Sunday Selfie Hop


It’s time to Hop………..and we’re ready to do just that!    Hopefully we’re hopping with a bumper crop of other hoppers today – will you be one of them?   All you have to do is click The Cat On My Head badge above to go to our host’s blog and  fill out the LINKY TOOL.   Come join us!

Mom was dashing around the house this past week capturing me in my “signature” nap pose.  On the bed, on the floor, wherever it was that I became overcome with the SLEEPIES and did the belly up, Mom was there.   She never gets tired of that.   Obviously she has a tummy fixation!

Here’s the latest – this was me minding my own business this morning waiting for her to finish her shower so she could give me a SINK DRINK.

Just for funzies, Mom went back a year ago almost to this day and found this photo of me which you’ve seen before – taken August 4, 2017………just to compare the two photos.

I MIGHT have been a couple of pounds lighter but already I was making it known that I was going to be a BIG BOY…………..!   I say it’s just MORE OF ME TO LOVE!!!    Here’s Mom’s Lunapic version of my newest bed shot…………and of course a puzzle if you’re a glutton for punishment!

Lunapic’s “WATERCOLOR” art effect……Mom “toned it down a little” though as it was too bright for your eyes!   Here’s your puzzle:


Hugs and Happy Sunday



52 responses »

  1. You are such a cutie. I would love to snorgle that adorable tummy. Do you let your folks snorgle it?
    Thanks for the puzzle, I am off to do it. 🙂 XO


  2. Teddy, what’s not to love about a ginger belly, and yours is scrumptious. Do you let your mom snorggle it? The art came out terrific, and Mom will definitely do your puzzle. Right now she is doing one she made from Astrid’s selfie. Hope you get several walkabouts on this beautiful day. Sending lots of love to all. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I do let my Mom rub my belly but if she tries the snorgle I will grab her head and pull her hair! I don’t run away though so she seems to think that it tickles so much I can’t stand the snorgle. HAHAHA Anyway, I try to be very patient with my parents – Daddy talks kind of loud so when he gets real close to me to talk to me I pull back a little and he thinks I don’t like him. Mom is quick to point out cats have excellent hearing so no need to get close or talk loud! Geeeesh! I have been out TWICE already and Dad is taking me out NOW for another go round. I know he’s filled the bird feeders so I will go back there and hide under a bush to spy on the visitors to the feeders. Tee Hee Hope you have a wonderful day in Roanoke-land!

      Love, Teddy


    • Oh Miss Caren she doesn’t paint any more….but I think she is going to pick one of my photos to get printed on canvas – then I can be on the wall next to Angel Sammy………the Ginger Twins forever!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  3. You have a lovely tummy, Teddy. Flynn used to lie like that too and i couldn’t resist snorgling every time he did it. I’ll be back later to do the puzzle.


    • We cats know that our tummies drive people crazy – that belly up position is interpreted as a “come and get me” position – it’s like a trap – it works every time! 😉

      Love, Teddy


  4. Teddy yur so-o fotogenick mee furend! An Lady Pam yur artwork just getss better an better!
    Hope it iss not too *hot* there…it iss turribull here…PHOOEY!!! 😉
    ~~~head rubsss~~~ Siddhartha Henry~~~


  5. Teddy! You always make my Mom go all squishy and then she always wants to cuddle me! I think it is the belly shots! And Are you really any bigger? I think you you look terrific dude!


    • Marv I’m maintaining at 20 lbs. so haven’t “grown” (fortunately for Mom)….if I did, she might not be able to carry me around because as it is, she gets out of breath carrying me from the bottom of the yard to the top of the hill. She has to do that sometimes when I decide I simply DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK INSIDE after I’ve been out for a while. Poor Mom. I tell her that I am her BEST piece of exercise equipment!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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