Tag Archives: Cat Party

Bakin’ With Bacon!


Good morning fellow Baconians…..it’s time to BAKE with your King!!!

I have another most delightful bacon-ized treat for you to make – probably the kind of thing you’d make if company was coming over rather than “for the heck of it” – mainly because crab meat isn’t exactly INEXPENSIVE (at least here in Baconia).    If you don’t mind the expense though TREAT YOURSELF TOO!    It’s a rather jazzy thing to serve to because first of all crab meat is incredibly delicious and sweet add the fact you serve this dish HOT and it’s totally comfort food.   Ready?

I shall take notes my King!!


Hot Bacon-Crab Dip


8 oz. cream cheese softened

8 oz. crab meat (canned or fresh and the amount can be MORE if you are a crab-o-maniac!)

1 cup crumbled cooked bacon (unless you’d like to make just a TAD more which is OK!)

1/2 cup mayonnaise

3 chopped scallions

Juice of one lemon



Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.   Mix ALL of the above ingredients in mixing bowl then transfer the mix into a baking dish.    Top with breadcrumbs!    Bake about 30 minutes – until top is bubbly.


Oh My King – this is so simple I think even I, your lowly Castle Baconia Chef, can make this for you and your royal guests!!!


OOPS…..I might have accidentally on purpose tried the cream cheese…..

I’m gonna hold my breath until you make this for me!!!!

See?    This recipe is a WINNER……………..I’m not the only one who thinks that!    Put this in your “appetizer” file and whip it up some time when you want to indulge yourself OR your friends!!

ATTENTION!   Reminder!

I’m Having a PAWTY!

Tomorrow I turn TWO and I’m hoping that you will make sure and stop by to join me as I celebrate!    I will have snackables and a cake and Angel Sammy told me that whenever HE had a party he’d always make sure there were plenty of comfy beds around for naps after we all STUFF OURSELVES silly so I’ll do that too.    I can’t just turn TWO without YOU!    So please stop by and have some cake with me.   I’ll be honored to have you HELP me ROCK IN THE TERRIBLE TWOS!!!!

Did you say ROCK???

See you tomorrow!!!




Hi Everyone!   First things first…………..thanks so much for all your purrs, prayers and POTP for Raz and his Dad and their whole family these past several days.   Believe me – they “felt the love” and thanks for joining in on the love-fest because it really does help more than you know!   We’ve all needed our friends before when we’ve gone through tough stuff and you all came through for Raz and his family.   His Dad had his bypass surgery yesterday afternoon and is resting comfortably in his room while they keep a close eye on him.   With some luck he’ll be home early next week and things will begin to be “right” in Raz’s house again – they have all missed their Dad like crazy!

If you want to send best wishes for a speedy recovery, just click this !!


Now, you DO remember that Valentine’s Day is coming up right?  It’s not far away…………..well, there are a bunch of parties going on for that day including a Sadie Hawkins Day Dance at the Tabby Cat Club.   But Cat Scouts is having a big “DO” too AND so is Blogville!   The new Mayors of Blogville, Murphy and Stanley are hosting a BIGGIE and all you have to do to pawticipate is send in photos of you and your “date” ASAP (deadline Feb. 6)!    Click below and be transported to the Mayors’ blog – on their sidebar you’ll see this same “badge” and if you click there you’ll go to where all the details are!   Be there or be square…………..hahaha (remember that old saying?!).    I’ll see you there!!


Speaking of Cat Scouts – we’re of course having a big fat Super Bowl party on Sunday……………my Mom used to be one of those “insane” football fans – well in her dotage she’s not as insane as she used to be (well…..let me reconsider that statement).   She doesn’t scream and yell when she’s watching the Super Bowl…….she just smiles or cries QUIETLY.   I know in my house we’re rooting for the Seattle Seahawks.   I happen to be a fan of football AND baseball.   Ever since I was a wee guy I’ve loved to watch that on TV – Mom says it must be the little ball flying around and the tiny people running every which way for football and she’s not QUITE figured out what’s fascinating about baseball because there’s not as much “action” on the screen but I still watch.   I’m a real sports dude.   Are you going to be watching the Super Bowl?????


Hope you have a happy Purrsday……….and thanks again for all the purrrrrrs for Raz’s Dad………………I know he felt them!

Hugs, Sammy

Friday Spring Fling


Hey Dudes and Dudettes!!!  Friday……yep – it’s that time again.  Monster Day at my house and many of yours but I’m not letting that get to me AT ALL.   It’s a nice rainy snuggly Friday and no matter where I hang my hat (or park my butt) today, I’ll be just fine.  Why?  Because Spring is bustin’ out all over around here and I’m feeling young(er) because of it.

Mom's favorite pink dogwood - up close and personal!

Mom’s favorite pink dogwood – up close and personal!


My own personal umbrella (I like to hide under it) is leafed out - the mini-Japanese red maple!  YAY!

My own personal umbrella (I like to hide under it) is leafed out – the mini-Japanese red maple! YAY!

Love those azaleas!

Love those azaleas!


So how could I NOT feel great – even if it’s raining outside…….yesterday was full of Springishness (if that isn’t a word it oughta be!).

A week from today my parents are deserting me overnight for their annual trip to Carlisle, PA where they attend a way cool car show with my Dad’s brother Bruce and his wife, Joan.  My parents stay overnight at their cabin in West Virginia so it’s just ONE night away from ME ME ME and I’ve promised not to par-tay or get crazy and make a mess.   I’ll have the whole house to myself……if any of you wanna teleport over just to get away from the noise at home or just take a break for one night, I have plenty of room here for a QUIET slumber party.


Do you wear a party hat at a slumber party?

Do you wear a party hat at a slumber party?


Hope you have a fantabulous Friday everybody……see you tomorrow!!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy




Rockin’ New Year’s Eve!


ARE YOU READY?????????   We’re going to start partying tonight and not stop until AFTER my birthday tomorrow!


I’ve been doing some party preparations around here…….typical stuff you need for a New Year’s Eve party you know……….

Getting ready for the new year!

Let’s see….confetti, uh huh…. lampshades in case someone decides to wear one….yep I’m set!

My parents aren’t going anywhere for New Year’s Eve – Mom’s still sickly and while they used to go out to party hearty on NYE in their youth, now that they’re “pawrents of a certain age” they just stay home – watch TV – crack open a bottle of bubbly at some point to toast the new year and go to bed early.  That’s when MY party will start!  YAY! 

Balloons...of course!

Balloons…of course!

Hats - definitely!!

Hats – definitely!!

Remember to stop by my place tomorrow for my birthday party – I know that’s a whole lot of partying for you but we blogging buddies are:


Right??????????  Right!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whatever you do, don’t forget that Savannah from Savannah’s Paw Tracks is having her very first GOTCHA DAY celebration on January 3rd – if you don’t have that pawty on your calendar you’d better put it on there RIGHT NOW!  
Now – go grab some snacks and dance around the living room – just try to do it a little bit quietly so we don’t wake the old folks! 😉  😉

Door Update and Other Stuff


It’s Friday!  Yay! 

I know you’re just dying to know how the door thing worked out yesterday and I’m happy to report that all is well – the door is painted – the brass hardware is back on – the tarps and plastic and paint and other supplies are all cleaned up and put away……AND…….it looks great. 

And so it begins……..

And before you knew it – the door was painted and drying away!

Let me in! Say – what’s this clear thing in my way??

And a little later, I came out from hiding to check out the project – at a distance of course.

Is it safe to come out yet???? Stevie hasn’t materialized on THIS side of the plastic has she?????

And FINALLY – door dry – hardware back on – and except for a little bit of paint scraping around the little windows on top of the door – DONE!!

Boy will it look swell when Dad puts all new brass stuff on – including new brass kickplate (whatever that is).

It was an exhausting day.  I of course had to rest up afterwards with appropriate naps.  But I’m glad that everything went well…..and there were no words said that I needed to wince upon hearing! 

You’d think the highlight of the day was this whole door thing BUT in fact, it wasn’t – the highlight was wishing my very good friend Queen Penelope (Nellie to her friends) at CATFROMHELL, a very happy 14th birthday.  What a pawty Kozmo threw for her!  Here’s to at least 14 more years Nellie Bellie!  😀 😀 😀

Hugs and Kisses From Sammy to ALL!