Teaser Tell All


Let’s Tell It ALLLL!

Oh yes indeed let’s “GIVE IT UP” !!    Yesterday’s Teaser adventure was interesting wasn’t it?    Lots of good sleuthing going on out there……………people were looking at the architecture and figuring out a whole lot including where in the world that kind of structure might be located!   FUN huh?

I think we’ll start off today by letting you know that the Teaser Photo was from our friend Miss Steph and her kitty Gracie HERE.   It was a photo that a friend of theirs took on her travels around the globe and we THANK her for it!    This is for you Miss Steph:

For Stephanie and Gracie for Teaser of 8/15/17

Before we get into “who won what” let’s show you the Teaser photos AGAIN then let you know where they were taken shall we?

Oh good – if you’re happy then I’m happy.

This my friends is the sleepy town of Chisinau where the beautiful Capriana Monastery complex is located in the Country/Republic of MOLDOVA!    This particular building is the “Winter Church of Saint George” which was built in the 20th century but other structures on the property date back to the 1400s.   I must say that at some point in their past, Moldova WAS in fact part of Romania but is not currently.    It’s on its’ own and wants to stay that way (!!).    We are embarrassed to say that we didn’t know there was a MOLDOVA.    Anyway, really interesting Teaser this week right?


Our FIRST COMMENTER yesterday was the irrepressible and ever eager (and always awake!) Da Phenny from Brittany, France and he and his Mom commented in the first sixty seconds after we went LIVE this morning.   This is for you!

For Phenny on August 15, 2017

Next up – FIRST RIGHT GUESSER…………….now we had a bit of an interesting situation with this – why?   Phenny and his Mom guessed the correct building and city but said Romania!    They were just so darn close but not RIGHT……………..we’re giving them a little something anyway!

For Da Phenny on August 15, 2017 !

And Miss Csilla who is also quite a Teaser Expert and posted several ideas about the Teaser before she gave us her GUESS – was TOTALLY right about Moldova so she is technically our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!

For Csilla, August 15, 2017

There were a few others who guessed correctly AFTER Csilla…………..if you were one of them, then this next one is YOURS!

For Teaser of August 15, 2017

HOWEVER, if you were WRONG………….and there were a pile of you who were (thanks for trying ANYWAY!)………..you get a GREENIE!

Now I do believe our little Holy Terror (oops…….I mean SWEET CHEERLEADER) Suzie has a bit of a cheer for you winners today!    Come on down Suzie!!

The Teaser sure was tough
Made Teaser Day too rough!
But through all the gloom and doom
Two bright lights filled the room!
Da Phenny was close as could be
BUT not quite right I’m afraid was he
Then Csilla chimed in and was RIGHT
The competition was tight!
She was the First Right Guesser
So give her the award Professor!
Oh before I forget
Da Phenny scored another hit
He was FIRST to comment on the blog
He’s got fast paws for a dog!
A successful Teaser this week
Next week a new Teaser we’ll seek!!!

Thank you SuzieQ!   I think your cheer rounded out the day quite nicely……………………Students – you all did very well this week on what I considered to be a TOUGHIE indeed!

NO NO!!!  Don’t be SAD – be PROUD!

Next week it will be a new chance for everyone to take a whack at guessing yet another fabulous photo!    If you’d like to send us a Teaser photo you think will fool the classroom – please do!  Just email my Mom with it and we’ll use it one of these Tuesdays.

Where in the world will we go next week??????

Professor Angel Sammy – at your service! 

See you next Tuesday!




32 responses »

  1. Wheeeeee! Righto, smarto us…MOL!!!
    It was a fun teaser…and if in the past Romania was where that place was, maybe it even was when that picture was taken, but now its Moldova, maybe they Phenny *was* right…cause who knows all that political junk…not us:)

    How come I can get here early on not teaser days??? Hmmm??? Petcretary sure keeps strange hours.


      • Yes we saw that in our investigation…..poor Moldova in the middle as is often the case in certain locations in Europe…..yet they hang onto their heritage fiercely which is so very admirable. Glad through all the Tug of War they kept their lovely landscapes and historical sites intact.

        Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  2. We have very strict teachers here. I told them that I’d have never found out the correct answer without Phenny, because I googled for a CHURCH in East-Europe and only a very similar building came up but not the right one! I wanted to share: 90% for the Weimaraner, 10% for me 🙂 but this happened:


    • You both did amazing with this Teaser!!! You HAD IT Phenny and I hope you like your “ALMOST FIRST” badge and hope Csilla likes hers too. It’s always tough when we have “close calls” but we want everyone to be happy and we hope you are!!!

      Love, Teddy and Mom


  3. Mom is embarrassed to say she did not know where Moldova is, so don’t feel too badly. She looked it up after reading this answer. Certainly is a beautiful little town with a gorgeous monastery. Fooled us again, Teddy! Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


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