Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thankful Thursday!    Thanks first of all to Angel Brian and his family from continuing with this fabulous Thursday tradition – we all need a little reminder to be thankful for all the things we have in our lives that makes us happy or safe or most of all GRATEFUL.     We’re happy that even though it’s been unbelievably hot and dry here lately we are going to have a bit of rain the next couple of days – not a lot – but enough that the lawn will probably not be getting “crispy” any time soon.    We also have been spared any flooding or any fires due to dry conditions so that’s a lot to be thankful for.   As always I’m thankful for the friends I have in the blogosphere and Mom is too.

We are thankful that Angel Sammy continues to want to do a Thursday blog post – poetry is fun to read AND write and we hope if you join in the fun you’ll enjoy it too.    Let’s see what his post for today is shall we?

THANKFUL for a snack!   Hugs, Teddy

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

Welcome to Poetry Time!

Here we are at our weekly get-together.    Sharing poems we’ve written during the week based on a “most of the time wacky” photo that I give you to use as inspiration.  But not always wacky right?   Wacky seems to set our imaginations in fun directions for poetic fun though so I tend to look for funny or cute photos.    If you wrote a poem for last week’s photo please tell us you did in my comments and give us your link so we can read it OR you can put your poem in my comments for us all to read!

Before that though, let’s talk about this week – below is the photo I gave to you (and me) for use as inspiration for a poem to be shared today – and my poem follows!

“Season of Giving”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©June 26, 2024

It’s GIVING me a headache

It’s GIVING me sore feet

It’s GIVING me an empty wallet

My holiday spirit is feeling DEFEAT !!

It’s GIVING me feelings of claustrophobia

It’s GIVING me bags to carry

It’s GIVING me a mighty thirst

For a cold and icy soda topped with a CHERRY!!


OK – so it’s different – but it’s a poem and it rhymes.   LOL     I seriously can’t imagine though going through a crowd like that and coming away having ENJOYED the experience.   My Mom says to heck with the soda, she’d need a few martinis after a shopping trip like this.  

SO, that was a fun one and here is the photo for next Thursday’s get-together…………..

Oh yes – this one has many possibilities – beary interesting!    This will be the one we share on Independence Day here in the USA – these two bears look like they are enjoying being together rather than being independent.   HA     SO, I’ll see you all NEXT Thursday and we’ll share our poems for this cute photo OK?  OK!

Until then….be happy…..stay healthy… positive and be kind

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love forever, Angel Teddy


40 responses »

  1. I am thankful that today the temp was ‘only’ about 78, and low humidity. Perfect!

    I sure hope you get some of that needed rain.

    I was wondering f those bears were dancing, playing or fighting?

    Here is my poem…and I never want to be in a crowd like this one, ever again…we got into one like that in 1986, at Union station in DC…

    Horrible describes a big crowd

    They’re like a huge swarm of bees or bugs 

    Always moving; Always loud.

    One gets jostled and shoved;

    Pushed to and fro,

     for not going with the flow.

    Watch out for pick pockets.

    Who will nab yours

    Quick as rockets!

    And of course beware

    Of those that sneeze

    They’ll easily share their germs…

    And maybe fleas!

    So unless you’re very brave,

    Stay home,

    Be safe and save

    Yourself and your sanity,

    There’ll still be bargains

    When there’s less humanity!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Great poem!!!! We agree about Union Station in town here but it has changed a lot – totally renovated and a lot more “civilized” than it used to be. Any place where there are a LOT of people these days can be a little dangerous though……We love your poem – we can’t even imagine being in a crowd like that either. As for next week’s photo – it’s up to everyone to interpret that photo however they want to….dancing….fighting….whatever they’re up to it looks COOL !

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  2. In that crowd I would shout out loud


    and bring me a cold cold BEER!

    Acually, mama, too, would go for the martinis, Teddy….


  3. Like Charlie Huss, you won’t find me either…voluntarily… in a place like that. I have always walked like the wind. Indoors or out and I couldn’t bear being at a standstill, closed in by all those bodies. Ewww.

    Ah, Union Station. I was only in it at the age of 7 and left by myself for a train trip. Not fun.


  4. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: Happy It’s June | these days of mine

  5. A most excellent poem, Angel Sammy! I won’t do those crowds anymore. Really haven’t for years but especially now I won’t be caught in a situation like that. I will sit and order clothes and most of what we need from my couch with my laptop. I still like to food shop in person, I just go when it’s quiet.

    Good Morning!


  6. Cute shot of you eating your treats Teddy. And great poem from Angel Sammy. I skipped again this week, but next week’s photo already has me inspired. XO


  7. Nor can I imagine that being a fun experience E V E R. Well done and I love next week’s photo challenge.

    Hugs Cecilia


  8. Good job, Teddy, scoring some treats. Angel Sammy never fails to give us a good poem. Mom was so happy to see that you visited us today. Are you getting e-mails again? Here’s the link to her poem: We got a little rain last night along with some thunder and lighting. We’ve had the thunder and lighting on another few nights but no rain with it. Hope you get some good outside time today, Teddy. It was 99 degrees here yesterday and most of us decided we would rather be in the house than on the catio. Love to all. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Mew mew mew ‘angel’ Sammy yore poe-em iss so guud!!! Wee love yore ‘take’ on THE foto!!! Yore so tallented! Next week’ss foto ISS berry innterestin…..hmmmm……

    Teddy nothin like sum treetss rite?

    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum


  10. Yep, the only giving there is like you said, anxiety and a big headache. I would meet your Mom for drinks!

    Next Thursday will be Chia’s birthday and turn at poetry. She can be pretty funny. 🙂


  11. Teddy, we are always thankful for a snack too!!! Mom tries to avoid the mall at all costs these days, but she wouldn’t mind one of those sodas too, including the cherry.

    Woos – Misty and Timber


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