Teaser Tell All Class


Hello-ween Students!    Time for us to TELL ALL………………….

Yesterday the Graphics Department thought they were being smarty pants and posted a photo that SHE figured might be a challenge.    In less than five minutes it was guessed.  So much for challenges!!!

“Tee Hee……you called the Graphics Department SMARTY PANTS……hahaha!”

So glad you thought that was funny……………..will you feel this happy when I tell you that NONE OF YOU GIGGLERS WERE Right Guessers NOR were you FIRST COMMENTERS????

Now let’s carry on.



Timmy, Sharon, Ingrid and Cecilia!

Woo Hoo for you hoo…….and here’s your badge:

I was one of FOUR First Commenters on the Teaser photo of October 5, 2021!!

AND…..very shortly after class began, we had our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER and it was one of our FIRST COMMENTERS so this lucky student gets the DOUBLE WIN BADGE this week!



YAY for you Timmy…..and here’s your badge for being a DOUBLE!

I was a DOUBLE FIRSTIE on the Teaser Post of October 5, 2021! I was the FIRST COMMENTER AND the First Right Guesser…..lucky me! AND Leo is handing me a glass of champagne!

We’ll give you the scoop on the Teaser photo in a minute but first let’s award badges to all of you who were RIGHT but didn’t guess FIRST on the Teaser:

I was RIGHT with my guess but I was NOT the First Right Guesser on October 5, 2021…….there’s always next week!

AND if you guessed but were TOTALLY WRONG – well – you still get a badge!

I guessed on the Teaser photo but I was WRONG with my guess on October 5, 2021.

NOW!  I bet you want to know about the Teaser Photo??


The Minister’s Tree House, Crossville, Tennessee

Created by order of God himself (or at least that’s what the believing constructor claims), the Minister’s Tree House is world’s largest tree house. Minister Horace Burgess had a vision in which God told him if he builds a tree house; he’ll never run out of material. He didn’t. Indeed, there was always enough of wood to keep on building, until finally, a gigantic structure stood in the middle of the forest. It did only cost $12000 but has over 3000 square meters. There’s a church bell inside, large halls and many rooms. After being open to visitors for years, the house was closed in 2012, because it violated the fire code and was considered dangerous by the local fire department.

“Well – all that stuff is swell but I wanna know about the Halloween contest again!!”

You can send in your photos any time you want to between NOW and October 22.

WHO is ready for breakfast or lunch in the cafeteria (besides us!)??

Students – breakfast and lunch are now served!

Today’s Choices:




49 responses »

  1. oooh concats to timmy! it is amazing how much people got the idea to build such a giant wooden house… google showed us tooooo much… but at least we landed in da right country and not in russia ;O)


  2. Those laughing kitties made our day! And yes, one does no want fire nowadays ANYWHERE, and that place looks as if it would go up in minutes. So sad, a wonderful house.


  3. Congratulations to the winners!

    It does look like it would be an interesting place to explore, but it doesn’t look very safe.

    Lunch looks great today!


  4. Double congrats to Angel Timmy and congrats to all those speedy guessers. How sad that the place had to close. Have a great day. XO


  5. Congrats to everyone. That place still looks creepy to me. Cool though. Sent you a Halloween costume photo this morning. I don’t have any clothes for cats so Garfield has mine on. LOL. Gave him some treats after. Have a wonderful day.


  6. Congrats to the four winners! I rarely make it in time even when I’m sitting right here. 🙂 BUT though I didn’t get to guess or be a firstie, I’m gonna scarf up scrambled eggs, bacon, gravy and biscuits! NOMMY! And I live an hour away from that “mansion” and never heard of it. Looks like a short day true coming.
    Katie Isabella


  7. THE GOOD Mewss: Mee was on rite side of werld an inn rite country. HURRAH ‘angel’ Timmy an Mistur Pete fore yore rite guess!
    NOT-SO-GOOD MEWSS: Bellasita was way way off!!!
    FURABULUSS mewss: Lunch time!!!
    Missus Dee may wee have 2 Hammy platess pleese? An fore dessert may wee have 1 Lemony Tart an may mee have a wee bowl of vanilley (m)ice creem?? Thanx Missus Dee; yore THE Bestest!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((huggiess))) BellaSita


  8. Timmy!!! WOW!

    You did it!!! Congrats! And now don’t guzzle that champagne down too quickly, LOL!!

    I had the right answer too, but you beat me…I was too engrossed in making myt lunch choices!

    At least I was a firstie…along with you and the others.

    I just finished my lunch, before I got here, so now I am ready for dessert…may I please have some lemon tart and a mint milkshake?? Thanks!! Now where is Mr Frank? He got here way before me, LOL! Oh, I see him!!


  9. Concats to Angel Timmy and Dad Pete. Would have loved to see that place before it burned down. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  10. Concats to Timmy (2x!!!), Sharon, Ingrid and Cecilia! It was a great teaser!!! Do you think some Turkey and fixings would fix my speed problem? Never mind, I’d like Roast beast, German feast (they rhyme!), and Fried ice cream in a tortilla. And a raspberry milkshake!


  11. Pingback: A Boring Week, But Wait, Its Selfie Time! | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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