Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday



First up for us today is being THANKFUL with our friend Brian – we all post what we’re thankful for lately and share our posts by joining the Hop -you can do that too if you click Brian’s badge above and fill out the LINKY form.   Why not – I’m sure you have something you can be thankful “out loud” for!

What am I thankful for today?   One thing is that in spite of the ridiculously hot and humid weather, my Mom and Dad continue to indulge me by taking me out on my harness for walks – actually we don’t do a whole lot of walking………I just take them down into the edge of the woods where I get underneath a forsythia shrub and lie down to watch through the foliage as birds and squirrels run by or fly overhead.   It’s like watching TV.   Very entertaining.   Mom and Dad can sit on the swing/bench there and hopefully NOT get bit by mosquitoes (sometimes those sprays just don’t QUITE keep up with the bugs!).    I’m also thankful that Mom got my reservation at Paws A While Pet Hotel CONFIRMED for when they desert me go away for a few days in October.   I love the place – I was there LAST year when they went away and those Sisters sure know how to spoil me!

I’m also thankful of course that we got an email from Angel Sammy which contains his poem for this week AND a photo for next week.    He said in a “P.S.” to me accompanying the poem that he hopes more of you decide to give writing a poem a try.   I hope you take him up on that challenge!!

Here’s his email to us……………..


Hello Poetic Friends!!  

You know that August 28th was Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day and I just want to say one thing……… all spent the day recalling your pets of the past who were no longer with you and who were residing where I am here at the Bridge…….well, just so you know, up at the Bridge, all of US spent the day remembering all of YOU and wishing we could be with you again.   Love goes both ways you know.   One day we’ll all be together.   Believe it.

Now on to happier things – POETRY!    Did you write one this week to go with the photo I gave you to use as inspiration?    I did!    Here’s the photo you were to use to write your poem and following that is MY poem.   If you wrote one yourself – BRAVO!    Please give us a link to your poem OR write your poem in our comments.   

“The Long Rest”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell     July 29, 2018

When at last our long rest arrives

We don’t want tears in our loved ones eyes

We hope they know we are in a beautiful place

Our youth returned, smiles on our face

Our pain is gone, our infirmities have left

The only difficulty we have is to have you bereft

Don’t be sad because we are physically gone

We’re always there – from dusk to dawn

We’re by your side – we’ll kiss your cheek

We’re on the wind – no need to speak

In dreams at night we’re busy too

You’re NOT alone – we’re there with you

Our time had come when we had to leave

It broke our hearts to see you grieve

Remember one day we will welcome you here

It will be a joyous reunion – so have no fear………………



I hope this won’t make any of you SAD who have recently lost someone in your family be they human or animal because the leaving is painful but where we are, we are happy and waiting for the day we’ll be together again.   The statue in the photo above is so beautiful – and she looks like she’s merely asleep……..resting peacefully.    Someone put flowers in her outstretched hand – but believe me – SOMEONE was there waiting to take hold of her hand and welcome her “home”.

Now how about a photo for next week?    See what you can do with this one for inspiration!!

Can you say HAPPY????   Oh yeah…………………I’ll look forward to meeting you here NEXT WEEK and we’ll share some poetry OK?    Join in the fun – everyone can write a poem – doesn’t even have to rhyme… can be in ANY form too.

I hope all of you have a terrific week ahead.    My little brother Teddy talked about his “Thankfuls” for the Blog Hop with Brian and I have a thankful to add of my own.   I’m THANKFUL that all of you are continuing to stop by Teddy’s blog and join in the fun around here…….with Tuesday Teasers, Poetic Thursdays, Bacon on Saturdays – lots of fun to be had around here I’d say.

See you next Thursday everybody…………………….hug someone you love today.   You’ll be happy that you did and so will they!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Sammy


Gosh Angel Sammy – I liked your poem this week but then I like your poems EVERY week.   Thanks for taking time out of your busy duties at the Bridge to bring us a poem every week.   Gives everyone ELSE a chance to be creative too!




44 responses »

    • Your poem today was absolutely AMAZING……..and we really loved reading the story in the link you gave about the “fortune” for staying a year in the tomb! WOWZERS…….Thanks for always being with us on Poetry Thursday – all of us including Angel Sammy appreciate that……………

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I don’t do a lot of walking when we go outside either, usually, Teddy – I just like to sit there and watch the birdies. Binga, on the other paw, has a big dose of wanderlust and tries to go places my human would rather she didn’t!


    • Hi Summer! I know my Mom would prefer I just go out and stay in one place but while I do that SOMETIMES, there are other times I want to explore the whole yard. It’s been tough on Mom and Dad with this horrible heat and humidity but I think I must be part LION ON THE AFRICAN PLAINS because I LOVE all the heat. LOL

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Teddy, yes, you’re lucky that your pawrents are so good about taking you out for your strolls in ANY weather! That was a beautiful poem from Angel Sammy, and a fun pic for next week!
    Love, Sundae


  3. OMCs we too are thankful that in spite of the horrid return of the 3H’s you are able to get out a bit.
    My mom is so allergic to skeeters…she has type O+ blood and it is a scientific fact they love folks with type O blood. Even spray doesn’t work

    Bravo Bravo to Angel Sammy on the most lovely poem telling us how beautiful it is OTRB
    Hugs madi your bfff
    my poem is here:

    We love next week’s photo


  4. What a lovely and true poem for us Angel Sammy. Every word was loving and every word was true. WE have nothing to fear. Only joy. Love you sweet boy and Teddy too. XXXX


  5. Love the poem and I am glad you are getting some outside time. That is so good for you. We are going away too in October, for our anniversary. I hope your parents enjoy their time away.


  6. You are truly blessed to have folks that love you so much and spoil you Teddy. That was a beautiful poem by Angel Sammy, sad, but beautiful. I am still working on the puzzle from Sunday. XO


  7. You probably have never had somene read from Boston ,Uk . And here I am an 8 year old who does a blog and follows you. I have 2 cats one who has gone missing ;( and the other a british shorthair who is at home safe.


    • Hello! I would love to follow your blog but I didn’t see a “FOLLOW” button. I will look again. I’m so sorry that one of your cats is missing – it’s very sad and I hope she will find her way back to you. It’s wonderful that you are only eight years old – blogging is TONS OF FUN isn’t it. We’ve had our blog since 2011 so our blog is almost as old as you are! We only have one cat now named Teddy and he’s a very BIG two year old cat. Our other kitty, Sammy, is in Kitty Heaven now so he’s an Angel but he STILL stops by and visits us from time to time. I hope you will visit us again when you can. I read that you are moving so you might be busy for a while but stop back one day when you’re able to.

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

      Liked by 1 person

  8. You and your mom and dad are so lucky to have each other, Teddy. Do you like autumn walks, too? Do you chase fallen leaves? We can’t wait for autumn to finally arrive. Angel Sammy, your poem is beautifully profound. It is so very comforting to know that all of you angels are watching over us. Thank you for hosting this wonderful poetic challenge each week!


    • Thank you for being part of our Thursday Poetic Challenge every week – you never fail to “knock our socks off” with your wonderfully creative poem-stories. This one is no exception – the detailed descriptions always put us RIGHT IN THE MOMENT and we can see everything through your words. Yes I ADORE ADORE ADORE Fall but I like being outside in almost ANY weather including pouring rain. YES I’M WEIRD but maybe instead of WEIRD, I’m unique????

      Love, Teddy


  9. Sammy, that is a most wonderful poem. Even when the humans know those who are called “home” and know they are happy and healthy, it is so hard to say, “good-bye.” Even though they can dream of a smile, a kiss, a touch of the hand/paw, the waiting to be together again is so heartbreaking.Thank you for reminding us that we will have that reunion. You know what Mom is thankful for today…that you started this poetry day, as it is her favorite thing to write. We are all, especially Mau, sending you love up in heaven. Mom did write a poem today and here is the link: http:/www./
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Your poem touched us – all the poems that people wrote this week were very special in fact so I’m glad Angel Sammy chose this photo for us. It reminds us all that there is MORE………saying goodbye is always hard but remembering one day we’ll all be together helps so much. We’re happy you like poetry day as much as we do!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. We think your poem is perfect for today (for any day actually, but with the funeral for John McCain today it is extra special). The loss of a loved one is always so sad, but time heals and the beautiful memories win out over the grief.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • You are right – time does heal and if we remember that all our Angels are waiting for us to join them one day when our time has come it makes it easier to deal with loss. We thought the photo this week was beautiful……we sure read some amazing poems from others today!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Yes it is a nice place and they spoil me. I like being spoiled – I think Angel Sammy did too………come to think of it, my Mom would like to be spoiled but that’s up to Dad!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • So happy you liked Angel Sammy’s poem this week….it was a kind of sad one but happy as well because it’s a reminder that one day all of us will be TOGETHER in a beautiful place………like the lady in the photo.

      Hugs, Teddy


  11. What a beautiful and touching poem from Angel Sammy. Teddy, enjoy your walks outside…sadly, it won’t be long before you won’t be able to do that…with the changing seasons. 🙂


  12. That is a lovely poem from Angel Sammy with an equally lovely message.
    I am glad you are getting lots of outside time, Teddy, even if you prefer to lie under the Forsythia.


  13. Those kids sure look happy. We cats like to lay under the azaleas and the dogs like laying on the porch. That was a lovely poem from Angel Sammy but it did make us kinda said thinking about all our angels.


    • We realize that the photo was something that might cause sadness but the beauty of the statue maybe transcended some of the sadness which we saw when we read some of the poetry that was done for the photo. It gave “Rest In Peace” a real visual to focus on as well. A truly beautiful monument to find in a cemetery. We enjoyed your haiku!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


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