Tuesday Teaser Time


Happy Tuesday!  HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET????

Here we are back at school with no holiday decorations or crazy outfits – just good old fashioned “Guess Where This Photo Was Taken” class.    Hopefully you’ve commented and now we’ll begin.

“I love Christmas and New Years but I love school too!”

Well what a nice thing to say Roger.   We love all of you students too.    Let’s start today by reviewing the rules for making a guess at the Teaser photo AND show you the badges that you might win tomorrow.

Good luck winning a badge – some of you have yet to win your first badge and who knows – this could be THE TEASER!!!!

So here’s your photo for today………………take a good look and give it your best shot.

Where Was This Photo Taken???????

“I wanna live there!” “NO! I wanna live there!”  “Maybe we could BOTH live there!”

It looks like a pretty big place but certainly NO PLACE is worth a fight in class boys now everyone calm down and have a seat…………………….or no lunch for you!   Perhaps if we get the Cheer Team in they can calm things down…………Ladies?

We’re back in our fish suits for school
Administration installed heaters for the pool!
Now we’re nice and cozy
Our cheers will be decidedly rosy
Good luck with the photo today
We think if we went there we’d stay
I wonder if they’d like a few pets?
I bet living here is as good as it gets!
So we’ll be back tomorrow with the winners
And to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner!

OK ladies – glad you’re comfy in the pool now – in fact a heated pool is a big plus – maybe we’ll have a Ding Dong Fish School Aquatics Team one day.    Meanwhile though let’s get our priorities straight – it’s time to EAT!

Students!   Welcome back after New Years celebrations – enjoy your lunch or breakfast today!


See you for tomorrow’s TELL ALL CLASS!!  GOOD LUCK!

Your Professors

83 responses »

  1. I was so excited to see that picture I forgot to go to the cafeteria…
    May I please ave a Hot Chocolate, some of the bacon & egg french toast, and some apple cheesecake?? I’ll go and grab a seat for when Mr Frank arrives.

    I need to dance a jig, too…finding the teaser pic without even hunting, tee-hee!


    • Well you tell your Mommy that sleep is more important than Teaser any old day….!!!! If my Mom could sleep past 3AM I imagine she’d be scheduling Teaser to go live a bit LATER than she does now!

      Tee Hee
      Hugs, Teddy


    • Kosmo! You made a guess! Make sure and check back tomorrow my friend……! We didn’t know Loma was also a Finnish word but I can see someone naming a “Casa” their vacation home for sure. Pumpkin pie is totally delicious. My Mom makes one almost every Thanksgiving here. She puts whipped cream on top….and sometimes crushes up pecans to use in the pie crust! Enjoy your pie Kosmo and stay out of that cold cold snow!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy first Teaser of 2022. With my sleepy eyes I initially thought it could have been one of the Hearst castles but as I became more awake, it seems certain this is the beautiful Casa Loma Castle in Toronto Canada. Even the stables are palatial and astonishing.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That looks like the view of the rear grounds of Castle Slipperysoap in the former Holy Moly Roman Empire. You may think that pool, like every other prison, is infested with man-eating otters… but that’s not the case. You see, the inmates like to use the fountain in the pool as a bidet, and the otters may be hungry, but they’re not stupid…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good Morning ☀️ Our turn to get snow today. I’m going to agree with the many others, Casa Loma in Toronto, Canada. I’d never heard of it before this morning. Happy New Year 🎊


  5. Only 8 hours late! Ivor had to pick up some parts for the tractor so we decided to go for a drive. I heated up a flask of tomato soup and made some sandwiches and we had a nice afternoon out. We went up onto Dartmoor and they had some snow, only about an inch though. We came home and I sat down with a cup of coffee to watch Tipping Point and fell asleep! Must be all the fresh air.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds like a PERFECTLY PERFECT day! David and I sometimes take a picnic basket along when we go for a “drive to nowhere in particular” – then stop somewhere pretty for a picnic. Fresh air is wonderful and even on a cold day you can warm up with a thermos of something warm an a sandwich…… Glad you had a nice time…………

      Liked by 1 person

    • Plenty of veggies left for you…..there’s a new program we’ve been watching about tiny houses….amazing people downsize like that but the tiny houses are adorable and “tempting” !!


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