TEASERWEEN Tell All and Costume Contest Winner!





Good Morning Students!    I know that today it might be a little troublesome finding a seat at a desk that isn’t already “occupied” by some kind of Halloween creature or decoration, but do your best!    We have Teaser Photo contest results and badges to award AND we have the winner of our TEASERWEEN 2018 Costume Contest to announce.    So it’s a busy morning!

I’m excited but the classroom is a little SKEEERY!

Do not be afraid……..just sit back and enjoy some Halloween fun!    Later on we will be visiting the cafeteria for our official HALLOWEEN LUNCH and Miss Dingleberry will be there to greet us with a rather frightening menu as you would expect for a Halloween meal.

Now, we must say again like yesterday that it’s wonderful so many of you dressed up for this occasion…………………you look fabulous indeed.

I think we’ll begin today with our TEASER EVENT from yesterday.    First of all we must congratulate the Student who was our FIRST COMMENTER!    Up bright and early and alert enough to be the ONE AND ONLY FIRST COMMENTER too!


Sharon of Friends Furever!

I was FIRST to make a comment on the TEASERWEEN blog from One Spoiled Cat on October 30, 2018!!!   WOO HOO BOOOO!

Concatulations to you Miss Sharon!    Then the Teaser photo was the next challenge and here’s the photo we had for our Halloween TEASER………………..

We waited to see who would figure this one out – we had a lot of peeps who guessed it was taken in Transylvania…..and indeed it looked spooky enough to have been BUT it wasn’t!    This is a photo of one of the TEN MOST HAUNTED PLACES IN THE WORLD…………..This is “Schloss Moosham”  (the Witches Castle) in Salzburg, Austria.

Built over 800 years ago, Moosham Castle looks like something straight out of a horror story mixed with a fairy tale. It is often referred to as Witches Castle, and the reasons are pretty clear. This was the location for the trials and executions of thousands of women who were accused of being witches. Now, their ghosts walk the corridors; the blend of witchcraft and ghosts is terrifying for anyone who ventures within.

However, the supernatural activity does not just end with witches and ghosts. The dead bodies of deer and cattle have been found in the area surrounding Moosham Castle, leading to speculation that it could be werewolf territory, too!

EEEEEK!!!!   Talk about spooky – so who guessed it FIRST???

CSILLA of Kolytyi !


Here’s your Special Badge Miss Csilla and concatulations!!

Now everyone settle down and we’ll let you know about the TEASERWEEN COSTUME CONTEST results………………

Alright students – settle down! 

Sarge you make a great Pablo Picasso………..well………….sort of!

We had a LOT of votes for the costume contest (110 to be exact!)  the voting was very close too……..!!   Everyone who entered really did an amazing job with finding a SUPER costume, but the students who received the MOST votes were:


Phenny and his brother Neilson!!   They look delicious don’t they???

Here’s your well deserved badge!!

Our winner will ALSO be receiving a SURPRISE PACKAGE OF GOODIES from Ding Dong Sheep School’s Professors – if our winner would pretty please email us their correct address we will send the goodie box ASAP!!!!


We Professors thank all of you who entered AND all of you who voted – this was TONS of fun!

I wuz gonna dress up in normal clothes as a non-gangsta but I couldn’t unplug my earphones……..

Let’s bring in our wonderful Halloween-costumed CHEER TEAM to announce our winners formally shall we??????

Four ballerinas and aren’t we cute!
We almost wore our birthday suits!
The Teaser was tough and the contest was fun
We’re here to honor the TWO that won!
First Commenter Sharon was on the ball
The second we went live she was ahead of you all!!
The costume contest was close but there could be just one winner…..
And Phenny and Nelly were dressed to look like our DINNER!
We’re proud of you all because you all looked so good –
The best costumes for sure in this whole neighborhood!!!


I bet by now everyone has worked up quite an appetite and I know Miss Dingleberry and her cafeteria crew are going to have some special Halloween food for you to eat today – even better than yesterday’s FUN STUFF.     So shall we head down to the cafeteria??????

Hello Students and Professors!   Today’s lunch theme is “SOME LIKE IT HOT” and our cafeteria crew has a nice hot lunch with some interesting items available for you to enjoy.   You all look great in your costumes…..I hope you like mine too!


Move along Oscar….you’re holding up the rest of the lunch line!


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While we all enjoy our Halloween Lunch (and recover from seeing Miss Dingleberry in her costume) may we wish all of you a very super duper HALLOWEEN……..and above all……..be careful trick or treating!

Your Not-so-Scary Professors!!

51 responses »

    • They looked good enough to eat didn’t they? I suspect there would be a few upset stomachs should that be tried but who cares. Today is a day of upset stomachs with too much candy and weird things to eat!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. omd omd omd ist that true? we won?… oh my da Nelly is over da moon… now his furst howloween is super duper special!!!! YAY! the mama was too late & too late yesterday, we will give her a trick and no trat for that. And we say concats to miss sharon and miss csilla!!!! happy howloweeeeeeen!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAPPY HOWLOWEEN OVERLOOK TWINS! You certainly made the most delicious looking hamburger and hot dog EVER! Mom has sent you an email…..we will get that surprise package ready for you lucky boys!!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  2. Congratulations to Sharon and Csilla!
    Congratulations to Phenny and Neilson!

    I thought everyone that entered the costume contest looked amazing.

    Funnily enough, I’m not really hungry after looking at the menu today.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats to Miss Sharon, Csilla, and to Phenny and Neilson! This is a jam-packed post today! Miss D leaves me speechless. The spaghetti and mice meatballs… dy-ing!!!! LOL LOL!!!! Those are the cutest Halloween foodables ever! Happy Halloween to all!


    • Miss D certainly knows how to shake things up doesn’t she? Who knew what was underneath all that baggy cafeteria clothing?! Maybe we really didn’t want to know???? We thought of all the food on the cafeteria line today, the spaghetti and mice meatballs looked the most edible. Happy WEEN to you too!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  4. Congrats to Miss Sharon and Miss Csilla and Phenny and Neilson !! I must say Miss Dingleberry looks better than Marilyn Monroe 🙂 And she outdid herself with the food. And you cheerleaders looks great! My Sammy wants to join. Happy Halloween! XO


    • Miss Dingleberry certainly caused quite a stir. I think there are some most interesting items on the cafeteria line today….and we have complimentary airline barf bags standing by! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. That’s one castle we never want to visit! Congrats to Phenny and Neilson…they look delicious! Have a Spooktacular Halloween, Teddy!


    • They are treats good enough to eat (well, maybe not WEIMburgers or WEIMdogs but REAL hamburgers and hot dogs anyway!). Thanks for entering the contest – everyone did VERY well – Phenny and Neilson were just a few votes ahead of the crowd!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Happy Halloween guys! Many Congrats to Nelly & Phenny!

    We thought the castle looked Transylvanian fur sure, and we loved ‘your not so scary professors’ line, absolutely brilliant MOL MOL

    Wishing mew a spooktacular evening ~ MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The B Team xox


    • Hi everyone! So absolutely totally wonderful that you stopped by. The castle was very Transylvanian-ish but fooled us all didn’t it. We sure had fun this year with TEASERWEEN…….we also had fun with trick or treaters this year with more than usual and BETTER costumes too!! Hope you had a fun night as well……….

      Sending Post-Halloween Hugs,
      Teddy and Mom too


  7. Booooooooo! Baaaaaaaaaaa! I mean, concatulations to Miss Sharon and Da Phenny & Da Nellie! I’m still quite shocked by Miss Dingleberry and the fact that in this case, the Graphic Department’s hints were not misguiding!


  8. Congratulations to the winners of the first to post, Halloween costume winner, and teaser winners. There was a lot going on at your place today. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Halloween.


  9. So assuming that photo isn’t Shopped beyond all recognition, we know Miss D is capable of shaving her legs. Would it kill her to run a razor across her face every once in a while. It would save the school district a hairnet…


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