Landscaping 101

I Love My Yard!

Practically all the leaves are sucked up by "THE MACHINE".....a few strays....but after a breezy Saturday, there will be another load of them down I bet! Yippeeee!

Sometimes I’m not so sure my parents really appreciate my “help” !  For instance yesterday……….my parents were out doing the first spring clean-up/mow/trim thing and I decided to skip one of my many planned naps of the day to help. 

I decided it would be great since I’m so much closer to the ground than they are and can SEE stuff down here better if I did a walk-through and pointed out all the bare spots in our struggling lawn.  I figured Dad would want to know where I would appreciate some nice soft green GRASS growing instead of a dirt spot or mud puddle.  You’d think he’d appreciate that – right?   Instead of thanking me – my parents both pretty much ignored me.  I even stayed on the front porch out of their way while Mom mowed and Dad did all that other noisy stuff with that blowing thing and the trimming thing…..usually I’m INSIDE when they do that – today I was being “companionable” and helpful. 

Daddy’s big joke is that he and Mom are “the landscaping team of Kimmell & Kimmell”……..well I just thought it would be nice if we changed that to “Kimmell, Kimmell & Kimmell” with my help spotting the bare places in the lawn.  Do I have to tell you that it’s the last time I’m going to offer my help?  From now on, I’m going to be INSIDE in a window watching them groan, moan, and sweat while I enjoy a nice leisurely and infinately more comfortable few hours. 

If they want a nice lawn they can crawl around on the ground and find those bare spots without me!  So there! No I’m not really mad…….I’m just being silly………as usual……..but they really should have paid attention to me as I pointed those spots out. 

Sammy the Landscaper

24 responses »

  1. Sammy, I am sure they appreciated your help, but sometimes that yard work just makes us grumpy and we just don’t have the energy left to thank anyone! These last few days has reminded me that I am not as young as I used to be…and in the future, if there is any hard, back-breaking work to be done in the yard, I am going to look for someone younger to help! Enjoy your day today!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda……Mom and Dad are thinking about retiring from yard work too. It IS a lot of hard work and – well – they aren’t getting any younger now are they?!?!?!?! Once they downsize by moving to another house I’m sure things will be “different” in lots of ways including WHO does yardwork!!

      Kitty Hugs


  2. If they are not appreciative of your valuable assistance, Sammy, I don’t blame you for feeling put out about it. Staying inside is better anyway, you can’t hear them grunting and groaning as they carry on with their “landscaping.”


    • Yeah! I’ll just let them do all the hard work while I enjoy the fruits of their labor in the form of a cruise through the yard and a nibble on the long grass Mom missed with the mower! Tee Hee



  3. Good morning, Sammy,
    Hope you aren’t tired out from all that yard work yesterday! And may I say that’s a very handsome photo of you – showing off those extra toes of yours!
    I’m sure your Mom and Dad appreciated your help even if they didn’t pay a lot of attention to you!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae….I thought I was being such a big help and instead, they ignored my suggestions. Oh well….can’t say I didn’t try! Thanks for the compliments on my “toe shot”…..I do like having those extra digits – they come in handy for stuff like opening drawers when my parents are asleep, dialing the phone to make prank calls when they’re not home – you know, stuff like that. Being a polydactyl is pretty cool. I bet you think being a beautiful calico kitty is pretty cool too now don’t you??? Well I sure do!!! Wink Wink

      Love, Sammy


  4. Sammy, your parents really should be more appreciative. I have found that as a cat, I excel at supervisory work. It seems to come naturally to us cats, I think. You were obviously in a better position to point out those bare patches in the lawn and why your assistance was ignored, I simply do not know. Peeps are difficult to understand at times. That’s another thing I have found.


    • Oh indeed that’s ever so true! If only they’d LISTEN to us more and appreciate all we do for them….sheeesh…..well, I figure if they don’t want to take advantage of my attempt to help – THEY can deal with the consequences. Meanwhile, I figure if I’m not working with them, I’m napping so it’s not alltogether bad now is it?!?!?!

      Kitty Hugs


  5. Oh Poor Sammy!
    Yous is not appreciated by your peoples!?! The horror!
    If it was me, me would show them the back of disrespect. Me would knock everything off my little table by the be. Me would make a claw and bite sculpture out of the white paper in the little warm room. Me would yak a hairball in front of the bedroom door while they was sleeping so they stepped in it in the middle of the night.
    But that is me – the Cat From Hell!


    • Oh now Nellie! You wouldn’t REALLY do the hairball yak now would you? (Actually that’s a pretty good idea….I may file that away for future reference!!!!)

      I think my peeps just don’t realize that by me being right down there CLOSE to the grass I can see stuff they can’t. I was trying to be helpful pointing out all the weedy/bare/icky spots for them…..oh well…..I’m sure they’ll handle it – and if I’m NOT out working in the yard – it’s more NAP TIME FOR MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

      Kitty Hugs


  6. yo..Sammy…I don’t go outside..but that’s cool by me..coyotes walk down our street in middle of day..and we live in SF bay area!!.Not hardly “rural”..sheesh! ANyways, I think the yard stuff is just their “thing” outta’ just hand inside and nap…ohhh yaawwwn…guess it is that time…catch’ya later, Savannah


    • Hi Savannah…..I just visited your blog to say hi and signed up to follow your adventures! Coyotes huh? Well, we occasionally have them around here but RARELY. Our big “bugaboo” is foxes – lots of them. I only go outside with one of my parents OR on a leash/harness (which is fine by me since I’ve been doing that since I was a little guy). My parents do like their yard for sure but it’s gotten to be TOO MUCH work for them now that they’re older than dirt mature. Anyway, nice to meet you and hope to see you again!!

      Kitty Hugs


      • MOL!!!!!!!!!! Dad and Mom are also mature….and have a bitty yard and Dad still makes awful noises when he has’ta go out and do stuff MOLMOL. And, thanks tons for following me..just put up my post for today…mostly photos ‘cuz my typist was kinda’ tired…you hand tuff and keep away from those foxes…catch ya later Savannah


        • Humans can really get grumpy about stuff don’t you think Savannah? I mean if they didn’t WANT to take care of a yard, you’d think my parents wouldn’t have built this big house with this big yard – right? Oh well…they DID promise me that when they move they’ll build a nice big screened-in porch for me though. I can enjoy the OUT but still be IN! Have a nice coyote-free Friday!

          Kitty Hugs


    • Hi Isobel…..he likes to dig in the mulch but when it comes to trees he doesn’t do much clawing. When he was little he used to run as fast as he could across the yard and fling himself up a tree about 3 feet and just hang there before dropping. Just happy I think…..but hasn’t ever really clawed them. We have a woods behind us so he would have plenty of opportunity if he wanted to though!



  7. Well, I think you did quite a bit to help and now they don’t deserve the assistance of Sammy the Landscaper. It was certainly exhausting to watch all that work being done and you would be better off napping in the comfort of the house – let them do the labor next time!


    • WOW Mr. Jordan…you really DO know about landscaping! The picture on your website is BEEEEEUTIFUL – looks like Florida or California. I’m just an amateur landscaper and leave all the tough stuff to my humans. I know you know about all that “tough stuff” don’t you? Thanks for visiting my blog. Do you have a cat????



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