Tag Archives: where was this photo taken? geography test

Teaser Tuesday


Calling All Students!  Report to class!   The school bell is not working today – consider ME your bell!  


Good Morning Class.   Time for Teaser.

Everybody find your place and let’s begin class shall we?   Did you all study last night????

I did!


SURE! I studied until my Mom made me go to bed!

OK – that’s great…………………now you all know the drill – we show you a photo and you guess where it was taken.   Easy?  Well, theoretically it is but we have some tough photos sometimes so it’s not a sure thing even if you studied hard as you could.

We’ll review the rules and what’s at stake today for you:

Badges available for those who earn them:

Now that we have all the BUSINESS out of the way.   How about a word from our sponsor (oops – I mean a cheer from our cheer team…..sorry about that):

Happy Tuesay students
Following the rules is quite prudent
We know you will do your best
But you must be better than the rest
If you win you’ll be in tomorrow’s cheer
After class we’ll take you for a beer
On second thought we’re too young for that stuff
We’d get sick and feel really rough
Perhaps an ice cream sundae will do
Miss Dingleberry can fix us a few!
Good luck everyone on the test
OR tomorrow will be a big PITY FEST!

That’s right Cheer Team……..no beer allowed.    Everyone is WELL underage!

Any beer found on campus and you’re in BIG TROUBLE – got it??????


Let’s bring our Security Guard in – he has today’s photo then you can get to work with your guessing.

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Ted

Where was this taken????

Alright students – get to work…….it’s up to you now.    However we DO have lunch courtesy of Miss Dingleberry so you can choose to sit at your desk and agonize over the photo OR take a break, eat some lunch, go outside for some fresh air then hit the books when you get back inside.   Your choice!

Alright children…….we have BBQ ribs, BBQ chicken sandwiches, BBQ shrimp and side dishes.  Be ready with your order when it’s your turn – I haven’t got all day to stand here you know!

HEALTHY drinks to cool your tummies down!

Good luck students!   Give it your best shot……see you tomorrow……..

Your Profs