Teaser Tuesday Class Time


“Campus is ready for classes to start – let’s report in then go eat!”

Class Time Students!   COMMENT then take a seat please!

Always important to comment – after all it’s the only way to maybe be FIRST to comment and win a badge after all.

“Present sirs, and at my desk!”

Yes Anne Marie you’re always ready for class to begin – and we Professors appreciate that!   Now let’s get down to business – the RULES for Teaser and the Badges for this Teaser class.    YES the badges are familiar.   Our Graphics Department worked their little fingers to the bone getting the new school ready and wasn’t up to MORE new badges so let’s give her – I mean THEM – a break!

And you should know that today’s Teaser is NOT A GUEST TEASER – it is a Teaser provided by School Administration because someone in the ivory tower seems to think they can fool all of you smarties in class.    So prove them wrong and figure this one out OK?

“What?   The “Big Wigs” in Administration think we’re a buncha dummies?”

“Oh boy – now that’s a challenge we’ll gladly meet! OK class – let’s DO THIS!”

Here’s the photo:


Good luck gang – the Cheer Team has faith in you too – right ladies?

So the big wigs at school think they know better
Well maybe we need to send them a letter!
A letter that says our students are brilliant
Smart, intelligent and very resilient!
Do your best gang and show your stuff
We’re fierce and SMART not powder puffs!!!

Good job ladies – the students look ready to do their best – we’ll show Administration just how tuned in students here are!!    Now maybe we should take a break and head to the cafeteria for some brain food (no – brains are not on the menu!).

Come one – come all – we have brain food for everyone!

Our Menu Today:

Good luck students!  See you for Tell All tomorrow!

Your Professors

71 responses »

  1. ted o nator…wavez two ewe dood, hope ewe N mom N dad hada
    grate week. mite we pleez and thanx put in an order oh waffles with
    a lot oh salmon syrup ‼️💚😺 thiz iz one happee lookin place thatz
    for sure , lotz oh brite colors…even we haz never seen waterz that
    bloo 🐟🐟🐟‼️😺💙💙💙💙

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ohhhh….never thought about salmon syrup on waffles but what a delish idea! I will be havin’ that for breakfast tomorrow without fail! The Teaser is a happy and colorful looking spot isn’t it….looks like you could probably get some good fresh fish there – pretty water – bright skies – Oh YES!

      So good to see you – Hugs, The Ted O Nator


      • That’s so cool! I hope you will have a great time!

        Maine is similar, eh? 😀 I’ve got my “thinking cat” on, but I still don’t know. lol

        Hugs from Kymber, Cesare the Cat, Josie-Pye, and oh, yeah, The Mister. LOL 😀


        • Well Maine isn’t tropical-ish but it’s rocky beaches and sun and waves and excursions out on the ocean to lighthouses and….and….stop me before I go crazy! We love it.

          Hugs, Pam and Ted (who has to stay behind when we have vacation)

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Good morning fellow students! Got up before dawn this morning but have been busy with other things so not first-oh well, that’s nothing unusual. Think the image is from Bridgetown Barbados. I think I’ll have a nice smoothie for breakfast to start out the day.


  3. No idea where the picture was taken but I’d love to be there!!! GOOD Meowning fellow students and Miss D. Mary, you’re looking braced and ready for all of us at once! I had mom brushing and combing me around 8 this morning and time slipped away (actually true) so here we are. Let’s see….Breakfast casserole and pineapple upside down case with strawberry shortcake too. Chocolate banana smoothie too. Mom’s out in the parking lot waiting for 3 and dismissal..I missed the bus of course. (LOVE our new bus!) so I may carry some casserole to her…try not to notice.


    • It’s allowed for students to feed their starving parents – honest – so we think it’s nice of you to take her some casserole! The Security Patrol knows not to question you! How nice you got a good brushing and combing. Certain Professors here NEED a good brushing but bit their “handler’s” hand this morning while an attempt was being made to do so – therefore said handler is keeping her hands AWAY from the gigantic ginger for a while. He will just have to groom himself today!


  4. This is the second straight week we get a photo of an empty ghost town. Was it man-eating otters who decimated the population again? No. It was lead paint. You can only put so many coats of Sherwin Williams on every object in town before you end up with a village full of lead poisoned idiots who starve to death because they forget how to work their microwaves…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. We are super late, and we see Easy has already guessed correctly. Mom has been there, but did not recognize it. Thank you for the birthday greetings for our dad. We each want a piece of rainbow cake to celebrate. Sending love and hugs to all. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh
    p.s. Great cheer, ladies!


  6. Well, I was in a hurry this morning, late as I was, LOL! So now I am back and I already had my supper, so may I please just have some onion rings and a decaf coffee!?!
    I see many have guessed where that place is, so I will be a copy cat (!), and say I agree! LOL!
    I had to go to my eye doc for my yearly check…apparently I have something called corneal edema…so now I am supposed to use special expensive) eye drops for that. Can’t even use my drug plan as they are over the counter. Will have to search for a generic version if I can. And also I have a cataract forming, but not to the point of needing surgical intervention. Phew! The joys of being elderly, teehee!

    Waves to everyone still sitting in class…


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