Tag Archives: magic poem

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


It’s “Double Up” Thursday! 

Thankful Thursday and Some Poetry Too….

First up will be our Thankful Thursday post for the Blog Hop hosted every week by our buddy Brian and YOU can pawticipate too if you just click his badge below – then use the Linky Tool to hook up for the Hop!   Thanks Brian for hosting this – seems we have a lot to be thankful for and this is a nice way to SHARE.

We are very thankful that things are beginning to be put back together again in Texas and Louisiana although there’s still a lot of people who need help……….at least it’s coming!    Now if we could just REDIRECT Hurricane Irma back out to sea to her demise, we’d be even more thankful.

Another thing I’m thankful for is that my Mom and Dad will cave into my demands (!) to go for a walk around the yard on my harness even if it’s raining like mad.    They just grab an umbrella and out we go.   I get soaked (but I don’t mind that) while Mom or Dad are under cover.   Still, I know a lot of peeps who wouldn’t take their kids out for a cruise in the rain.   I guess I’m lucky right?

I’m also thankful for all my wonderful friends………….I just love visiting everyone’s blogs every day………..keeping up with what’s going on around the blogosphere………….

Now let’s move on to my FAVORITE part of Thursday which is when I can share the Poetic Thursday poem that I receive each week from my Angel brother Sammy.    He never lets me down.   He loves writing poetry and since he’s got great wi-fi at the Rainbow Bridge, we’ve never missed a Thursday since he went to the Bridge!   Here’s what he transmitted to me last night!


Hello Friends!   It’s ME, here at the Bridge!

It’s another Thursday morning and last night as I was floating around at the Bridge on my cloud – before I curled up for the night, I wrote my poem for today.    You may remember that each week those of us who are participating in this round of going through the Alphabet and writing a poem about something starting with that week’s “letter” write a special poem and post it on our blogs.   You are free to write about ANYTHING beginning with that week’s letter but in case you can’t think of something, I give you some “possible prompt” words to get your ideas flowing!   

Last Thursday I gave you four prompt words which were:

(1) Mom (2) Mud (3) Marvelous (4) Meow

I bet most of you thought if I used one of my prompt words, it would be “MOM” because she and I were so very close………….but guess what – SURPRISE – I’m using my very OWN “M” word this week!


By Angel Sammy Kimmell, September 7, 2017

YES I believe in magic!

There’s magic in a baby’s cries

There’s magic in a lover’s eyes

Find magic where you can each day

Find magic in the words you say

Bring magic to those all around

Bring magic to the LOST you’ve found

Make magic when you hug a friend

Make magic in each message you send

Magic comes in many ways

Magic comes to those who pray

LOOK for magic – I guarantee it’s waiting…….

LOOKING for you and anticipating…….

A life that’s lived believing in magic

A life with no belief is truly tragic………..

Angel Sammy Kimmell………..BELIEVE IN MAGIC !!

Oh I hope you’ve written a poem this week!   If so, you can give us your link in our comments – we’ll go visit your blog to read your poem!   OR, you can even print out your poem on our blog in our comments – we can ALL read it right here.   Please remember to NOT be afraid to write a poem…..poems don’t even have to rhyme……………just reach down in your heart and words will come – trust me – in fact I do believe that it’s just a touch of:


See you next week for more poetry – your prompt words for next week are:

(1) Naughty (2) Nice (3) Normal (4) New

With Love,

Your Poet in the French beret……Angel Sammy


Thank you Angel Sammy!   I believe in magic too – every time you visit me to help me do something or give me an idea or tell me not to worry because things will be alright………….that’s magic too right?

Tomorrow is Friendly Fill-Ins Blog Hop with 15andMeowing and Mcguffys Reader co-hosting so we’ll be back tomorrow with that!   Meanwhile……………………….BELIEVE.

Hugs and Love, Teddy


Before we go may we ask a special favor?   We know our super pals Raz and Allie at FRIENDS FUREVER blog would appreciate an extra prayer – not only do they live in Florida so may be effected by the hurricane that’s coming, BUT Raz and Allie’s Dad Mr. Bill is still in the hospital after two months – he needs all of us to send STRENGTH and HEALTH and RECOVERY vibes so he can come home.    If you click below, you can visit their blog and leave a message…..it will mean a lot to THEM and to ME too!!