Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thankful Thursday.   It’s also Poetic Thursday but we’ll get to that after we talk about thankfuls!    First of all you know by now that our host for this Hop is Brian and you can link up with him for the Thankful Hop by clicking the badge above and using the link he gives you.    It’s a great chance to not only read other bloggers’ thankfuls but to include your own.   

I have been VERY thankful that our Christmas tree is up and I am able to nap under it – which I LOVE LOVE LOVE to do.   I drape myself around the presents and on top of the railroad track because Dad always makes sure I’m not on the track when he runs the choo choo train under the tree.    

We’re all thankful that so far we have had NO SNOW or ICE here.   We usually have our first snow by the end of November – this year the weather has been weird in many places including here.   We’ve had tons of rain and a lot of COLD COLD and windy days but no snow.   

I’m also thankful for all the Christmas cards we’ve received so far.   We are mostly getting e-cards this year because lots of people including US are trying to save on postage!   It’s the THOUGHT that counts anyway – not the form of greeting right?

Now on to my email from Angel Sammy with his poem for the week.   Ready to read it?

♥ ♥ ♥ 

Hello Poetic Friends…’s time for poetry!

Hope you’ve had a good week since we last met…….it’s a busy time of the year down where you are isn’t it.   Up here at the Rainbow Bridge we are getting ready for our annual Angel Fly-In where all Angels get together for the holiday and share memories of our families and we talk about ways we keep in touch with our families.   We ALL keep in touch but we use different ways.    BUT I still have time for writing a poem and doing this blog post once a week and I can’t wait to see if you’ve used the photo prompt I gave you last week to write a poem yourself!

Here’s my poem to go with the “inspirational” photo:

“Wishful Thinking”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©December 7, 2022


So this little door belongs to our cat

He barely fits through – he’s kinda fat

The best I can do is to grab some fresh air

Looking around and wishing I was “there”

When I was just a pup I could use the door

But now that I’m huge, that works no more

I’ll settle now for a nice breath of outside

Getting stuck in this hole would destroy my pride!


Well at least this guy is able to SORT of enjoy the outside.    Maybe his owner will see his predicament and take him for a walk so that ALL of him can enjoy some fresh air.   The SAFEST place for pets is inside but believe me – most of us would LOVE a chance to be out exploring our world.   

Now here’s the photo I found for all of us to use for writing a poem for NEXT week’s fun………….hope you like it and will write a poem based on the photo!


Well checking your baggage is one thing but………….!!

So my friends, until next week when we get together again – enjoy your holiday shopping and preparation – it’s a most wonderful time of the year………………

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Light, Angel Sammy

♥ ♥ ♥ 

Love your poem Angel Sammy…….of course I always do – I just enjoy hearing from you but it’s especially fun to read your poetry and to read everyone else’s too!   See you next week.

Love, Teddy



54 responses »

  1. Oh, what a picture – you draped over the prezzies and the little train chugging around. I wish mama had kept hers. She had a Lionel that her brother gave her when he moved and it was pretty cool but she gave it to a little stepgrandkid long ago. Trains ROCK!


    • David ordered this one – it’s a decorated Christmas train but has sounds and everything! He also has the trains that he had as a little boy. I love trains too…..encouraging him to set up his old trains in a layout and told him I’d help him make little buildings and landscapes. Would be fun.


  2. One of my late uncles had a whole room filled with a train…actually a whole train setup. On a room sized table, there were little towns, and farms and waterways etc, at age seven when I saw it I was fascinated! My brother was three, I don’t think he really understood the work that went into it all. One wall in that room was a floor to ceiling bird cage filled with all kinds of finches and canaries. I never saw any of it again, as in the 19 years that went by till I was in that country again, he had passed…and my aunt had remarried.

    Anyways that next week picture sure makes one think his/ her mom is ingenious…at least for the short term while she ties her shoe.

    Oh yes, today is the poetry day…I got off the tracks so to speak,LOL!

    This little escape door
    Is NOT my size…
    But I can play peekabooo…
    Trying anything more,
    Would NOT be wise!


    • I’ve been encouraging my hubby to set up his old trains and make a “world” around it….something he can do easily since we have an unfinished basement. It is such a creative project too. Good job on the poetry challenge today too – poor dog but at least he can get some fresh air!!!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That photo reminds me of my friend’s son. When he first started at the village school he walked out and decided to go home (only a 5 minute walk). She came home from work before she walked to collect him and found him stuck in the cat flap!!
    I agree about sending cards. I sent 40 this year just for friends through blogging and at nearly £2 for postage it has got very expensive. Some friends I have been exchanging with since 2006 and I don’t like to just stop, but I will have to have a rethink next year. Then there are all the postal strikes! I had to choose my dates to post in the hope they would arrive on time. Overseas were sent the end of November and UK early this month, so hopefully they will get to their destinations before Christmas.


    • I agree – postal service gets more expensive and less effective………I hated to do it but I am mostly sending ecards – thank heavens Jacquie Lawson has so many beautiful ones for every occasion…..the personal touch with a handwritten note is something I’ll miss but it’s just crazy how awful mail service is. Last Christmas I was still getting cards in February! LOL


    • YAY for getting your voice back….our babies love hearing our voices and if it changes or especially disappears they are pretty darn confused! “WHO IS THIS PERSON????”…..LOL I’m sure Katie is happy to have YOU back. Glad you liked the poem – it was a fun one!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Angel Sammy…your poem is perfection. Too funny, but we bet that’s exactly what that dog is thinking. Here’s the link to our poem:
    We are happy you enjoyed it. We have had some frosty mornings here and tons of rain, but thankfully no snow or ice. Enjoy you under tree napping. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • We REALLY thought you knocked it out of the park with your poem today – it sure was a FUN photo to do a poem for wasn’t it! Thanks for joining us… wouldn’t be the same without you!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. Well done on the poem, Angel Sammy! Teddy, it’s fun to have a Christmas train and you are enjoying every moment. ZCat never had a train but she could always be found under the tree. I have such great memories of her at Christmas. Enjoy your naps under the tree lights, Teddy Boop!


    • We know you miss your Z…..and another kitty who loved being under the tree was Angel Sammy. I think it’s being in a little enclosed space that’s cozy and private…’s just not the same being in a box or kitty bed. Dad doesn’t run the train while I’m sleeping of course…….!!

      Hugs, Teddy Boop and Mom


    • Loved your poem – it was perfect! Angel Sammy was an “under the tree napper” too – so I think Teddy must be following in his pawprints because he just loves being under there… warms our hearts to see him there.

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

  7. Once again, great poem Angel Sammy. You just keep ’em comin’ from across the Rainbow Bridge. Our Mom says she will help us do the poetry again when things slow down a bit for her. XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley


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