Teaser Tell All Time


Welcome back to school kiddos. Ready for the TELL ALL?????

That was a fun one…………………..and it wasn’t guessed IMMEDIATELY – we had a lot of great guesses though – places that it could EASILY have been but wasn’t.   HAHAHA     Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  First we’ll talk about FIRST COMMENTER!

OK you students – no sleeping in class – you should have done your sleeping last night or on the bus!

There – that ought to wake them up!

Now that we have your attention………………………..our FIRST COMMENTER yesterday was:


Woo Hoo Boys!!!  

And here is your badge – by the way we were happy to see you in class – it’s been a while!

We were the FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser of December 15, 2020! WOW!

Super duper seeing old friends again…………..!     Then onward we went until we got to the Teaser photo itself…………….it was another Christmas special from our Graphics Department.   Here it is again:

This is the beautiful town of Cape May, New Jersey at Christmas

Cape May is chock full of old Victorian style houses and B&Bs and quaint little shops – beautiful.    Christmas time is a big deal in this little town and it just looks like a fairyland (Mom and Dad said so!).

“Who guessed it – who guessed it – who guessed it???”

Alright!   I’ll tell you – can we have a drum roll please??


Carol Mae !  


Here’s your badge:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of December 15, 2020! YAY FOR ME!

AND if you were also right with your guess – you get one of these:

I did guess the TEASER right on December 15, 2020 but I wasn’t FIRST! Darn!

AND if you were WRONG with your guess – well – you know we have a Christmas GREENIE for you to take home!

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of December 15, 2020 but at least I tried!!

Cheer Team – it’s all yours!!!!!!! 

Another Teaser in the books
Now don’t go giving us dirty looks!
We’re here to tell you who won what
So keep your ears open and your mouths shut!
First Commenter from a duo we’ve not seen in a while!
Calvin and Oliver were first and made us smile!
Then we waited a bit for you to give it some thought
Then finally we got the right guesser we sought
It was Carol Mae from Wyoming who got it right
Good guessing Carol – you’re outtasight!


Now who’s up for lunch???????????    Let’s do this!!

Hope you’re hungry students – lunch is served!

Today’s Specials

See you next week students!  It will be the last class before SANTA!!!!

46 responses »

    • Cape May is absolutely one of the most ADORABLE towns. Nice beach – beautiful victorian architecture and GREAT places to stay. They make a HUGE deal out of Christmas and that’s why it’s so beautiful which you will see if you google Cape May, NJ at Christmas. LOL One steak and cheese comin’ up!!!!

      Hugs and Hello Floridaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
      Love, Pam and the Booperator


  1. Congrats to Calvin and Oliver, and Carol Mae! That is a pretty place.
    I am so tired of my healthy daily salad for lunch so I will have Irish pub steak today please.


    • Good choices for your meal……..! Cape May is a really pretty spot – I imagine there are times of the year when it’s “just another little beach town” but it has enough atmosphere to “eat up” any negative things I could say. I would love to go back again.


    • Oh I didn’t know about the birding opportunity but it makes sense being where they are. It’s just a beautiful town period. I haven’t been there in the winter – it was early Fall with my sister and Mom for a “girls weekend” before my Mom moved to the nursing home. It was special…..but the shops are wonderful and the people are super friendly and my oh my all those beautiful homes……….dreamy.

      Hugs, Pam


  2. Hurrah Miss Carol Mae!!! Yore so clevurr!! Say Teddy LadyMew was ackshully in THE rite country!! All most had it rite…all most……
    Missus Dee may wee pleese have a Fried Fishy Palttur an sum cuppycakess?? Many thanx!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


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