Sunday Selfies Hop



Thanks to our hosts at The Cat On My Head we’re gathering as usual on a Sunday to share our SELFIES! If you’d like to show yours, link up with them by clicking their badge above…….we’ll see you there.

Yesterday I was being rather stubborn about coming back inside once I’d been outside for an hour and a half.   I wanted to stay out.    Mom and Dad felt like they didn’t want to spend the entire day watching me lounge in the leaves.   Imagine that.   SO, finally Dad came over to where I was comfortably ensconced in my leaf nest and picked me up and began carrying me to the front door from the backyard.   Mom had her camera along and captured me – yes I look disgusted – yes I look upset – yes I am sticking my tongue out in disapproval, and yes I went totally limp in order to make my 25 lbs. feel like 50 lbs. !!!!

Mom jazzed this up a bit with Lunapic and of course made a puzzle out of it as well……………….She used the QUIRKY art effect – I wonder if that was a not so subtle hint referring to me????

AND of course made a puzzle out of the artified version!    I’m loving Fall……………..although I’m not so sure my Mom and Dad like my uncooperative attitude about coming back indoors!

Click this Mini-Me for the puzzle!




52 responses »

  1. Oh, I am so sorry, Teddy, but your annoyed face over getting dragged back inside made me MOL! I guess I shouldn’t laugh, because I’ve “been there, done that.”


    • I give Mom and Dad my very best “grumpy” when they insist on taking me back inside but it never works……….I guess maybe after going through this three times a day on average with me, I should cooperate better???!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. You should be allowed to call the shots about coming back inside, Teddy…after all you own your peeps, right??


    That is a pretty orange/fall like art! And thanks for the puzzle…will try to ‘do it’ later…I need to get to my bed…sheesh, the time flies her on the confuser…


  3. I hope you’re your happy self again, Teddy! Pippin does that going limp trick when he doesn’t want to be moved. The bipeds say it’s amazing how much heavier he seems when he does that! 😀


  4. Teddy, this cheered me and mom and made mom smile more than anything. LOVE that disgusted look and the tongue out and knowing you went limp! We cats know ALL of the tricks!!! Good morning sweet boy and the filter your mom used is my total favorite of any.
    Katie Isabella


  5. That photo is precious Teddy. You need to be a good Cat Scout and obey your parents. Thank you to your mom for the puzzle. Have a nice day! XO


  6. Teddy you do look totally like “WHY do they insist on me coming in now? Goodness Catness what will I do with these two” MOL. You are a big fellow too. I was over 16# back in the day but looked like Toby who was 12#. Dad, and the V-e-t, said I must have been a pro wrestler. Which I was with Buddy Budd who was 19# after his diet and we were both gentle with the others who we “pinned” in a flash. We always love seeing you guys


  7. Howdy Teddy! We love your photo today. You do look mad. 😼 But it looks like a beautiful day so you could go out again. We have snow and it’s very cold out. You wouldn’t like it here.


    • I actually don’t mind snow – as long as it’s not too deep. I was not happy with Mom and Dad the day Mom snapped that photo but I know that I’ll get to go out again so I don’t mind TOOOOOOO much. Still I have to let them know how I feel about it – my face says it all!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • I even got to go outside yesterday which was cold and rainy. Mom followed me around with an umbrella all bundled up and I rolled around on the wet grass. HAHAHAHA HOWEVER, I did get chilled and eventually was the one who went to the front door to come back inside instead of Mom having to force me back in!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I would LOVE a screened porch and so would my Mom and Dad. Sadly when they built this house 24 years ago the decision was to have a small deck on the back of the house…..too small for screening really and they would need to have a new deck built which probably won’t be happening!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I had to earn my freedom of course……..started out with walks on leash/harness and now I know my yard and still have human escorts (and always will) but I’m happy to at least sort of feel FREE. We have to earn that and I bet Toulouse will eventually!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Teddy, you are too funny. We love that you were giving Mom and Dad a good old razzleberry. Too bad that dead weight ploy didn’t work to let you stay outside. Thanks for being a friend and hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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