Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Here we are on another Thankful Thursday.   Our friend Brian has this Hop every week so we can all get together and celebrate the things we’re thankful for!   If you’d like to join in and tell the world your “thankfuls” – just click the badge above and fill out the LINKY tool.   It’s great to really give some thought to all the things we’re thankful for and share.    This week I have a weird thankful.   Believe it or not I’m thankful for all the SKINKS who have invaded our yard!

They are great fun……they’re SO fast – too fast for me to catch them but I sure do try.    They like to hang out in the stone wall of our stone garden – also by the azalea bushes on the side of our yard, AND under our front sidewalk!    Under the sidewalk you ask?  Yes because over the 21 years Mom and Dad have lived here since having the house built, it has settled a lot and there’s a bit of a space under the concrete sidewalk where the front porch stairs are.   Dad has put concrete blocks in to cover up the space but those skinks are sneaky – they can get through the tiniest spaces.   They love to tease me – they stick their heads out and wait for me and then disappear when I get to them.   So why is that a thankful thing?   Well it gives me HOURS of entertainment – I am NEVER bored – and it’s just as wonderful as bird or squirrel TV!

I also have to say I’m thankful that Angel Sammy came through for all of us again with a poem for Poetic Thursday………’s what he sent to me via email to share with all of you!


Hello friends and fans of poetry.   It’s time for us to spend a little time on Thursday sharing our poetry that’s been inspired by a photo…….you see a photo and all kinds of things go through your head.    It’s easy enough to put your feelings or thoughts into a poem because poetry is flexible – it doesn’t have to rhyme – it’s just an EXPRESSION so I say GO FOR IT.   Be brave and write a poem.   Maybe you have?   If so, please let us know in our comments here so we can read yours.   I thought the photo I gave you last week was FUN and I hope your poem was fun to write too.     Here’s the photo I gave you……………

Here’s my photo-poem – then I’ll give you another photo to study until NEXT Thursday when we will all share our poems again – Deal?  

“Tiny World”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell    June 14, 2018


On the forest floor there’s another world

Rich moist soil, tiny ferns unfurl

The inhabitants of this place so fertile and small

We don’t see as we walk through destroying it all

Tiny flowers, tiny homes, tiny burrows and plants

Home to worms, little insects and millions of ants!

They hurry around on a mission of survival and toil

As they build their stockades out of pebbles and soil

They survive in groups, defend their own, and pillage and loot

Then a human comes along with big feet and destroys it all with his boot!


HA!  I bet you didn’t see that coming did you?    I guess I don’t normally write humorous poems – but I couldn’t resist.    I hope you’ve written one too?  

Here’s next week’s photographic inspiration.    Study it for a whole week then share your poem with us NEXT Thursday.   I bet you can come up with something great if you just give it a try.  

This will be a good one don’t you think?    I’ll look forward to having a little poetic fun with you next week.    As always, it will be a busy week ahead here at the Rainbow Bridge.   I am sure most people think we Angels just sit on our clouds and sleep the day away but we are always busy;  on guard watching our families, teaching things to the new arrivals, learning from the wise ones who were here when we arrived, and WAITING…………waiting for our families so one day we will have a big reunion!   

Have a good week my friends……………………………

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Angel Kisses, Sammy



Gosh Angel Sammy I like your poem today.   It was such a surprise ending!    Mom says sometimes when she’s crunching her way through the woods she wonders what might be under those layers of leaves…..what kinds of small worlds she’s walking on top of……and hoping if she destroys something, the “inhabitants” will rebuild.    I promise to be a good boy in the week ahead and will look forward to your next transmission from the Bridge.

Hugs to everyone…………Teddy



41 responses »

  1. That poem made petcretary feel sorry for all that we trample on…purposly or not…

    I love how your skinks play hide and seek/peekaboo with you!!

    Look at all those aprons…MOL! Must have been a lot of dirty jobs that needed those…that’s way more than petcretary has:)


    • We love next week’s photo – aprons are pretty and whoever these belong to must do a lot of cookin’ and bakin’ and I bet the kitchen smells fabulous all the time!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. oh that is su sweet to imagine such a small worls… like the village of the smurfs ;O))) …think next week neilson can write the poem… he just did the laundry… but the mama is not happy…


    • UHOH….. Neilson did the laundry? I’m a little afraid to ask how that turned out!!! I haven’t tried doing the laundry yet – I’m a little afraid of the noise the washer and dryer make.

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Oh skinks are very cool – they’re small lizards (some not so small ones too!) and they run like the wind and hide in the dirt and in my garage which is where I chase them! Mom gets all screamy when she sees them but I think they’re great toys because their batteries don’t run down!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Ooh….my Motor Mommy does NOT like skinks….or lizards or any of those things. We don’t seem to have any in our yard (good for her sake, huh?). But that sounds like loads of fun to keep you occupied, Teddy!
    And we love the photo for next weeks poetry challenge; purrhaps Mom will be inclined to participate!
    Love, Sundae


    • It’s a vintage kind of photo for next week’s poetry challenge – your Mom should write a poem……we love the aprons! Skinks are everywhere this year and we’ve never seen them before…..strange they’ve decided to invade Warrenton!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. MOL MOL thankful for SKINKS that was too funny Teddy and Angel Sammy! And your photo of it would probably put lots of poetic images in your reader’s minds.
    I love love love the last line of your poem cracked us up. We love surprise endings.
    We have once again made pitiful stabs at 2 poems here
    Hugs madi and mom


  5. Angel Sammy has written an excellent poem once again. I did like the surprise ending. And Teddy, those do look like fun to chase, but if I saw one, I would probably be shrieking. This artistic photo of you would make a fun puzzle. XO


    • Skinks are freaky little things – they move very fast and that’s the part my Mom doesn’t like… if they feel in danger they can “drop” their tails which is a bit weird even though they grow another one to replace it. Mom does shriek a bit when she sees one and if she ever sees that I’ve caught one I’m sure she will faint. HAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. OMGoodness, T. I didn’t know that skinks were a thing, but Mom googled it for me. Yikes! I’m glad you’re having fun chasing them, but I wanna say for the record, I hope you never catch one!

    Love and licks,


    • Cupcake I really don’t want to catch one either – just play with it…..They are so darn fast the chances of me catching one are TEENY. We have a wide variety of them around here – so many colors of critters.

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. I have heard of skinks but never seen them. We do get ordinary small lizards in ponds here. I can imagine how much fun they are.
    Another great poem from Angel Sammy.


    • We’re not sure what the difference between skinks and lizards are – I bet not much – maybe their coloring? Skinks seem to be pretty darn colorful – some have bright blue tails even! Glad you liked our poem this week – it was a fun photo for inspiration.

      Hugs, Teddy Bean


  8. We don’t have Skink TV around here. We’re really missing out. Great poem by Angel Sammy. Is the Tiny World where all the Tiny Homes are?


    • That’s a good question about the Tiny Homes and World…..Interestingly, there is going to be an exhibition of TINY HOMES at the Virginia State Fairgrounds this month – Mom wants to go – Dad says he’s afraid to take her or she will want to bring one home with her. HAHAHAHAHA

      Love, Teddy


  9. We are always trying to catch those tiny lizards we see on our walks, but it would be fun to try to get one of those skinks too.

    Angel Sammy, your poem’s ending caught us by surprise for sure. Thanks for the smile:)

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Mom and I didn’t know how our poem would end when we were writing it but it just kind of HAPPENED! Surprise endings are fun but that photo was absolutely wonderful to craft a poem around anyway. Glad you liked it!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. We bet those skinks make fun little friends, Teddy! We don’t have anything of their sort here in our corner of the world. Angel Sammy, your poem is such fun! I was so excited when I saw this photo, and the same goes for next week’s lovely image. Have a beautiful day!


    • Oh we can’t WAIT to see your poem for next week – but you really ALWAYS have the very best story poems ever. As for skinks – they are amazing little things and I caught one in the garage that “dropped” its tail which I guess is something they do when they are frightened or trapped. I didn’t mean to scare it – just wanted to play with it! Have a super duper weekend……

      Love, Teddy and Mom too


  11. Our poems were very alike with our mom writing about the big feet of humans. She says “Thanks” for liking our poem. None of us have ever seen a skink. You sure are lucky to have those to chase, Teddy, even if you don’t ever catch one. Here the link to our poem, if anyone is interested.
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We thought your poem was fabulous too… was a great photo for inspiration this week wasn’t it? Skinks are weird little critters and we have a bumper crop of them this year for some reason. Mom remembers YEARS ago when they first moved into this house she’d see one once in a while but never in the 20 years since until this year. Weird. I’m having fun with them though!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • GO OLIVE!!!!! I find them totally challenging. Mom laughs at me trying to catch one in the stone wall around the front garden. She says when I jam my paw in a hole between stones it reminds her of “WHACK-A-MOLE” whatever THAT is. 🙂

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Well skinks are a type of lizard but I think there is something a little different about these things. All I know is the two neighbor boys think they are fun and my Mom thinks they are gross and I think they are TOO FAST FOR ME!

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. That is a funny thankful . We wish we had skinks. We just have spiders but only until Fitz sees them then: Gulp, Gone!
    Love your poem too and maybe we can find time to get in on the fun. The count down to Dad retiring is 6 months Wheeee


    • I don’t chase spiders but other bugs definitely……oh yeah – no ants either – they’re mean. Skinks are fun – and FAST…….I’m just not quite fast enough I’m afraid but I’m working on it! I know you must be excited about your Dad retiring…..I’m happy my Mom and Dad are retired and “at my service” 24/7!

      Love, Teddy


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