Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday!   This is our “two for one” day you know……………first up we join Brian’s THANKFUL THURSDAY Blog Hop by telling our “thankfuls” for this past week.    You can join in with us by clicking his badge above and doing the LINKY form…………in the meantime I can tell you that I am VERY GLAD that my Mom saved me from a “difficult” situation yesterday.   I thanked her by giving her a big sloppy kiss after she rescued me.   And I didn’t squirm around in her arms when she picked me up and I am normally a world class squirmer.   That’s because I knew she’d “saved my bacon” …….what am I talkin’ about?   WELL, yesterday Mom and I were in the front yard and she decided while I was sniffing around in the grass and poking around in the leaves that she’d do a little weeding in the front stone garden.   She dropped my leash and pulled up some whopper-sized weeds then looked over at me and she saw that I had ventured beyond the EDGE of the front wooded area and through the big pile of leaves Dad blew in there last Fall……..I was dragging my leash behind me and headed right into all the sticker bushes/vines like I was TOTALLY FEARLESS.    Well, that didn’t last long because I managed to get into a spot that was so full of sticker vines that it was like being in a cage.    I couldn’t even MOVE!     Meanwhile Mom went AROUND all the leaves into a clearing and hiked through the deep leaves and other sticker bushes up to where I was trapped.   Yes I MIGHT have had a panic look on my face……yes I MIGHT have squeaked a little for her to help me…..yes she got scratched by the stickers as she pulled them out of the way so she could get me out……and I was so grateful let me tell you!    Poor Mom almost fell in the deep leaves though on the way out of there – but she had ME in her arms and she wasn’t gonna let go and managed to catch herself before she hurt herself (or me!).     See?   How’s THAT for a THANKFUL story this Thursday??!!

Now, onward to Part Two of today’s blog post and that’s presented by my Angel brother Sammy – it’s his THOROUGHLY POETIC THURSDAY day and he always emails via his Rainbow Bridge laptop a poem to share with all of you – based on the photo “inspiration” he gives us all the week before.   Every Thursday we have a new photo and we write a poem about the photo – what we see, feel, etc. when we look at the photo.   Those of you who are participating in this challenge are SO GOOD!    It’s so much fun to read your poems!

So without further delay, I give you the contents of Angel Sammy’s email !!


Happy Thursday Poets!

Hope everyone is ready to share a poem with us today – I have mine written………..after I share my poem I’ll be visiting all of yours so be sure to leave a note in comments that you have one for us to see at your blog link OR write your poem in our comments – either way you do it is FINE.    We’ll be anxious to read what you “saw” when you looked at the photo I gave you last week.

Here’s the photo followed by my poem!

“Market Day”

by Angel Sammy Kimmell     April 11, 2018

Listen to the calls of the market sellers

Shoppers huddle under their wet umbrellas

Fresh, new produce right from the farms

Customers purchases in bags hang from their arms

The aromas all mingle in the open air

Smiles on faces are everywhere

The best of the best all on display

Who wouldn’t want to shop this way?

In a commercial grocery you never really know

Is everything fresh as the stamped on dates show??? 

It’s hard to know how old those lettuces are

It’s hard to tell if those oranges are up to par

You can’t always ask for a sample to taste

At the farmers market you know your money you won’t waste

An open air market with sellers who care

The bounty of the earth they are eager to share.


Farmer’s Markets are EVERYWHERE.    You are supporting your local farmers if you purchase there, you make friends with people who are proud to show off the fruits of their labor, you get the freshest food at the most reasonable prices.    Farmers can tell you if their food is TRULY organic vs. a sign at a grocery claiming that.    Anyway, my Mom and Dad always try to visit the markets when they travel.    A loaf of fresh bread and a chunk of fresh cheese makes a very good snack while walking through a city or hiking a hill.    This photo is a great example of the FEEL of market day just about anywhere on earth that you can find one.    The Farmers Market here in our small town is every Tuesday and Saturday.   You can find my Mom and Dad there.   You betcha!

I have another photo for you for NEXT Thursday…………your mission is to write a poem based on this photo………you know the drill – and I can’t wait to see what you write!

So good luck writing a poem for this one………………………….!   I’ll have mine ready to share with you next Thursday.   Until then, have a wonderful week…………..I’ll be watching you from the BRIDGE!!


Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


Oh boy – I love the photo for next week.    Ought to be something to see what people write about that one………..scares me just looking at it!     See you all next week (or tomorrow!).

Love, Teddy

I love watching stuff come out of this machine!!

61 responses »

  1. You are indeed fearless! Almost as fearless as that guy in the picture jumping out of the plane with the huge smile on his face. He doesn’t know yet that his parachute backpack was packed with laundry instead of his chute… but we keep that a secret now so as not to spoil his fun. After all, you only live once…


    • HAHAHAHAHA……that guy does look like he’s not got a care in the world – – – until he pulls the ripcord……..!! Yeah I was pretty fearless in those sticker bushes until I realized that I’d gone so far IN there was no way OUT!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. I understand the need to seize the opportunity when adventure beckons, Teddy. I have been rescued by my bipeds on a few occasions! I’m glad you’re okay. With the benefit of hindsight, my best adventures have been the ones my bipeds have taken me on.


  3. Wow, Teddy…you got yourself into quite a sticky situation out in the yard, didn’t you? YAY for your superhero Mom coming to save you!
    We love Angel Sammy’s poem; Motor Mommy quite often goes to our farmers market with a friend. It’s only on Saturday mornings, though.
    And I think your Dad should help Sammy some with the poem for next week!
    Love, Sundae


    • HA! Dad would no more jump out of a plane than he would walk a tightrope in the circus!! Flying a plane and jumping out of one are two entirely different things. He does know guys who take jumpers up in their planes but when he’s up in the air he prefers to have a SEAT under him instead of SPACE! Tee Hee I think our Farmers Market here will be opening very soon….everybody in town gets excited about that.

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. Aargh! The dreaded sticker bush. When I get stuck in there, I stand perfectly still till Mom gets me out. Then she pulls stickers out of my furs and my sweater. I like the outdoor market because I am allowed to shop there with Mom. They have it at my park in the summer. And sometimes the farm lady gives me treats.

    Love and licks,


    • Oh Cupcake LUCKY YOU at the farm market! It’s nice to have a friend there who will slip you a treat isn’t it?! I think our Moms are pretty swell to brave the icky stickers to rescue us when we’ve done something – well – dumb. Normally we are smart as can be but once in a while our curiosity gets the best of us right Cupcake?

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • Farmers are the unsung heroes…..they keep our “engines burning” with all the wonderful and fresh food and help to feed the world as well. Most of them have farming in their families for generation upon generation so it’s more than “just growing things” it’s a LIVELIHOOD and a way of life. YAY FOR FARMERS!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. OH TEDDY! What an awful thing to get into. Thank goodness your mom saw you and of course came straight to you and saved you. That was a terrible thing for you and your mom too. I am grateful she didn’t go down in the stickers and that the two of you made it out to safety Our moms and dads will always come to our rescue every single time… we can count on it. XXX


    • Well Madi I felt a little silly having put BOTH of us in the situation but my curiosity got the best of me and the stickers got the best of BOTH of us! I’m just glad Mom didn’t fall – she almost did.

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


  6. That was a great poem. I love going to the farmers market too. It’s a good thing your Mom got you out of that sticky situation.


  7. That is a whopper of a thankful, Teddy. We are a bit curious about your poem (line #3). We never knew veggies and fruits could be frightening. Anyhoo, we love your poem. We have several farmer’s markets in our area. Mom and Dad need to go more often. We did write a poem today. Here’s the link.
    Thanks for giving us this opportunity each week. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • WHOOOPS! Mom corrected her typo – thanks for pointing that out! Frightening fruit and veg would make Farmer’s Markets a real horror story wouldn’t it. Anyway, we have just one market HERE but every small town around us also has one. There are so many things at ours that Mom never has to go anywhere else though. With all the farms around here, there is no shortage of “right from the farm” food.

      Love, Teddy
      p.s. We loved your poem today!!! AS USUAL!


  8. That is a good reason to be thankful Teddy. I am glad you and your mom are both OK after that ordeal. Excellent poem from Angel Sammy. Farmer’s markets have the best. My town only has 2 booths at ours , but I like the one in the next town which is huge. XO


    • I think there usually are anywhere from 8 to 10 booths/tables at our Farmer’s Market. On Saturday they have it in one of the public parking lots in town and on Tuesday it’s up by our local hospital. They have EVERYTHING even flowers, herbs, baked goods, and meats too. LOVE FARMER’S MARKETS!

      Hugs, teddy


    • I am going to avoid that whole area of the woods from now on. There were some good smells in there like rabbit and squirrel but it’s definitely NOT worth the stickers to smell that!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Mee-you Teddy that iss SUM story! You sure did end uppy inn a purrdicament! An mee can ‘hear’ thee fankfull rite thru thee Pee Cee. Mee iss fankfull fur all mee clothes so mee can walk out inn snow or rain or nice weather an all wayss bee warm an stylish!
    Angel Unccle Sammy furabuluss poe-em. Mee iss goin to rite a littul one:

    “Rainy Day”

    “There iss nuthin like a rainy day,
    to stay inndoorss an run an play!
    Let thee Hu’man’ss go out inn thee rain,
    play inn thee puddless down thee lane.
    Hu’manss LUV their market dayss,
    whether inn Sunshine or drippy haze!

    There sure iss nuthin like a rainy day…
    let’ss go zoomie, let’ss go play!!”

    bye Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


    • EXCELLENT WORK SIDDHARTHA!!! I love it AND I love rainy days. My Mom and Dad mostly stay home if it’s icky/rainy outside so that makes me happy to spend time with them. It is also nice to go outside once the rain stops because the grass tastes EXTRA fresh and good – just like a farmer’s market of my very own!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Now that is indeed something for which to be thankful, Teddy. Mom to the rescue! Angel Sammy, your poem is fantastic. Both the photo and your poem have me itching to visit our local farmers’ market now. And what a photo you’ve selected for next week. That’s sure going to be a wild ride!

    Thank you for hosting this fun challenge every week! We always look forward to it! (


    • We are SO happy that you participate in Angel Sammy’s Poetry Challenge every week. I know we’re not the only ones by far who can’t wait to see what adventures you will take us on with your “poemstory” every week. I think next week’s photo will be super interesting too. Our local Farmer’s Market opens up this coming weekend I think. Mom is excited about that!

      Love, Teddy


  11. Your Mom saving you… ♥ She loves you TeddyBean! Great poem Angel Sammy… so true about the goodness at the Farmers Market. After having no close access and little choice at the farmers markets now they are all around us and one that we can walk to. Always feel like for sure we are eating better when we buy from them.


  12. Wow, Teddy! We’re impressed with your fearlessness. But you also learned that sticker vines are not to be messed with. Another fantastic poem from Angel Sammy!


  13. Be careful Teddy, there is such a thing as being too fearless! Of course your mum would never let you come to harm. I don’t know what sticker vines are but assume they are very thorny like our brambles, and maybe hang down like vines?
    That is another great poem from Angel Sammy.


    • You’re exactly right…..sticker vines are brambles and some of the vines can be eight or ten or more feet long and they kind of wind up “curling around themselves” on the grounds and up into trees. Mom and Dad keep saying they “should” cut them down but it would be a big job. Anyway, I learned my lesson – no more “RAMBLING IN THE BRAMBLES” for this boy!

      Love, Teddy


  14. You are so lucky you have a mom that cares, Teddy. What do strays do in that situation? Also, Sammy, you are so right about farmers markets. We don’t have many farmer’s markets nearby but we do have some produce stands that I like to go to.


    • Know what? We thought about that (strays in situations like I was in) and decided that they probably realize their “Mom” or another human can’t help them and they just perservere and go through the thickets and brambles and suffer the consequences. Life on the loose has to be full of challenges and I’m truly happy I don’t have that facing me. I’m definitely one of the lucky ones!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Angel Sammy we enjoyed your poem as always. I have been trying to talk mom into us having a Farmer’s Market at the end of the growing season. She doesn’t seem interested. She is so stubborn! It’s a great idea though.



  16. What an adventure with the Sticker bushes! I would be thankful (and not squirm) if my Mom rescued me too!
    And we loved your poem about farm markets! Mom misses making her “stuff” and selling it at the markets and your poem broght back all kinds of wonderful memories and smells!
    Purrs and Love
    Marv and Mom


    • Oh all those things your Mom used to make always made my Mom happy to see and hear about. Maybe your Mom can have a patio garden and make SMALL batches of things… Mom used to have a patio garden in one of her apartments and she grew “miniature” versions of lots of veg – even CORN! Miniature corn was only three feet high! She never knew before then that there WERE such things. Anyway, I intend to stay AWAY from stickers in the future. Once was MORE than enough!

      Love and Hugs, Teddy


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