Tag Archives: fun on trains

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


It’s Double Blog Day – THANKFUL Thursday and

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday

First up – Thankful!

Thursday is our chance to share what we’re thankful for courtesy of our host Brian – we hop on board and tell each other our “thankfuls” !   If you’d like to join us, PLEASE do – all you have to do is click Brian’s badge and join in the fun.

I am thankful ALWAYS for the usual things like a happy family and a wonderful home, but I usually have a little something else to be thankful for and today I have a “silly” sort of thankful because today, I, Teddy Kimmell (Butter Bean), caught my VERY FIRST skink!    What’s a skink?

One of these guys and we have them around our house and in our garden (never IN our house though!).    They will sneak in the garage when the door is up and one of my favorite territories to prowl about in is my garage.   In fact, it’s my favorite nap spot too since my hammock is in one of the garage windows!   ANYWAY, Mom and Dad thought I was being awfully strange earlier today when they were calling me to come in from the garage so they could take me out for a walkabout in the yard on my harness.   I wouldn’t BUDGE from under Mom’s car.    Dad got down on the floor of the garage and saw me under there with a dead skink and I was NOT going to give up my treasure!   No no no………and Mom didn’t want to take a photo of the poor little skink so you’ll just have to take my word for it – I’m two years old and this was a FIRST success at hunting.    I am a mighty hunter……………..

Now, I must say that I am also thankful that my Angel brother Sammy got his email sent last night so I received his poem for today.    I always worry that wi-fi might not be working up at the Rainbow Bridge an he won’t get his poem to me in time but he’s never let me down!    Here’s what I received from him:


Greetings from the Bridge!  It’s time for poetry!

Happy Thursday everyone.   I hope you are joining us today to share a poem you wrote based on the photo that I gave you last week to use as inspiration………but even if you didn’t write one – you can enjoy visiting everyone who has written one – they will be leaving comments in our blog comment area that they have with a link to their poem.  Check them out – we have some GREAT poets here in the blogosphere!    If you’ve not joined in please do – just use the photo I provide to give you some ideas of what to write your poem about……photos can bring all kinds of inspiration.   Every week we gather on Thursday and I share the poem I’ve written and also give you a new photograph to use as your poetic inspiration for NEXT Thursday.    Fun?  You betcha.   

Here’s the photo I gave you last Thursday to use for this week………….and then my poem follows.  

“Riding in Style”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell      August 2, 2018

Years ago when railroading was king

Luxurious trains traveled on rails that would sing

The muffled sounds heralded a luxurious ride

The passengers on board were full of pride

Timetables were met and compartments were clean

Luxury ’round every corner fit for the Queen.

Meals prepared by chefs, valets at beck and call

Train life was perfect for one and all.

Books have been written about the romance of the rails

Mystery and intrigue were among all the tales

“Murder on the Orient Express” is a memorable mystery

A favorite mystery read that’s been popular through history.

I just daydream about a ride on a beautiful train such as that…..

And wonder if perhaps they would welcome on board a CAT ???


I think riding on one of those luxury trains would be FUN – my Mom and Dad thought about doing that back many years ago when they planned their honeymoon.   They settled for getting Eurrail passes and doing their travel through Europe on their honeymoon on “regular” trains as it was a little expensive on the Orient Express.   I wonder if they allow pets????   Probably – I mean who’s going to tell some rich person they can’t bring their beloved pup or kitty on board?????  

Anyway, let’s get down to the material to inspire you for NEXT week……………I picked out a photo that might give you some fun when you write your poem to share next Thursday!

Fun huh?   

Please join in our fun – give it a try – write a poem based on what you see in the above photo or what you feel when you look at it.    Trust me – you’ll have some fun with it.    Until then, I will remind you again that those of us at the Rainbow Bridge are looking out for you every minute of the day………we have some recent arrivals here – if you have had to say farewell to your beloved pet, know they are happy and healthy now and with you ALWAYS.

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Sammy



Thanks Angel Sammy…………..I liked your poem this week.  I sure would like to ride on a beautiful train and have some adventure………..until then, I guess I’ll just have to hope that Mom doesn’t make me give up my prize skink.    Actually, maybe I should let her have it.    It’s now at the Rainbow Bridge thanks to ME.

See you all next week with another poem from Angel Sammy AND to read YOUR poems too!

Until then…….I’ll snooze!

Hugs, Teddy

An urgent P.S.  

We were just at Brian’s Home Blog linking up our Thankful and Poetic post for today when we read the story of these two kitties named Pingo and Polo in South Carolina who are in desperate need of a home.    This is a story we’ve all heard before but it’s so compelling we just had to share with you……….if anyone can help of course Brian would want to know ASAP.     CLICK HERE