)
    Love, Sundae


  2. The human race have not treated our planet well. Changes for the better are urgently needed.

    Your picture for next week made me think of the song “High Hopes”! 😀


    • That’s EXACTLY what my Mom thought when she was that photo for next week! “Just what makes that little ole ant………..” !! This beautiful planet of ours needs all the help it can get that’s for sure!

      Hugs, teddy


  3. That was a terrific poem! We’re always thankful you are carrying on Angel Sammy’s traditions Teddy, it’s always fun and we wouldn’t miss a post. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  4. Teddy what a good poem you made for us. When I saw the picture last week, mom and I just spun our wheels thinking about it. You came through for us though! XXX


    • Well I know Angel Sammy will be happy to read your comment Miss Carole and Katie! It was a very interesting photo and lots of people had different ideas about it – which is JUST WHAT SAMMY HAD IN MIND!!!! Next week’s photo is very cool don’t you think? I bet you and your Mom could write a poem for THAT one!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Angel Sammy’s poem is sad, but true. Next week’s poem photo looks like fun. I am thankful for your blog, I know your Mom puts a lot of work into keeping us entertained. 🙂 XO


    • Well Mom does her best and I try to cooperate as much as any cat could (hahahahaha). So glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem. It was sad but it’s sad what has happened to this beautiful place we live in too!

      Love, Teddy


    • What a sweet thing to say…….I’m so very thankful for all my friends both IN cyberspace and not in cyberspace…friends make the world go round. The photo this week sure inspired some good poetry didn’t it?!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Hello lovely lady, David and ginger moggies (yes I will always think of Angel Sammy) apologies for lack of communication the My Three Moggies household is always busy and with my volunteering running groups I rarely post/ blog like the old days. So happy to see your still entertaining the masses and cannot believe Teddy is 3 already WOW. Anyway big hugs and promise I will post a christmas card Love you xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Shell! Long time……I know how busy you are with your marathons, running and volunteering but I still think about your “boys” including Ben (and Craig) and hope everyone including you are doing well. I saw your blog post about Oscar – so happy he’s OK. I bet they miss you when you’re gone. Hope everything in the house is working and redone the way you want it to be now. Sending all of you hugs of course – I don’t think I have your new address but can send you Christmas card if you email your address to me??????? Hugs………from me, David and Teddy too.

      Love, Pam


  7. Sammy, your poem was very thoughtful. We think those denying climate change just have their heads stuck in the sand. Maybe, the reason our mom didn’t like her mom is because it too has a hint of the “dire.” We worry what will be here for future generations. Next week’s photo really does look like it will produce some fun poems. Here is the link to ours for this week.
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Your poem was also thoughtful and I think it really stirred people’s thoughts a lot – Angel Sammy probably knew it would (!). Thanks for being a dedicated Poetic Thursday participant – your poems are always just WONDERFUL.

      Love, Teddy


  8. Angel Sammy’s poem is very thought provoking. The weather throughout the world has been more upside down than usual this year and it is worrying that it will get worse unless the population start to think what their actions are doing.


    • SO TRUE……and Angel Sammy couldn’t help himself with the photo this week and thinking about what it could mean. Hopefully we can loosen up a little with next week’s photo! (tee hee)

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. We are faithful readers of all your Teasers and many of the poems others write for today. Mom needs to start giving it a try too.

    We agree with all you say in your poem. Something/someone has really confused Mother Nature. We need to do all each of us can to make it right. It is snowing here today and so many trees still have all their leaves. We can see them bending under the weight of the snow on their leaves:(

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • There were some wonderful poems this week weren’t there?! My Mom and I would love it if your Mom would give it a whirl one week when the photo is “just right” to inspire a poem for her! Poor Mother Nature is having quite a time trying to put bandaids on all the problems humans have caused isn’t she. So you said on your blog you thought there would be snow and there is! No snow here yet – we hope your Mom is CAREFUL taking Lightning out for his walkabout.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Hi Cupcake……Angel Sammy stays busy up there but not too busy to give us a little THOUGHT OF THE WEEK. I hope everyone enjoys his poems as much as I do……we’re glad you liked his poem this week!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • We can see things that peeps THERE can’t… trouble brewing, storms coming and of course the fact that the earth is a mess!!! The RB gives us a perspective that apparently those right in the middle of things just can’t grasp!

      Hugs, Angel Sammy


    • When my Mom lived in Clearwater in the late 60s/early 70s it rained in the morning then cleared up for afternoons. But one thing was ALWAYS a sure thing and that is when it DID rain, it was over quickly and the sun was right back out again. Here we have DAYS of rain and wet and damp and clouds and DREARY!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. That little old ant sure is inspiring and so is your blog. I am thankful to you because a visit to here always leaves me filled with hope, laughing, smiling, learning a thing or two… always leaves me with something positive. Climate change… I wasn’t sure of it a ways back and now it seems to be the real deal. I see that Teddy notices that the super sucker will be coming out of the garage. CH mentioned yesterday that he would be done with hoovering leaves back in MO right now because this is the weekend that starts off deer hunting there. He didn’t miss hoovering leaves on bit this year… 🙂


    • Well this is the very first year that Mom and Dad have someone ELSE hoovering the lawn! Finally my Dad has decided it’s too much work for two old people to do and now our landscaper is doing leaves. He hasn’t been in a few weeks and the lawn is CARPETED with them which by now if Mom and Dad were doing it – would be all SUCKED UP. We think maybe next week they’ll come. Problem is we’ve had a lot of rain – these leaves need to be DRY before hoovering or even blowing! WE NEED SOME RAINLESS DAYS!

      Hugs, teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Teddy, we’re also so very thankful for wonderful friends like you! We never knew if we’d enjoy blogging, but then we started and met this wonderful community of kitties and cat people, and we couldn’t be happier. Angel Sammy, that image for this week was so profound, and your poem is so very poignant. Thank you for always hosting this wonderful challenge! We can’t wait to write a poem for next week’s fun photo!


    • Angel Sammy seems to try to get a variety of photos as inspiration and sprinkle things with some fun along with the serious! You always have a way of making any photo a fabulous adventure. Mom says when she started blogging in 2011 she had no idea that she’d have more than a few who wanted to hear about Angel Sammy’s adventures but just look at us now – amazing. We think next week’s photo will bring some GREAT poetry.

      Love, Teddy


  12. Ngel Sammy yore poe-em iss beeuteefull am so rellly-vent! LadyMew ree-cycless an ree-usess an iss furry conscious of not makin too much garbage. Shee pickss upss garbage an ciggie buttss on thee lawnss out front. An shee not smoke….
    Butt shee LOVESS Mother Earth an does her bit to keep it cleen. An shee takess care of THE littel red mapull tree our front too!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


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