Tag Archives: award

Bacon and Boxes


Hi Everybody!    Did you notice yesterday that you didn’t get a blog from me until LATE in the day?????   That’s because my Mom forgot to schedule my blog post….yep – she sure did.  She helped me write it but she didn’t schedule it.  I think she’s had too much turkey – – – I heard her say that turkey has some magic stuff in it that makes people sleepy so that’s what I think caused her to forget.  That’s my story and I’m sticking with it!

Sam on Mom's Recliner

Mom! What were you thinking? Forgetting to schedule my post???

Now here’s some great news.  My super good friend (and yours too!), Texas decided to design a brand new award and it was SO perfect for us kitties because it has to do with BOXES.   Yep – one of my favorite things (in addition to tissue paper and bacon) is a good, comfy BOX.   With yesterday being boxing day, I think the timing of his new Award preview was PERFECT!    The award is called “Share the Love, Share the Box” !!!   It’s a beauty too isn’t it?


I was so very honored to be one of the first recipients……and the rules are ever so easy too.  Just thank the person who nominated you (THANK YOU TEXAS MY DEAR FRIEND!!!), post the award (GONNA DO THAT IN JUST A MINUTE), share the award with FIVE other bloggers (NO PROBLEM!!), then go find a box and have FUN with it (BOY OH BOY IS THAT EASY TO DO!!).

My five nominees are:

Mollie and Alfie

My Three Moggies

Misaki  (you’re gonna need a BIG box Misaki!!!!)

Nellie, Kozmo and Jo-Jo


I think Mollie and Misaki may have a bit of a problem finding a box big enough to have fun in……but then again, Mollie can probably steal one of Alfie’s boxes (haha) and Misaki is VERY resourceful!  I, however, had no problem locating the perfect box on Christmas Day (which I still have and made Mom swear she’d not take it away until it FALLS APART!!!):

Celebrating the new award from Texas!!

Celebrating the new award from Texas!!

Meanwhile, back at my house this morning, we have our bacon and those of you who know how much I adore bacon won’t be a bit surprised to hear that my buddy Bacon sent me a fabulous chef’s hat honoring my complete devotion to the magical food that bacon is!  I got Mom to wear it while she made breakfast in her robe for us the day after Christmas……..what do you think??    THANK YOU BUDDY!   What a kind thing to send – your surprise from me is on its’ way now!


I’m getting VERY excited about my birthday pawty.  I know I’m a bit old to be so excited but I think I’m MOSTLY excited because I feel lucky to be here.  Almost every day I read about one of our blogville buddies going to the Bridge…..a reminder that we aren’t here forever – so let’s enjoy every minute we are here……………….I think a PAWTY is a good way to do that!

Mom promised no balloons.....one exploded at my party LAST year!

Mom promised no balloons…..one exploded at my party LAST year!


Love, Sammy

P.S.    I’m sending love and prayers to my friend Miss Layla and to Odin, Merlin, and Domino at CatWisdom101.  Gris Gris has

gone to the Rainbow Bridge…….we will miss him.  HUGS…..

Teaser Tell All



Guess what….I made a NEW Award……Ready?

SamTeaserWinner  I WIN !!!!!

That’s right – NOBODY got it – nobody even guessed any part of it right……………it was in the US though……….so I suppose anyone who guessed “US” was somewhat right, but nobody guessed it and I can’t say that I blame you because it really WAS a toughie.  Here’s the photo again:


Now where was this picture snapped?  Well, it was snapped here in my very own area (although I live in Virginia and this photo was from Georgetown in Washington, DC)………it’s a photo taken of a stretch of the C&O Canel (Chesapeake and Ohio Canal) that goes right through Georgetown.  I would say that only someone who had been to Washington, DC could pawsibly have seen this area – so that did make it a toughie…..a CHALLENGE!

Now, there is a protest movement afoot (or should I say “apaw”) that next week’s Teaser be EASY……SIMPLE…..now I’m thinking I should check with you – my adoring public and Teaser fans to see how YOU feel about the Teasers…..so please complete this poll and let me know what you think.

I want the Tuesday Teaser to be fun for all of you………..I know it gets frustrating not knowing and part of that might be that my “across the pond” friends aren’t all THAT familiar with things on THIS side of the pond and my “this side of the pond” friends sometimes haven’t traveled or just don’t know much about THAT side of the pond.   Anyway it’s all about having FUN right?

At any rate, all of you get THIS:

"I didn't have a clue but I get an award anyway!"

“I didn’t have a clue but I get an award anyway!”

Remember my blog yesterday said we were expecting another icky day?  Well first thing in the morning the weather idiots gurus said we might get another 2-5 inches of snow lasting all morning.  Guess what……WRONG…..the snow DID come and it started out like crazy……Mom went out and took some photos while she still could since Armageddon (Snowmageddon?) was due to arrive………….

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THEN, around noonish it stopped……..and the temperature went up two degrees to 36 and some of the stuff began plopping out of the trees!  Sure did……PLOP PLOP SPLASH…….then the SUN came out (but not before my poor old Dad dragged the snowthrower up and down the driveway to clear it off….too bad he didn’t listen to Mom and me when we said not to bother cuz it would melt)………………and melted almost all the stuff out of the trees and off the main road and spots my Dad missed on the driveway.   YAY……now I must say that most of it DID refreeze overnight but no big deal.

Mom and Dad are driving to Strasburg, Virginia to have some fun with friends (I’ll talk about it tomorrow I’m sure)……….and at least they can drive without worrying about the roads.  I’ll miss them of course (sniff sniff) but at least I’m safe from any more “dress up Sammy for fun” situations with them gone!

HA!  At least I found a good hiding spot for that hat...no more hat....PERIOD!

HA! At least I found a good hiding spot for that hat…no more hat….PERIOD!

I can spend the day napping……………..and gazing at the tree……………and wondering what’s in my pressies!!

Tell It Like It Is Wednesday

Don’t forget to do the poll!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy


Dona Nobis Pacem


“Grant Us Peace”


“What the world needs now…is love, sweet love…..

No, not just for some – but for everyone……”

Today is the blogblast for peace and while that’s my MAIN thing on this Monday blog it’s not the only thing!  I have a couple of other things to pass along so here they are………

  1. Tomorrow is Tuesday Teaser (YES WE’RE HAVING ONE!) and it’s another GUEST TEASER – woo hoo – probably a toughie too so rest up tonight!
  2. I received a special award yesterday from my awesome friend Nerissa who created a brand new award called “MOUSES” (what else?!) in honor of his blogaversary!  THANK YOU NISSY!

MOUSES! award

I am to thank the person who nominated me and link back to them (DONE!)

And nominate at least two bloggers for the award:

These Days of Mine

The Howling Mad Cat

    3.  Last but not least, I want to introduce you to the Autumn VSquillion I adopted from the Cat Blogosphere this past week – her name is Ginger and of course I’m happy that she’s a ginger cat and that I have a chance to take care of her – a kitty cat of my very own!  You can see her on my home page on the newly cleaned off sidebar down at the bottom.  Here she is:


The “newly cleaned off sidebar” is something my Mom did for me yesterday.  I’ve moved ALLLLLLL my bling to a separate page……..if you look at the top of this home page you’ll see a link called “ABOUT ME AND OTHER STUFF” – there’s a sub-page under it (hover over it) and you’ll see my Bling!  All in one spot – nice and neat.  Woo Hoo Mom!


Your Peaceful Boy, Sammy 😀 😀