Sunday Selfies


WOO HOOOOO!!!!   Sunday is here and all of us get to do a selfie to share with the universe courtesy of our hosts the Kitties Blue!    Wanna join us?  Good- just click on the badge above and do it.   Then you’ll be one of the in crowd.   Tee Hee

My selfie today is a FLASHBACK.    Not that I have a lot of years behind me to flash back on but Mom didn’t have any NEW photos of me so we’re flashing back to the Sunday Selfie we did on September 17th last year………MY HOW I’VE GROWN!    hahahaha

The fact of the matter is that even though Mom used this photo as my Selfie in September of 2017, this photo was taken about a week after I was adopted from the shelter by my parents in February, 2017.   I was still in the “am I the luckiest kitty in the world to live here or not?!” stage.   The answer of course was YES YOU ARE – but here I am lounging on Angel Sammy’s favorite fleece blankie and no doubt I was dreaming about him – wishing I’d known him.    Now here’s what Mom did to that perfect fine photo of me to “artify” it up for that Selfie.    I prefer THE un-artsy version above myself!

You need sunglasses to look at this Mom!   What were you thinking?    Well, if you’re inclined to want to do a puzzle – I did one for you but something tells me it would be frustrating other than around the border.   Know what I mean?    Who’s for FRUSTRATION this Sunday?   Here you are:

Just click the mini-photo and have fun!

Speaking of Fun – Have a FUN Sunday!   

Love, Teddy


57 responses »

  1. Definitely a crazy but lovable stained glass window effect going on there this week. It will make for an awesome jigsaw though! But of course your flashback is best, as you are the one and only Teddy, Teddy!
    Toodle pips and purrs


    • Hi ERin! Yeah it is kind of a Gauguin-ish effect and all those colors make me dizzy to see but Mom thought it was “cool”….not sure what that is! Anyway, glad you enjoyed the flashback. A year is a long time isn’t it?!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Aw, yes, you were in the early stages of learning just how fortunate you were to be adopted by your wonderful pawrents! Motor Mommy says she remembers how very excited she was for all of you when that happened!!
    Happy Sunday to all the Kimmells!
    Love, Sundae


    • I sure did work hard at the shelter to make Mom and Dad want me. Mom says she remembers how I was hugging her legs and doing happy dances – I just wanted OUT of there and I did my best to let them know I was THEIRS if they wanted me! I was lucky….so many aren’t.

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a joy that you were adopted and came home to your parents and all of us as well. Mom said she is going to look for a flashback picture too. Thank you Teddy for being here with us. XXXX


    • Oh I just love flashbacks……I probably haven’t changed in the way I look from back then but it’s hard to tell my size in that photo. I think I weighed 8 lbs. and now I weigh 21. What a difference a year and a few months makes huh? HAHAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  4. Teddy, you mom turned you into a picture of fall, which will soon be here. We, too, like you in your original furs best, but Mom will definitely give your puzzle a try. Thanks for being our friend and faithful hop-along. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I think that was the only time Mom used that particular art filter……Fall is right around the corner – some leaves are coming down here already! Glad you like that old selfie – we didn’t have any new stuff to share on the Selfies this week!

      Hugs, Teddy


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