Sunday Selfie Hop


Happy Sunday………………time for the Selfies Hop hosted by our super good friends The Kitties Blue from The Cat On My Head.    Easy hopping – just post a photo of yourself – doesn’t get any easier than that right?    Link up on their site (click badge above) and look for the link.   We’ll see you there!

Yesterday it was a gray, ugly COLD and rainy day and I still insisted on my usual “fresh air” moment out on the front porch.    I was a little upset with Mom for allowing it to be a less than perfect day so even when she called me to look at the camera – I politely refused.    The best she could do were these two shots of stubborn little me on the muddy front porch.

I am upset – can you tell???   

I suggested she just pick one and go for it.    She decided to use the first one of my lovely stripey back and head to JAZZ up with Lunapic and prepare a puzzle with.    What do you think?

Mom used the “Storytime” Art Effect – I look pretty cool and so does my porch!

Then we did a puzzle…………….so have some fun if you are a puzzler – this one might be cool to do since a lot of the background is similar.   GOOD LUCK.

Just Click this “MINI-ME” of the photo and it will take you to the puzzle!

Happy Sunday

Hugs, Teddy


59 responses »

  1. Oh, you darling kitty. Did mama really think you would take ORDERS? Ha ha that gave us a good giggle. Happy Sunday, but wish there were more sun in the day.


  2. We have had lovely clear blue skies the last 3 days and forecast to last until the middle of the week. It is still chilly but so good to see the sun.
    That is a very nice artsy effect and really does show off your tiger stripes. Thanks for the puzzle too.


    • Lucky you with the beautiful weather! We have heavy rain today and tomorrow and maybe some snow later in the week but I’m HOPEFUL it’s the last time I’ll have to use the “S” word for this year! Have a great Sunday.

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Teddy, we had a day just exactly like that too…and when mom and I looked out, here it is AGAIN! Going to rain the entire week. It rained the entire last week.


  4. Teddy I 100% understand your frustration and disappointment with the weather. Geeeeeez
    We rugged up, put on our warmest coats just to eat on the patio at Seaboard yesterday. It was 50 degrees and cloudy and OF COURSE just as we took the last bite of our lunch…the fickle Sun peep out
    Hugs Cecilia


  5. If we had known how yucky your weather was we would have fired up the transport tunnel for you Teddy. It was cool but sunny here but, oh yeah, we still have a snow dam blocking the cat yard.
    Those are some pretty good shots Teddy. What emotion. You should be in movies at “That Cranky Cat.” We really like your stripey art too. Excellent


    • I don’t hold back from expressing my displeasure that’s for sure – Mom sometimes can cheer me up out of a grump but most of the time my grumps are “fleeting” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. oh Teddy you cutie!! Your Mama just didn’t want you to get all wet! We are having that same rainy weather today. I still want to kiss and cuddle your adorable self! xoxo


  7. Teddy, you have the same look on your face as Jo Jo does when she goes out and the weather is not to her liking! She does not like muddy toes.We have had sunny afternoons lately and that has made everyone happier. It is amazing how the dull skies affect us cats. We hope you get some son and have a marvellously happy day!


    • Well thanks for saying that…I can’t help if I get a little grumpy because of how cold and wet its’ been – at least Mom can “dress it up” with some artsy filters so I don’t look QUITE so irritated!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. We wanted to send you some of the sun we had yesterday and earlier today, but alas, the clouds and winds have returned…sigh…

    That art really did make your picture on the porch go POP! The porch surface really got changed up, now it looks like you are on a pretty gravelly surface:)

    Thanks for the puzzle! That will keep her out of mischief with her camera at least for a wee bit! LOL!


    • The porch gets “stained” by the red mud/dirt we have here in Virginia every single year – when Dad has the house powerwashed in Spring they will do the porch and our sidewalk too. Nice to have a fresh start for the next muddy season! HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. Mee-yow Teddy our weather has bin alot like yoress an mee not get outside at ALL. Mee bin pouty most of THE week.
    Yore Selfiess are adorrabell an Miss Pam yore Artyfyin iss lovelee….fore reel 🙂
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ❤ LadyMew


  10. We think Mom would have done just fine with either of those two photos; they are very nice. We haven’t tried Storytime on Lunapic, but it looks great with your handsome furs.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber – and Dylan!!!


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