Tuesday Teaser Class Is Now!


“Ok students – better head for the front door and comment – you might be FIRST!”

“Good Morning!  Ready for Teaser?  Better comment then!”

“Alright already….you don’t have to keep telling us to comment!  We did OK??!!

My goodness a little touchy this morning aren’t we?   Well, we have a cure for that.   A photo that will keep you occupied until you can figure it out.    That will be coming up shortly but first we need to go over a few things.   Like RULES for instance.   RULES that we want you to follow so everyone has a chance to win a badge…..please follow the rules and everyone will have fun!

AND here are today’s badges up for grabs!

Who’s ready to see the photo for today?

ALRIGHT!   Let’s get to it……………………Security Guard – please display today’s TEASER photo!

“Here’s today’s photo Professors!”

Where Was This Photo Taken?

That ought to keep you all busy for a while!

“wow……totally wow”

Cheer Team?   How about a cheer for this depressed pile of students?!

This one is a doozy for sure
Guessing right is the only cure!
Looks exotic and a little spooky
To live here you’d have to be a bit kooky!
Good luck gang guessing on this
We’ll wish you luck and blow you a kiss!

Now that cheer helped work up an appetite right?   We think maybe if we all go to the cafeteria for something to eat we may be more TUNED in to guess the Teaser – right?   Right!   Let’s go!

Step Right Up And Get Some Brain Food for Teaser Assistance!

Today’s Menu:

Good luck with the Teaser students – see you tomorrow for awards!

Professors Angel Teddy and Sammy

47 responses »

  1. Somewhere in China? But while I wait for the buzzer to ring with “wrong answer!” I’ll have the Everything Platter please, Miss D.


  2. I have seen that image somewhere before.

    Its the  Angkor Wat known as the 7th world wonder and the world largest religious monument, the Angkor Thom complex, The Bayon Temple with endless 200 smiling faces and elephant terraces.

    Oops, I was almost too quick!

    I am off of all sugars, but wow that Banana Split pie looks SO good! Do you think Ms D will give me a whole one?? Mmmmmm!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Not first. Mom hasn’t been sleeping very well. She woke up at six and knew she didn’t want to stay awake until the school doors opened, and then she didn’t wake up again until 8:54 a.m. She’s going to check out the Teaser photo now. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  4. wavez two ewe ted o nator anda happee twooz day two ewe…may bee thiz izza ancient citee like in rome ore sum place thatz knot in de statez ‼️‼️ mite eye pleez and thanx plaze an order for rat o toni…hope allz well with ewe, mom, N dad and heerz two a grate week a head 💙🐟💚🐟😺‼️


    • One giant bowl of Rat o toni comin’ right up! Sending over some mouse-tinis too for you to enjoy!!!!

      Sending lotsa fish filets with our compliments………………Ted O Nator and Mom O Nator


  5. It’s been a while since the Teaser photo was a good old fashioned prison, but that’s a lockup if I ever saw one. Pretty hard to escape from there unless you want to jump to your death or be a sitting duck for the trigger happy guards in the tower. Bonus: This is the street they do the annual Running of the Otters… so at least the prisoners get some good old violent entertainment to watch from their cells since there’s nothing good on their free cable TV anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Greetings fellow guessers and early birds. I think that fascinating place is the famous Buddhist-Hindu temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia and often called the 8th Wonder of the World. May I please have some coffee while I ponder today’s menu?


  7. What a spooky picture….but the stone work is very pretty

    May I please have a ‘nanner split

    Thank you

    Hugs cecilia


  8. Late as always, I know ! Angkor Wat Cambodia – one of the largest religious complexes in the world I believe they said on the History Channel.


  9. I’ve seen pictures before, it’s Angkor Wat. I’ve never been anywhere in Asia, but who knows what might happen someday.

    Meanwhile, a couple of servings of roasted veggies wouldn’t be amiss, if you have any remaining.


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