Teaser Tell All


The Scoop on the Teaser!

First of all thanks for helping us celebrate the 200th Teaser yesterday………it was great – we had lots of people stopping by just to wish us at least 200 more Teasers but also to PAR-TAY with us a bit and have a guess at the photo this week!

We tried to use a photo yesterday that would be TOUGH…………….we really did!    We had a Guest Teaser post and when we saw this photo we thought “that’s the one!”  – as it turned out, it was guessed correctly fairly quickly!   Oh well – maybe next week???

Here’s the photo from yesterday:

This is a rather interesting aerial view of the town of Brasov which is in the Transylvania region of Romania!   Just look at all those tiled roofs……and so many winding streets and courtyards.   We owe this photo to our friend Gracie of “Goodness Gracie” and SHE got it from a friend in Indianapolis, Indiana who has been here.   THANK YOU EVERYONE!   Here’s your badge of thanks!

For Gracie and her Friend for the Teaser of 3/28/17

I bet you wanna know WHO won all the special badges yesterday right?    Well, first of all we had a THREE WAY TIE for “FIRST COMMENTER” (that happens sometimes – we have lots of fast fingers trying to compete for first and as long as they all arrive in the first minute – they all win!).   Who:

Miss Csilla, Da Phenny, and Oliver and Calvin!


Next we have our “FIRST RIGHT GUESSER”……………………..and she was one of our FIRST COMMENTERS……………..Miss Csilla!

And we had SEVERAL others who guessed right too – all of YOU get this:

By now you know that even if you guess WRONG, you’re still a WINNER – and for all the WRONGIES, we have a GREENIE!


Thanks for helping us celebrate
If you’re ready to guess – you’re WAY TOO LATE!
Miss Csilla won – she’s knows her stuff
Now don’t be jealous, don’t get in a huff!
Next week you might be first you see…..
Then maybe you’ll get a big KISS from me!

So we bring our 200th celebration of Teaser-hood to a close………………thanks everybody for making Tuesdays around here so much fun.    We will continue as long as you’re enjoying it – and as long as we have photos to share of course!

Tomorrow is Thankful Thursday at Brian’s and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday HERE.    Our letter to celebrate this week for a poem is the letter “P”.    Why not write a poem about something starting with “P” and join us????   It’s fun……….honest it is……….and you can spread your wings and try something NEW if you haven’t written a poem before………….

Class Dismissed until NEXT Week!

Teddy and I hope to see you NEXT week!!


Hugs, from Angel Prof Sam and Assistant Prof Ted

55 responses »

  1. Oh My Gosh! I couldn’t help myself after reading the cheers and seeing those fabulous “Teddy Bear Almond” cookies!!!! It was a really interesting journey from realising some kind of familiarity, especially in relation to the church tower to googling out the answer! It looks like the churches in Hungarian villages. 🙂


    • You did VERY well to get that one Miss Csilla………..from above it looks much like many MANY other places on “Slice Earth” but you figured it out! BRAVO!

      Love, Angel Sammy and Teddy ❤


  2. Congrats to those who ‘got it’!!
    Well, we fur sure we were not first…have not had that fun as yet…prolly not evfur. That night owl we call our petcretary is so sleepy when those teaser posts come online to tease us!


  3. Another Greenie (it is a special one after all), but we are okay with it. We certainly enjoyed seeing a photo of such a beautiful village. And we always love a good party. Makes us feel a teensy bit better when the photos submitted by others get guessed right away. Sending lots of love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


  4. Concatulations to the winners! Mes is going to take my special greenie and puts it up with my other “where in the World” badges!
    Sammy and Teddy, yous is rock’n!
    Your Nellie Bellie


    • Oh boy! A canoe for two OR an ark – my Dad needs to be doing that as well – we’re supposed to have a lot of rain off and on the rest of this week……Maybe you’re sending US your rain?????

      Love, Angel Sam and Ted


  5. ConCATulations on 200 teasers, guys! WOW!!! That’s awesome! We are always impressed how so many people are able to guess them. They must be world travelers! I think we’ve only ever guessed one right once… and that was because we cheated and used Google! MOL! Keep it up, furiends. The teasers are always so much fun 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for coming by! We are “agog” too that we’ve had 200 Teasers through the years……..and there are probably really MORE than that as we didn’t always call it Tuesday Teaser…..anyway, it’s a ton of fun and we will continue until it isn’t FUN any more! LOL

      Love, Angel Sam


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