Teaser Tell All


We’re here to TELL IT LIKE IT IS!   Welcome class.


“Neither rain nor sleet nor snow will keep us away from school Professors!”

Well that’s encouraging.   Most kids would rather stay home when it snows – thanks for making the effort to be here!

First of all, let’s say a big THANK YOU to our GUEST TEASER yesterday – Our GUEST was MISS INGRID and you know she ALWAYS gives us such fabulous Guest Teaser photos.  We’ll tell you later where the photo was taken and who guessed it first but for now – let’s give her our thanks for a terrific photo.

AND a badge for being our Guest Teaser!

I was the Guest Teaser on the post of January 18, 2022 !!

Now before we give you details on the Teaser – let’s talk about who our FIRST COMMENTERS (yes more than one) were yesterday…………..




AND each of you gets a badge for that:

I was one of THREE First Commenters on the Teaser post of January 18, 2022 – WE ROCK!

Then we finally got around to showing Miss Ingrid’s Teaser photo……………….we thought (the Professors, the Graphics Department and even Miss Ingrid) that it would be a long time before someone guessed it – or maybe even nobody would guess it but we were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG………………..Here’s the photo again – along with an additional photo of the same place which we didn’t show yesterday…………

AND a daytime shot:

This is a gorgeous place and what a location for a house of worship!!    Here is what Ingrid sent to us (in red) about this place – and a link to see the interior:

It is The church of Sankt Pankraz near Fügen, in the Zillertal Valley,in  Schwaz province, Tyrol, Austria.
It is a pilgrimage church, and one had to climb way high up the hill to get there.
Ouch if you have bad knees or hips!
Now it is a popular spot to visit when you do hikes in the not snowy season…such as it is here when my cousins were in that region a few years ago.

The brighter  image is from a site I found, which clearly shows the elevation of the structure…which has been mentioned as early as 1338, and this present one was built in the 1490’s! Sometime in the 1520’s it was expanded.

Here is a site for hikers that has some nice pics of the interior.


Thanks so much Ingrid – this was a really FUN Teaser even if it was guessed pretty darn quickly.    And WHO guessed it RIGHT FIRST YOU ASK???????????????   Drumroll please?


Yes indeed – our Head of Security guessed it first and we are proud of her!      Let’s give her a big cheer……………….not only does she keep our school campus safe but she’s a smarty too.

Well done………and here’s your badge Clowie:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser photo of January 18, 2022! YAY FOR ME!

We had other students guess the Teaser correctly too and if you were one of them you get a copy of this badge for your VERY OWN!:

I guessed the Teaser photo location correctly BUT I was not the FIRST one to be RIGHT! Oh well…next week maybe!

And those of you who guessed but were WRONG – you still get a badge:

Darn….well, I made a guess on the Teaser photo of January 18, 2022 but I was WRONG!

Cheer Team – would you do the honors of congratulating our winners today????

We’re in our old uniforms today
The heater in our pool died – what can we say?!
Disappointed yes but we’re still here
Right after this we’re off to get beer!
First Commenters we had THREE!
SHARON, INGRID and JANET – all “shes” !!
YAY for the girls smart and cute too
Maybe next week one of them will be you!
Our First Right Guesser was Clowie, Queen of Security
She and her crew keep us intruder free!
Hip Hip Hooray for all the winners
Now we’re jogging off to the bar so we can get thinner!

Now students – I think it’s time we head over to the cafeteria for something to eat don’t you?

Time to eat everybody!   Take your trays up to the line and get your favorites!

What’s On The Menu Today?


Your Professors


57 responses »

  1. Greetings but NOT form Austria, LOL!
    So far we have escaped this current storm, with a few flurries and high winds, indicating the change we’ll have from a current temp of about 39F to single digits. Brrr! Back to the deep freeze. The winds are high…glad our tree is no longer a threat…

    Yup, we sure were wrong about this teaser picture. But it still was lots of fun to see all the guesses and comments.

    Congrats to my fellow firsties and to Clowie who obviously has the bestest hunting skills!

    I have to get to my nest now…aka bed, but could you put away for reheating later, some asparagus.cheese quiche, some onion rings, a bit of the maple bacon upsidedown cake and a hot chocolate? Hopefully Mr Frank will have a table waiting when I get back later…

    Stay warm!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations to Sharon, Ingrid and Janet for being first commenters!

    Congratulations to everyone who sniffed out the correct answer!

    Thank you to Ingrid for such an interesting teaser.

    And congratulations to me! 😀

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Yea Sharon, Ingrid, and Janet for your Firsties. Cheers Clowie for being the first to get the right answer. …. and to me for being the first to confirm Clowie’s answer! Feast time – Lobster Roll, Onion Rings (a single order for now, but more when Ingrid returns), Maple Bacon Cake, and some fruit juice … mix it up some a little of all of them.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Concats to Sharon, Ingrid, Janet, and above all, Clowie!!! My first mistake war that I thought that it’s a protestant church. Then, I tried search word combinations with “old white little medieval church mountain top red roof germany” and similar ones till I found the solution – with an itty-bitty problem: although I was sure that this is the correct solution, all pics had the same source but the exact location was not given but only that it’s somewhere in the Alps in Austria. I needed lots of minutes to find out the village name!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. Concatss to THE 3 Ladiess on beein ferst guesserss!! An many concatss to Clowie fore guessin rite!!! ***APAWSS*** **APAWSS**
    Portugal sure issn’t Austria…..BellaSita REELLY needss to go back to Skool 😉
    Missuss Dee to drown mee sadness may mee have a Tuna Sub (hold efurrything butt THE tuna!) an 1 order ofAsparagus Cheeze Quiche fore poor BellaSita!
    Fore ‘ssert may wee have a nice peece of Carrot cake!!! Wee LOVE yore CArrot Cake alot! Many thanx Missus Dee.
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) BellaSita Mum

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Congratulations to the winners, including our mom. The interior of that church is gorgeous. Had we had the daytime photo, I bet a lot more would have guessed correctly! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • I think that’s true about the second photo and when Ingrid suggested we NOT post it on the first day but save it for the Tell All we agreed – it’s interesting how different the church looks at night!


  7. We hope you guys are not too buried by the snow! We want to concatulate the firsties and Clowie, CONCAtULAtiONS on guessing Ms Ingrid’s photo! Mom would love to go and visit that church, even if she had to climb a steep mountain to get there…We are telling her she should start practicing now and purrhaps she could do it by the time we can travel again! Teddy, we hope you, your Mom and your Dad had a marvellously happy day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are getting very little snow (fortunately) out of this next weather system passing through – we had thought we’d get a lot more but not complaining to get a little! YAY! Glad you enjoyed Teaser class this week…….Miss Ingrid’s photo was perfect!! Stay happy, warm, and healthy!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  8. Pingback: Sunday Selfies ~ Quiet Week | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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