Sunday Selfie Blog Hop


Happy Sunday Friends………you know today is SELFIE DAY so let’s do this.    If you want to click the badge above you can go to our host’s blog and link up with us.   We’ll all be SELFIE STRUTTIN’ today.

This is an OLD photo of me………….but it happens to be one of my Mom’s favorite photos of me EVER so when she said she’d like to use it today I said………………”Awww shucks Mom….if you like it enough to repeat it more than once or twice then GO FOR IT!”.     SO SHE DID!

She took it on February 9, 2019 and I do look rather adorable if I do say so myself.     We loaded this up into Lunapic and jazzed it up just a bit for you so we’d have an interesting puzzle for you to do.    Mom chose a filter she doesn’t THINK she’s used before – I agree……………….the filter is called “COFFEE” and when we put my photo in it, sure enough I am coffee colored and it even looks like I have coffee grounds sprinkled all over me!   HAHAHA

THEN we put the “coffee boy” into jigsaw mode and here’s the result:

Just click this mini-me and you can tackle the puzzle – good luck!

Happy Sunday and THANKS to The Cat On My Head for HOSTING


53 responses »

    • Oh Angel Binky how wonderful to hear from you! Are you enjoying your new wings? Are you visiting your Granny and Granpa when they’re sleeping? We ALLLLLLLLLLLLL miss you dearest Angel.

      Love and Ginger Hugs, Teddy


  1. Teddy, that nosie. Oh- the perfection of the pink in that sweet nosie. And the faint pink of your skin showing through at you boopable chinny chin chin….*SWOON*


  2. We aren’t in the least bit surprised that that is your Mom’s favourite photo of you, Teddy! And the art is pawsome too. Teddy – and coffee. The two things effurry gal needs to start her day!


    • Oh my! Now that’s a compliment – I have begun to use “EPIC” as a descriptor myself lately – hope that’s OK – I can’t help myself. “Epic” is a FABULOUS adjective !!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  3. Teddy, we love the original photo. You look so soft! And, yes, you do look as if you rolled in coffee grounds in your art. We quite like it, and Mom looks forward to doing the puzzle! Thanks for hopping with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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