Sunday Selfie Hop



It’s Sunday and time for the Selfie Hop with The Cat On My Head.    You can post your selfie in the Hop too if you click on the badge above and link up with us.

As almost everyone knows, we are all hoping that the missing member of the Blue household – Sawyer – who has been gone for a whole week now – will return home after his escape.    He ran out the door and just kept going – going where?   Nobody knows and in spite of Herculean efforts on the part of his family to find him still no sign of him.

Our SELFIE today really isn’t a SELFIE – at least not a SELFIE of me – it’s a SELFIE of Sawyer………….I made a badge to put on our blog sidebar yesterday and because he’s at the TOP of our minds every single day, I’m using the badge as our SELFIE this Sunday.

And because I didn’t want to make a puzzle out of sweet Sawyer, I’m using a PATRIOTIC selfie of me instead……………….Hope you enjoy your July 4th celebration here in the USA and hope you enjoy the puzzle too!


Hugs, Teddy

56 responses »

  1. Oh, Teddy, that is priceless! Wonderful get-up and flag waving. Yes, we are all puzzled about Sawyer…to just take off and not come back for dinner and snuggles is really unusual. He must have just lost his way. We have hope he will return as sometimes kitties do, even after weeks….but the medication missing is disturbing. Would he be semi-okay without them? I hope so.


    • Glad you liked my patriotic post dear Loulou! Sawyer had to take medication FOUR times a day with his food to control his seizures so it’s hard to say if being without them for a week has hurt him more but I’m sure it hasn’t helped him. Everyone in his neighborhood is keeping an eye out for him though so there’s ALWAYS HOPE. Nobody can take HOPE away from us that’s for sure!!!! I know his Mom and Dad appreciate your concern and everyone’s concern……they need all the support they can get.

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. I am very sad about Sawyer and continue to pray for him.
    That is a lovely patriotic picture of you. Happy 4th of July to you and your family.


  3. Paws still together for sweet Sawyer, we are borrowing your badge for him with thanks. Happy 4th to you and yours …


  4. Happy 4th Teddy and Teddy’s Mom and Dad! A most excellent patriotic Sunday Selfie, Teddy! Praying and hoping with all I have that Sawyer comes home safely. So sad over Sawyer♥
    Also hoping and praying that Elsa gets shredded and tired or changes course. We are one of 15 counties declared a state of emergency.


  5. Teddy! That photo of you waving the flag is priceless! And making Sawyer your photo for selfie Sunday is purrfect. I hope you don’t mind that we put your sidebar badge in our Selfie Sunday post because we liked it so much!. (we forgot to say we got it from you we will go put that in the blog now).
    We hope you and your Mom and Dad (and angle Sammy) had a very Happy Independence Day!


    • No need to credit that badge to us – we just wanted to make something that was easy to put up as a “support” for Sawyer’s family – anyone is welcome to it!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Happy Fourth of July! It still is, though its rather late in the day…LOL! We had huge boomers right in front of our house last night…who knows what tonight will be like.
    It was a professional set up out there, and it lasted about 20 minutes!! Our peeps said it was spectacular! (We stayed safe inside with the doors and windows closed…)
    There are lots of ‘shows’ tonight, but no big ones close by…we’ll watch the DC ones on TV:)

    (PS: When I get my act together I will send you some pics of the raptor F22, and a few others from the air show.)

    We are hoping and praying for a Sawyer shaped miracle.


    • We had NO fireworks last night – the only ones that were in the neighborhood happened the night of the 3rd – very unusual BUT I got a great nights’ sleep last night!! Can’t wait to see pix from your air show!

      Hugs, Pam


  7. I hope he is found soon. I can only imagine what his family are going through. I would be so upset if one of mine went missing. Is it the law to get cats microchipped over there? Over here it is law for dogs and the police do random checks. But no law for cats. A lot of lost cats are found through their microchips over here, as a lot of people get that done. I have never needed to get mine chipped as they are indoor cats.

    Hope you had a great one Teddy, looking smart as ever 😀


    • It’s not a law to get chipped but I’d say MOST cats are – if you adopt from a shelter generally they are chipped at adoption – Teddy was. Nice that police do random checks – they probably find a lot of “lost” animals their homes that way.

      Hugs, Pam


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