Friendly Fill-Ins


Oh my – another Friday rolls around.  You know what that means – fill in the blanks.   Our two cohosts supply two sentences each and we fill in all the blanks they leave for US!    If you want to play – click the badge and link up.

Today I’m doing the entire job of filling in the blanks all by myself.   Imagine that.  I usually share with Mom but today – MINE ALL MINE!    My words are in RED.

1. Every fall I chase the acorns and leaves that fall – it’s fun!
2. It is never too early to get up and feed the cat (this one is for you MOM!).
3. I would describe my lifestyle as RELAXED and proud of it!
4. Living with humans requires a lot of patience    (but I’ve got mine well trained so really it’s pretty easy)

I guess I’d better hide these answers from Mom.    After all, she’s the feeder, groomer, taker-outsider, toy buyer, litter cleaner in the family.    NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS (AND TAKES CARE OF) YOU!!
Happy Friday everybody……………….

Hugs, Teddy

38 responses »

  1. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, nice answers Teddy. You do have your humans trained to cater to your every whim. I bet it is fun to chase acorns. 🙂 Have a nice weekend. XO


  2. Hmmm…

    1. Every fall I get PELTED by acorns by squirrels. MOUSES!
    2. It is never too early to get nipped. DUH.
    3. I would describe my lifestyle as… I’m a cat. ‘Nough said. MOUSES!
    4. Peepers requires a lot of patience. I love her anyway but you know, she IS a peep. MOUSES!



  3. Teddy, god job on those fill-ins. We do know that you have your pawrents well trained. And they love every minute they share with you. Have a wonderful fall weekend. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  4. You know you have the best. Mom in the world for you, Teddy! Now, Teddy, how difficult is it to jump on your kibble sack and tear it open in the morn so your mom can snooze?


    • Well I’ve never torn open a goodie snack before……and my kitty food is canned but my Angel brother Sammy probably could. He had extra “toes” on his front paws – I’m pretty sure he could even write letters! HAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


      • Haha, I have never been a kitty who gets into things either, but I would have loved to have met Angel “the toes” Sammy! A beautiful kitty, er, handsome.


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