Teaser Tuesday, Pre-Christmas Style!


Students – remember to COMMENT before taking your seat!

If you are the FIRST to comment you are going to be the lucky recipient of one of our totally cool Pre-Christmas badges:

SO comment and hurry back……..the class clock is clicking and ticking!

tick tock tick tock

It’s the last Teaser Tuesday class before Christmas and I just know you are ALL very excited that by this time next week, Santa Paws will have visited you and either left you a big fat pile of coal if you were NAUGHTY or all kinds of wonderful presents if you were NICE!    But for right here – right now – we’re all about studying a mystery photo and figuring out WHERE it was taken OK?

We have a GUEST TEASER PHOTO  for you today………….we’ll tell you who sent it in and WHERE the photo was taken tomorrow for the TEASER TELL ALL, but your job for this class is to examine the photo and tell us WHERE it was taken.   The rules (again) are:

  1. Make sure and tell us what CITY/TOWN/VILLAGE as well as what STATE (if USA) or what COUNTRY (if not USA) the photo was taken in or your guess won’t count.
  2. Please don’t use some computer program to load the photo in and have the computer do your guessing for you – there are programs that will tell you that these days but we prefer you to use your eyes and brain to answer and make a guess OK?

Dear Miss Dingleberry in the true spirit of Christmas (or maybe because we paid her staff overtime??) will have Christmas snackables for all of us after class today – She takes good care of us doesn’t she?   Well……..you know what I mean!

The other exciting thing about today is it will be the FIRST time we have THREE CHEERLEADERS cheering you on.   Because we now have THREE, the girls decided to let Suzie write the cheers and all three of them will be doing the cheering together as a team.    Yes they will be loud – yes they will be ear-splitting – yes they will probably contain questionable words since (after all) Suzie is writing the cheers but let’s give them our support shall we?????

Suzie, Binky and Lucy – COME ON DOWN!

Here we are, just as cute as can be!
We used to be TWO and now we are THREE
We’re here to cheer you up
Two kitties and one pup
We might have your names in tomorrow’s cheer!
If you WIN then we’ll be quite sincere!
We’ll be happy you win a badge
Better you than Miss Crabby Madge!
Ra Ra Ree
Kick Em In The Knee
Suzie, Binky and Lucy
Our cheering is QUITE juicy!

Thank you ladies!  Binky – welcome aboard the CRAZY TRAIN otherwise known as Teaser Tuesday!

Now let’s get down to it shall we?    Our Security Guard will now bring in the photo that has been locked up for a week so there would be no peeks or cheats!


OK – it’s all yours now students………….where were these photos taken?    Here’s what’s up for grabs today:

Gosh Professor Sammy, even upside down I can’t figure the photo out!

Well give it your best shot!

By this time next week you will have been visited by Santa Paws – you will know by whether or not there is COAL in your stocking or toys if you’ve been BAD OR GOOD………….I hope you were GOOD.   Coal is nowhere near as tasty as treats!    We want you all to know how proud we are of your efforts in class and we wish you the very bestest of holidays!

Teddy and I will see you tomorrow for the TELL ALL!   

Meanwhile, enjoy your holiday snacks courtesy of our Ding Dong Cafeteria!

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Professor Sammy and Assistant Teddy

Munch, Munch, Crunch, Crunch, MMMMMM!!!!

100 responses »

    • Hi Chippy!!!!! You know this is a HUMONGOUS world we live in and it’s impawsible for us to be everywhere or see everything – we will definitely use up all nine of our lives exploring though right? If you have any inspiration as to where this might be – come back and take a guess though……….and if you don’t – at least you can have a burger and fries!! Tee Hee

      Love, Teddy


          • I think the right solution has been found while I made a beautiful walkie with my mom. We had sunshine and we met TWO kitties – my kitty friend and a “new” kitty. She/he is a tabby with two white spots on her/his back. First (s)he was quite shy but my woollen gloves did the magic and (s)he headbutted my hand again and again and purred extremely loudly!


          • Oh Miss Csilla how wonderful that you had a nice walk with your Mom in the sunshine. So you saw your kitty friend AND a new tabby too? Wool gloves are purrrrfect for petting and I just bet you were pleased to provide them to the new kitty……You were right that the Teaser was guessed – it was kind of tough but there were some clues in the photo!

            Hugs, Teddy


  1. I see what you did here!!!! You were trying to test me! See if I’ll call just any old building that pops up in a Teaser photo a prison and take my 43278902347890th Greenie in a row. Ha! I’m too smart for you! I very cleverly noticed that the background of this photo has been PHOTOSHOPPED! Yes, that chop job around that one potted plant looks like it was done by one of the remedial inmates. And of course, what has been carefully removed from this photo was THE PRISON ITSELF! Nice try, but you’ll never catch my brain sleeping from too much eggnog!

    Oh excuse me, I see Miss Dingleberry standing under the mistletoe. I need to go hurl….

    Liked by 3 people

    • Miss Dingleberry has been standing in that exact spot (other than for potty breaks) since last Christmas when NOBODY stopped by – did you notice the mistletoe is all dried up? It’s older than Miss D is! As for your guess – I bet that a prisoner could have done a better chop job on the photo than my Mom did……she whacked out a whole area because it would have given a BIGGER clue – maybe it was the prison she chopped?????

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Oh my goodness what a nicely manicured yard and lovely home. I think I could lower myself to live there – snorts with piggy laughter. Do I know where it’s at? Nope. Snorts with piggy laughter. XOXO – Bacon

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  3. Binky is quite adorable, and we are sure she will be an asset to the cheer team. Wow, we never expected Miss Dingleberry to get in a festive, holiday mood. Mom wants one of those peppermint floats. We think we’ll just hang around awhile, play with Teddy and “graze.” Oh yeah…the Teaser…no clue. Mom thought it was one of the mansions in Newport, CT, but if it is, it isn’t one she’s visited. Now that we’ve done our comment, she’ll see what others have guessed, and we’ll take our festive greenie. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We agree about Binky – she sure did fit right in – I guess all of you who voted for her just KNEW she was the right one! Miss Dingleberry is feeling quite merry isn’t she. I have to wonder if maybe she spiked the egg nog????

      Hugs, Teddy


  4. I’m here! The bipeds have taken a break, so I’ve popped in to see you.

    I don’t know where the building is, so I’ll have a lovely new Christmas Greenie for my collection.

    I can see Santa’s beard on the left of the photo, so he was keeping an eye on the photographer. Let’s hope they’ve made it to the ‘nice’ list!

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHA….on the left of the photo is a large area that Mom and I “blocked out” because we thought it would TOTALLY give away the location of the building in the photo…..aren’t we SNEAKY??

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. We are really late today but here we is Professors! Welcome Binky He Suzie an Lucy. Great cheer you three.
    The photo looks like there is an oriental man in it so… not china but where else is notable so Thailand but not sure… It is not a temple soooo. Somewhere in that country but where and what escapes us.
    Thanks for the great goodies Miss Dingleberry that Bacon Burger has my name on it and so do the hot doggies and the chicken sammich and the fries and the hot chocolate and the Peppermint floats and… and… Why dont I just get seat here with Einstein and bring us one of everything until we fall over in happiness!
    Have a Meowy Christmas full of wonder and cheer Staff of Ding Dong School, Sarge, Suzie, Lucy, Binky, Miss Dingleberry and Professor Sammy and Assistant Professor Teddy.
    Timmy, Einstein, Dad and Family

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi everyone! So glad you popped by…..and it sounds like you have been doing some detective work on the photo today – keep up the good work – it’s all about looking for clues isn’t it. Anyway, Miss Dingleberry certainly whipped up some delightful snackables today didn’t she? The bacon cheeseburger called my name and I just HAD to have a shrimpie burger for dessert. HAHAHA You guys eat up and have fun and of course we all wish you a FANTABULOUS Holiday from the staff at Ding Dong School AND my Mom and Dad too!!!

      Love, Teddy


  6. I have ruined my winning streak and I guess this means i’ll start a whining streak!
    Its definitely nowhere I think I know…
    I think Binky is a wonderful addition to the cheer team! AND Ms Dingleberry has outdone herself this errk…l think I shall have a fried shrimp burger and a peppermint shake!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Nice choice of available snacks today Marv…………that’s what I want too – that shrimp burger looks mighty tasty! I’m glad Miss Dingleberry was in a GOOD MOOD…..! Binky is adorable isn’t she? She sure managed to fit right in with Lucy and Suzie. I have a feeling you will make a “come back” with the winning – you just need a NEW year to start out and that’s coming my friend……….

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Whiting out clues is unfair. If this trend continues, you’ll be presenting us with a totally white screen because someone, somewhere might recognize what’s in the picture. The evil squirrel will still find the prison in all the white.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good morning! 🌞 It’s still morning here anyway. Didn’t think I’d be this late. But thanks to Miss Dingleberry I’ll have an early lunch! Why not have a peppermint float after having eggnog last night. The movie was a hit of course. We can’t think of where this is. It looks familiar. I’m going to guess Newport, Rhode Island.
    Merry Christmas Miss Dingleberry and thanks for the delicious lunch. The bacon cheeseburger was really good along with the onion rings and festive fries. Yummy 😋
    Welcome to the team Binky! ☃️🎄


    • Newport – it could be Newport but we will have to wait until tomorrow to find that out…….isn’t it awful sometimes to WAIT???!!!! Glad you enjoyed the bacon cheeseburger and I should think a peppermint float would be the purrrrrrfect thing to have with it! Binky will be back tomorrow with the girls for the WINNERS cheer……..

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  9. It’s gone midnight and I have only just got here! The roof is very decorative and oriental looking. The man on the far right looks Asian too so I think it must be a royal palace in one of the Asian countries. Maybe Bahrain, Cambodia, Thailand… I can’t think of any other Asian monarchies off hand. I’ll plump for Thailand simply because their King died a little over a year ago. Oh I forgot. If I am going for Thailand I would have to narrow it down to Bangkok. I could probably narrow it down more but I need to get to bed!


    • Hi Siddhartha……I have been hoping and purrraying that you don’t have pancreatitis and that whatever is wrong will get FIXED asap. Your Ladymum is a half a world away from being right for the Teaser but I know you love that she TRIES!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

      • Mee-you Teddy mee had another Pancreatic attacks startin at 4:30 A Em this mornin. Mee been berry sick all day. LadyMum tried to get mee to a vet inn town butt that not werk. Wee goin to outta town vet tomorrow….
        An wee found out mee doess NOT HAVE Irritabull Bowel…mee has INFLAMMATORY BOWEL DISEASE with Pancreatitis…..mee iss inn seereuss turbull mee furend.
        Pleeze say a purrayer fur mee….
        With fankss yur furend, Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


        • Siddhartha sweet little friend – Angel Nylablue and Angel Sammy and so many others will be around you no matter WHAT…….NO MATTER WHAT……just try to relax and let the doctors help make you feel better. You are so loved……just remember that.

          Hugs, Teddy

          Liked by 1 person

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