Teaser Tell All Time……….


We have the go ahead to start class from our Security Team – so let’s do this!

Yesterday we had a whole lot of action here at school from school bell with a big crowd wanting to be FIRST COMMENTER to the end of the day when people were still thinking the photo depicted Fred and Wilma Flintstone’s home.    HAHAHA

That big structure in the center of the photo that looked like a BIG TABLE……….well perhaps it was?????

Hmm…makes you wonder right?

Anwyay, let’s start at the beginning – with the VERY LONG LIST of First Commenters from yesterday shall we?     May we have a drumroll???



So are we!  It’s a bumper crop of Firsties!   Each of you get one of these:

WOW – we had a BIG CROWD of First Right Guessers on the Teaser post of May 4, 2021 and I was ONE OF THEM!!!!


“Now I have one of my depression headaches!”

Maybe next week Leonard………………!    Now let’s talk about the Teaser Photo.     First of all as you remember, it was from the Graphics Department.    Here it is again:

This is the Petrified Wood Forest in Lemmon, South Dakota

The city contains the Lemmon Petrified Park, the home of the world’s largest petrified-wood park. This tourist attraction fills an entire block of the downtown area and is built entirely of petrified wood, fossils, and stone. Construction began in 1930 and continued until 1932 under the supervision of Ole S. Quammen. It was in private ownership until 1954, when it was donated to the city by Quammen’s heirs. The park features a wishing well, a waterfall, and a castle. The castle weighs 300 tons and boasts towering spires and turrets. Also in the park are two separate museums, both built entirely of petrified wood. The larger of the two is circular has a petrified grass floor along with petrified logs. Dinosaur claws, bird tracks, and fossilized snakes can be seen in the petrified wood. Also in the museum are antiques and artifacts from the Lemmon area. The formations in the park number over 100 and are up to 20 feet tall.

Interesting huh?    We all think so too…………even though it decidedly looks like the area where the Flintstones and their pet dinosaur could have lived, it isn’t.

WHO was our First Right Guesser??? (drumroll please)


Way to go Timmy – and here’s your badge:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of May 4, 2021! WOOOOO HOO!

And there were QUITE A FEW of you who also guessed it right – right CITY (Lemmon) and STATE (S. Dakota) and if you were one of them – PLEASE have a badge from us!

I wanted to be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER but wasn’t….however I did guess right so I got a RIGHT GUESSER badge!!!!

AND of course those of you who didn’t guess the Teaser correctly get one of these lovely badges:

DARN! I guessed WRONG on the Teaser photo of May 4, 2021 I tried….that counts you know!!!

“One of us woulda guessed first but we were sneakin’ a smoke in the rest room!”

Cheer Team (in your new outfits!) please cheer this crowd up…

We never thought we’d see the day
When brand new uniforms would come our way!
But here they are and aren’t we FINE
At the pub later on let’s toast ourselves with wine!
The new outfits make things a little less TENSE
When FIVE of you jumped the FIRST COMMENTER fence!!!
Ingrid, Sharon, Csilla were there
Timmy, Jackie and Katty with her blonde hair!
SIX OF YOU wow we’re impressed
Good thing our new uniforms are pressed!
Timmy wins often which makes us thirsty
We’re off for the Pub after this long speech
Don’t be surprised if you hear motorcycle wheels screech!

Good for you Timmy and Ingrid – both of you are frequent flyers when it comes to being first and right…………………so thanks for inspiring the rest of the class!

Well done ladies and you look absolutely FABULOUS in your new outfits!    Although it kind of looks like you have great big containers of buttered popcorn instead of pom poms in your hands.    OOPS – sorry about that!

Congratulations to all our winners AND losers alike!!!


Students!  Step right up to the cafeteria line and get your lunch!



58 responses »

  1. What a crowd!! Well, I was here on time, but not continuing my double wins…but hey, its fun to have some others have a chance, too!!

    Hooray for Timmy and his Dad Pete! And all my fellow firsties, and the whole slew of right guessers!

    That place sure is full of fanciful creations!
    And when I have brunch later, may I please have some of that BLT pie, followed by yet more lemon tart?! I just love lemony things:) Lime punch would make a good chaser!

    Off to visit my nest for a few hours…


  2. Congrats to all us first right guessers, and double congrats to Timmy! I am just having breakfast and waiting for my groceries delivery, but I will have a Irish mint milkshake while I am waiting please.


  3. Congratulations to all who were quicker than lightning and to ALL who guessed right AND to Timmy who guessed first!!! A big “thank you” to the Graphics Department, too! How adorable is little ginger Leonard?… super adorable! I think I am going to have a BIG serving of Potato Casserole, I need carbs!


  4. Tuna cakes and lemon tart! Tuna cakes and lemon tart!!!
    Concats to TIMMY! He did it again!
    I have never heard of that attraction in South Dakota. That is amazing.


  5. You know we only come for the food, right? No, just teasing. MOL, Six firsties is a new record, isn’t it? We like the losers badge best…yeah! Congratulations to everyone who performed well. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • HAHA…lots of people come for the food – there’s only one who comes to complain about the food and we all know who THAT is! Six firsties is a record…..and the Cheerleaders are hoping we never BREAK that record!


  6. We are so happy that our getting up early had its payoff.
    Dad’s knowledge of the teaser kept us from being way off.
    Thanks friends for the frolic and fun.
    Congrats to the other winners lets get it on.
    Thanks staff for keeping the ship upright, Ms D for our bellies filled up right and Professors for the fun we love weekly, alright!
    Hope there are even MORE Firsties next week friends. See you soon
    Timmy, Dad and Family


  7. Bite, Chomp, Chew! Sorry we stopped and grabbed some Tuna Cakes first! Concatulations to the Firsties and extra concatulations to Timmy for being a double winner! We have put up the new badge! And the new Cheer Outfits…they are outstanding! Kudos to the designer! Thanks for visiting us and we hope that you have a marvellously happy day!


  8. HURRAH Timmy an Mistur Pete an THE Gang!! An efurryone who mewn where this was!! LadyMew thott it was inn Mongolia!! Shee sure iss not guud at geeographee iss shee??
    Missus Dee may wee have 2 orderss of Tuna Cakess (mmmm) an 2 lemony Tartss pleese?? Thanx! Wee allwayss get Lunch rite 😉
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


  9. Pingback: Happy Mother’s Day, 2021 | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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