Cozy Cat

Sam Under Afghan on Couch

Snug as a bug in a rug (well, afghan not rug.....)

This picture is a little blurry but you get the idea.  Mom was in her studio yesterday so I came upstairs to hang out with her.  This afghan was made for my Grandpa by my Aunt Valerie.  After Grandpa went to heaven, my Mom kept it and it’s one of my favorite things to snuggle up in.   When I’m in Mom’s studio she takes it off the chair where it “lives” and puts it on the couch…..I’ll stand on it and knead it for a while then curl up in it.  BUT sometimes I like Mom to put it over the back of the couch and make me a nice cozy tent!  Just like this!

I stayed in this tent for about two hours while Mom did stuff on her computer and wrote some notes and sketched……I like to keep my Mom company.  

Another way cool thing is that this morning – while it’s still nice and dark outside – Mom and I went for a walk out in the yard!  I guess it’s been quite a while since we’ve done that but I felt like cruising around this morning so Mom put my harness on, bundled herself up in her coat and hat, and out we went.  It was cool but not really too cold….and VERY VERY QUIET.  Lots of stars shining too.  We went around the whole perimeter of the house…..I’d stop occasionally for a munch of grass (what little there is anyway!!)……Mom would look up at the sky for her favorite constellations (at least that’s what SHE said even though I have no idea what a constellation is!!)….then we’d move off to another spot for me to sniff around.  Anyway, we went everywhere – even down in the front yard a little ways along the edge of the woods.  Then our neighbor opened his garage door to head off to work and when it squeaked open it scared me I pulled on the leash so hard Mom let it go and I ran SUPER FAST back to the basement door until Mom arrived and we came back inside. 

She got a cup of coffee to warm up and I had some of my breakfast.  It was nice to be outside after being inside for so long though.  I guess that’s what Mom means when she says she’s getting “cabin fever” !!??

Just another day in my personal paradise………… 🙂

Happy Friday……..



12 responses »

    • Hi Pedro….yeah, I’m thinking you may be right about the tent thing. It certainly is nice being in there watching my Mom in her studio. Nothing better than a good “spy spot” is there? I bet you have a few of those yourself – – – keeping an eye on Kitty AND your human – it’s important that we do that. Don’t want anyone sneaking up on us now do we?!



  1. Good morning, Sam,
    Sounds like you had a little adventure this morning. That garage door squeak sounds a little scary. Glad you headed straight home.
    I like to knead a throw that Mom has on her chair too. That’s comforting, isn’t it?
    Guess you’ll be napping now and resting up from your early morning escapades!


    • Hi Sundae! Mom and I had a really nice walk this morning. It was fun to be outside in the dark again. I haven’t done that in AGES. I guess I should suggest to our neighbor that he oil his garage door – OURS doesn’t make that noise when it opens up!!!

      Off to nap………..happy Friday!
      Love, Sam


  2. Hi there Sam, that sure sounds like a wonderful walk. We are so lucky, we get to go outside by ourselves.But walking with the mom sounds really fun too. We love that afghan tent. That is too cool. Have a wonderful Friday.


    • I’m glad you like my tent! Mom and I make very good walking companions that’s for sure. She trained me on the harness when I was a tiny kid – I can’t go wandering on my own because we have lots of red foxes in our woods and I’m sure I would be quite yummy! HAHAHA

      Happy Friday!


  3. Sammy you make a perfect assistant for your Mom! You snoopervise under your tent while she works and then you take nice walks with her. My Mom loves your afghan because green is her favorite color!

    I am glad you didn’t run too far when that man scared you, sorry you got scared!
    Have a great day Sammy!

    Love, Cody


    • Hi Cody! Yep – I’m good at Mommy-management. Somebody has to keep an eye on her and I appointed myself to the job. I’m VERY good at it too. The green afghan went well with all the things my Grandpa had in his condo I think – I never got to know him sadly but he had painted the walls a pretty green Mom says and had lots of green accents so the afghan was the perfect color. Now I’m loving it!

      Have a nice Friday!


  4. We hope your weather continues to warm up a bit, Sammy, so you can take more walks outside. I saw on the news that 98% of the country is warmer than usual. Imagine! I guess you won’t be skiing any time soon! Love from the Terrell Pack, Eddie, Simone and Mattie


    • Yeah – today’s another nice day so I’m enjoying it inside AND outside. The weather has been unusual almost everywhere but at least until things change, I’m loving it! Skiing? Naw….maybe water skiing if we get more rain though! 😉



    • Hey Rumpy…..I bet Jen would make a tent for you if you gave her “THE LOOK”…..even a blanket over a couple of chairs makes a GREAT tent. It’s so cozy and comfy in a tent. Now you’re a bit bigger than I am so I guess it’s harder to find an appropriate spot for a tent but hey – – – our humans can do just about ANYTHING once they set their minds to it!!!

      Happy Saturday!


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