Teaser Tell All


Welcome back students!   Are you ready for the Tell All?

One step closer to TURKEY DAY and a few minutes closer to the Tell All about yesterday’s photo.     I know you’re anxious to hear about the Teaser so let’s just DO IT.

“I hope I got it, I hope I got it, I hope I got it……..”

Yeah well everyone in class does too Norman so just sit back down, uncross your fingers and pay attention!     First we want to let everyone know who the FIRST COMMENTERS were – I say “commenters” because we had FOUR FIRSTIES this week!

Our FOUR First Commenters were:

Ingrid, Sharon, Jackie and Timmy

Congratulations Firsties – you each get one of these:

I was one of FOUR First Commenters on the Teaser post of November 24, 2020…..it pays to be an early bird!

Our TEASER photo yesterday was from a GUEST – a frequent GUEST and student in fact.    Here’s the photo:

This is Virginia Water Lake, in Windsor Great Park, Runnymeade-Surrey, Berkshire, England

Now that’s quite a mouthful but it’s a VERY interesting place with a VERY interesting history particularly as pertains to the totem pole feature.    We have TWO links for you to explore and find out the details.     HERE  and   HERE     Make sure you read all about the CURSE!!     AND we thank our good friend, excellent student and provider of very cool Teaser photos – JACKIE of Two Devon Cats for the photo!! 

Thanks Miss Jackie!!   For you:

One Spoiled Cat featured a photo I sent in for their TEASER post of November 24, 2020!




We were FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of November 24, 2020! YES WE ARE SMARTIES!

If you were RIGHT with your guess and not first then you get one of these:

I was right with my guess on the Teaser of November 24, 2020 but I was NOT first! DARN!

AND if you were WRONG with your guess……………well………….at least you guessed so you deserve something – please take one of these for your collection:

OOPS! I guessed but was TOTALLY wrong with my guess on the Teaser of November 24, 2020.

We’re proud of all of you whether you won a badge or not this week.   Most of you with just a couple of exceptions were ALERT and AWAKE in class and that’s appreciated.

These are our chronic sleepers in the back of the room – I think they stay up late at night to watch TV

So it’s time for us to march off to the cafeteria for Day Two of holiday lunch.     Miss Dingleberry and her staff go to a lot of trouble (and no can openers and canned food are not involved – it’s all fresh stuff from local markets – only the best for DING DONG SCHOOL students!!):

OK students…..enjoy your second pre-holiday lunch and my staff and I wish each of you a VERY HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!


Happy Thanksgiving to all of you from all of us!!!     Professor Angel Sam and Professor Teddy


52 responses »

  1. Yippee!! A quartet of firsties!! Concats to you up there, the Weimies and their Mama!! You guessed it spot on and fast too:)

    That picture was so obscure!! I couldn’t find it until I looked at someone else’s paper, that being you guys, Bwahahaha!! Yes I cheated…oopsie!

    It made me think of the pic I sent in once with the top of that water tower in Deventer…all trees and nature but um…WHERE??

    Jackie sent in a great teaser!


  2. Good Morning, Teddy – and congratulations to the winners. Yep – you guessed it – another work day for me. BUT – I did get a chance to read it while on a break. Reading the comments thinking, a totem pole in the UK? Guess so! You have some very smart students. Maybe I’ll look through my travel photos – oh well like to travel, and miss it. We are looking forward to the apple bourbon bacon pie! Will Mom give you some Thanksgiving treats tomorrow?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know!!!! It’s almost here. I spent the morning making that luscious apple pie that Teddy did on the blog a couple weeks ago – man does it smell delightful!!!! Instead of regular bourbon I used David’s new Knob Hill Maple Bourbon…..YUM. I also decided to sprinkle pecans on top of the “already amazing” crumb topping with the bacon. Now I want to EAT IT. HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Congrats to Miss Katty and all those speedy guessers. Miss Jackie takes some great photos. Have a nice Thanksgiving girls, but don’t eat too much, you need those cheerleader uniforms to fit. 🙂 XO


  4. Pingback: Post Thanksgiving Selfies | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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