Thankful and Poetic Thursday



It’s time for Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and I’m ready with my SAME OLD list of thankfuls!    If you want to join in – click the badge above and link up.    I say “SAME OLD” because for weeks and months I’ve just been thankful that so far – we are doing fine in my house – no virus – no real change in our lives.   Mom and Dad never really did a whole lot of eating out or visiting with friends so that hasn’t been a problem.   I’m just enjoying getting ALL their attention – YESSS!!! BIG SCORE FOR TED!!!!!

I’m also thankful to have received my weekly email with poem from my Angel brother – Sammy.    It’s below!


Hello Poetic Friends!  Good to see you!

It’s Thursday and time for us to share some poetry.   The fun part is matching our poems to a photograph – makes it fun to have a “subject” in mind before we even TRY to write isn’t it!   I used to find photos that “went” with my poetry but this is the other way around – I give you a photo and you write a poem ABOUT what you see in the photo – more fun and more challenging.

Here’s the photo from LAST week that we were to write a poem about – – – and my poem follows:

“Baby Love”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©September 16, 2020


On the side of the house where the nasturtiums grow

Emma and Buster put on quite a show

A private affair it was for just these two

An “experimental” kiss – out of the blue!

Emma from next door had come over to play

Buster was copycatting what he’d seen earlier that day!

He saw Dad kiss Mom as he walked out the screen door

Buster had seen them kiss of course but wondered “what for” ?

So when Emma arrived for their usual fun

Buster gave her a big kiss and she didn’t run !

They remained best friends forever and a day

As for love – well – they really didn’t feel that way

But from that day forward if they needed a friend

They were there for each other until the very end.


I think I mentioned last week when I gave you this photo that it was a very old photo from 1898.    I just thought it was adorable when I saw it.    I once asked my Mom if she remembered her first kiss and she said “yes indeed – it’s the kind of thing you never forget”………..but strangely enough she’s not sure WHO it was that kissed her – just remembers the KISS!    

So I looked for a good photo for our get together next week and found this one………hope you have fun with it and I hope you had fun with our little kissing couple – let us know if you wrote a poem in our comments and we’ll stop by to read it!

By the way, September 19th is “MEOW LIKE A PIRATE” day in the cat blogosphere……cats dress up like pirates and talk funny (ARRRGH…..AVAST ME HEARTIES, etc.) so that’s why I picked this photo.    This guy looks scary enough for proper pirating!

Oh I bet we get some “wicked good” poems next week!     Meanwhile, I hope you have a “wicked good” week and that you are all staying safe and healthy…………………………….See you  next Thursday!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Light……………Angel Sammy


Oh boy oh boy Angel Sammy – pirate day is one of my favorites.   This is me in my pirate costume – what do you think?????

I love and miss you Angel Sammy!   Hugs, Terrible Ted the Pirate!



55 responses »

  1. Oh, Sammy, you are too handsome for meows. And we clicked on the badge but the hop did not come up. So we’ll go another route. Love the hops and love Sammy’s poems and love you, Ted. You are like me, ALL attention goes to me now that mama and papa are only out in early morn. Are we a bit self-centered or what? Hey, are we KITTIES?


    • Hi Loulou! We checked the link for the Hop and fixed it – we should have checked it before we hit “PUBLISH” – blame the Mom (tee hee). We deserve all the attention we get – Mom says I’m the reason she smiles every day – now that’s pretty cool!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Sammy, what a wonderful poem. And the picture is sweet. One that if I found on the market somewhere I would buy and hang in the house. I didn’t;t think I did, but with just a moment to think I remember my first kiss. I was 12.


  3. That was a great poem from Angel Sammy. I was a late bloomer and didn’t have a first kiss until I was 16. We love pirate day. That will be a fun poem to write. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a wonderful day! XO


  4. sam o bacon yur poem two day iz awesum; we sure waz hopin tho… they getted mare reed later in life !!! oh well ♥♥♥♥

    ted o nator; sum times NOE change iz grate change; keep stayin healthee & safe ♥♥♥♥

    sinz we iz all bacherlorz N bacherloreetz we due knot reel lee haza poem ore haiku
    .. but de fotoz awesum 🙂 ♥♥


  5. Sammy, that is an incredibly beautiful poem. So funny when we read Emma and Buster, as they are some of our cat friends. You should send it to them. Because of Misty May and Angel Mau’s birthday, Mom didn’t write a poem. She planned to write one and post it Friday, but she has decided she’s taking Friday off again. She’s just tired. She still may try to write one and post it on Caturday. Love to all at your house. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Oh gosh – so glad you liked our little poem – feel free to share the poem with your friends Emma and Buster! We’re sorry your Mom is so very tired – she does a whole lot – especially all the gardening she’s been doing. She needs to get plenty of rest to keep healthy!!! No worries about writing poems – poetry should be written when the mind is free to wander. Hugs and love to all of you!

      Teddy and Angel Sammy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Teddy, we are so glad that you’re all healthy and safe, and that you’re getting lots of attention from your mom and dad. You deserve it! Angel Sammy, what a sweet poem for such a sweet photo. And next week’s prompt is going to be so much fun to work with!


  7. Furabuluss poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy!!
    An Miss Pam that iss so funny you reememburr THE *kiss* butt not who you kissed!
    LadyMew sayss shee reememburrs her 1st kiss to Puppy Love sweetheart Wesley (hee beecame her 1st huzband). They were at THE Art Gallery bye Sunken Garden (inn Hammytown umm Hamilton) an it was rainin out an they kissed under THE Crabby Apple tree! LadyMew said it was magickalll an beeuteefull an shee saw sum starss!! Meow ’bout too sappy fore werdss rite?!?!?!?
    Shee even has a faverite song from that kiss!

    Iss sung bye THE Cowsills an iss called “THE Rain, THE Park an Other Thingss”
    So rowmantick rite???
    **purrss** BellaDharma


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