Tuesday Teaser for Thanksgiving


Greetings Students…….ready for our Pre-Thanksgiving Teaser??


It’s that time of the year here in the US of A when everyone is starting to think about TURKEYS and trimmings of all kinds.    Even your Professors are looking forward to that since we have been invited to attend the festivities at the Graphics Department’s house this year.    Mom They are putting on a nice spread of Thanksgiving delights.     Much like you will find in the Cafeteria today for lunch courtesy of Miss Dingleberry and staff.

Now – let’s get down to business.     We have a GUEST TEASER for you today.    And it actually has a “HINT” to help you so you don’t get eyestrain trying to see the details of the photo.    Nice of us to provide you with a hint right?    Before we show you that, let’s show you the rules and the badges shall we????

We noticed a few of you wore costumes today in honor of Thanksgiving!  

You don’t look particularly HAPPY in your costumes but you do look cute!

Now let’s get the Security Guy in here with the photo for you to begin studying it…………..

Here’s today’s photo Professors!


Since we didn’t think you’d be able to tell what that tall object in the background is, we did a little “insert” to give you a peek at what it is.    That’s all the help you get though.    

“Gosh…….it’s still a toughie Teaser!!”

Maybe the Cheer Team can Cheer you up????????

Here we are looking silly
Tossing turkeys willy nilly
It’s our duty to be all cheery
But keeping this headgear straight makes is weary!
Anyway we wish you lucky as you study and guess
Your Professors expect perfection and deserve no less
We are thankful for the Profs, all of you, and Miss D
Now lets all head to the cafeteria for a lunch that’s FREE!

Thanks ladies…………………sounds like a good idea to us…………..we’re ready to have a pre-Thanksgiving feast in the cafeteria too……………………………..!   

It’s Thanksgiving Feast time students………….we hope we have your favorites – enjoy!

Menu Features:

See you tomorrow class!!!  Your Professors………………..GOOD LUCK!

91 responses »

  1. That is because you always seem to go live just as I nod off! I think I should just sleep in on Tuesdays, especially when I am as pooped as I am today. Congrats to all those who placed. #1!


  2. We want to wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving and now we will dig into that fine Turkey Platter Ms D! Alright Toby you can have the Prime Rib with fixings. NO we will not wear any of those costumes! MOL


  3. I’m here for the food. The girls all look festive and good! Bet Suzie would scratch anyone who whistled at her tho. I’ll have the roasted veggies and iced brownies, puleeze.
    XO Katie Isabella


  4. Well….. usually my answers to these teasers are all about “The Joint.” But in this case, I think that actually IS a joint. A 420 foot tall monument to the blunt by acclaimed artist Marley M. Fuzzywig. Don’t call the fire department if you see smoke coming from the top of The Joint. Call Jimmy John’s instead for delivery of some munchies…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Only an hour late but no closer to figuring out where that’s at…guessing somewhere in Canada but that’s as close as I can come. And that wasn’t much of a hint in my mind. 😇 As for costumes, I’ve been accused of being a turkey before…without having to wear anything. LOL


  6. wavez two ewe ted o nator; hope yur gettin all set for PIE day on thurzday 🙂 ♥♥
    we noe thiz iz KNOT on de marsh groundz; { but DNR waz bak ther long with de pole lease;
    we mizzed de actshun tho } ….anyway hope yur thanx bee giving izza happee one for ewe
    N mom N dad ♥♥


    • Hi Tabbies! We are totally ready for PIE DAY….Mom’s making an apple/pecan/bourbon pie. Mom and Dad will probably START with dessert. HAHAHAHAHA Hope all of you have a super duper PIE DAY too!

      Love ya, Ted O Nator and the Mom O Nator


  7. Good Morning ☀️ We thought we said it earlier but I bet we forgot to post. Well we’re going to agree with Phenny and Nelie
    It must be totem pole in Virginia Water Lake, Windsor Great Park Runnymede; Surrey/Berkshire UK.


  8. I’ve seen this Totem pole. Not many tribes make totem poles but they do up this way. So I must say this totem was made in BC by the Carriers and it sits in Fort St. James. No?? Well. it should be. How about some turkey and fixins Mrs. D? Yummy.



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