Friendly Fill-Ins


Friday already?    Good grief………….I can’t believe it’s been a week since we filled in the blanks last but here we are!   Our two co-hosts give us two sentences each on Fridays and we fill-in the blanks.   Cool and fun way to learn more about each other.   Wanna play?   Click the badge and fill in the linky form at 15andMeowing!!

Guess what – this week yet again – Mom and I split up the fill-ins so if you see BLUE WORDS they are mine the GREENIES are Mom!

1. When this pandemic is over, I will continue to be vigilant about hand-washing but I sure won’t mind NOT having to wear a mask……!.
2. I have zero interest in canned (wet) cat food – Mom has tried everything but I’m just not a FAN – besides I actually LIKE my Hill’s Weight Control dry stuff!
3. I always look forward to Sunday night – Hubby and I listen to Old Time Radio on the NPR station – all those old radio shows are SO MUCH FUN to listen to!.
4. Having to go to bed at night is the bane of my existence.  (Every night when Mom and Dad go to bed so do I – in the basement – until the next morning when Mom opens the door and it’s LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!    HAHAHA)

So there you have it for yet another week.    You can never know EVERYTHING about ANYONE……….so the fill-ins on Friday mean we learn new stuff about each other every single week!   Thanks to our co-hosts for thinking of this cute Hop.    It’s fun.


Hugs, Teddy

59 responses »

  1. Not enough people are wearing masks here. I guess they won’t while it’s recommended but not compulsory.

    The sun has returned to us in time for the weekend! 🙂


    • The only GOOD thing about today here is that we won’t be in the upper 90s! They say upper 80s – that’s like a breath of fresh air (haha). Let’s hope people change their way of thinking where you are dear Clowie to realizing that masks and distancing along with hand-washing are the only weapons we have to fight this virus. Everyone needs to be on board!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. We are in for some weather…and will have to turn off the cable and stuff…so I am here now…though wee need the rain so badly, we sure could do without storms…oh well…sigh…

    I feel ya, Teddy, the peeps close the door to upstairs and us furry ones are not allowed to sleep up there, not even in our own nest, but at least we can stay on the main floor where we do have our nests.

    Covid can leave us asap…though we know it will bother us for a long while yet…and those masks can go to museums as far as we are concerned. Petcretary has cleaned the whole shopping cart, from the day those wipes were there to use…we wish they had been around when our boys were sitting in them; they always got sick just after a trip to the store…not every time of course, but when they did you could count on the fact that they had been out with Mommy…


  3. Having cruised a lot we have always been very careful about hand washing, so it comes as second nature.
    Before lock down while we were still getting our shopping at the store, as soon as we heard there was a virus we took anti viral wipes to clean the trolley before we used it. We used to get strange looks but it kept us safe.
    I don’t really want to go back to shopping and mixing with other people, so will probably stick to online delivered shopping.


    • Mom tried signing up at our local groceries to do curbside pickup (nobody delivers to home) but there were never available “delivery slots” to be able to go pick up her order so she gave up – she goes every Sunday when the store opens and nobody else is there yet (6AM) and is in/out in 15-20 minutes! She’s always cleaned the shopping basket handle even “pre-Covid” – the main thing is that everyone do EVERYTHING they are capable of doing to stay safe. It’s got to be “top of the mind” – and consistent. This virus is MEAN !! 😦

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Aw, Teddy, that is the sweetest, most comfy pic of you ever! Look at that cushy bed. Aren’t you a lucky guy to find your furever home?! The fill-in answers are great, too! Our kitty, Sundae, has started going to ‘overnight kitty camp’ each night in our guest room. She’s not a happy camper about it, but I think each night is getting a little easier for her. But she does LOVE seeing me in the morning when I open that door!


    • I always give my Mom a big GOOD MORNING hug and am excited to see her – even after all these years it’s the same excitement and we have play time and treat and toy time too before Daddy gets up!!! I’m sure Sundae will get used to it……

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. You sleep in the basement Teddy? I bet it is cool down there. I am looking for cool places. It’s HOT here. We ate at Peaches for breakfast one morning this week and it felt so wonderfully cool in there I didn’t want to leave. I could curl up on that bed!


    • I love my basement….it is cool down there – and Mom and Dad left a lot of the concrete floor open with no throw rugs so I have lots of COOOOOOOL on my tummy when I sleep there. It’s unfinished but they have old furniture and stuff down there so I have a favorite chair too. My cat trees and a great old potting bench in front of a window mean I can watch all the deer and raccoons and critters when they come out at night! It’s my favorite spot in the house!!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Mom doesn’t think the masks will go away for a LONG time. She doesn’t like wearing it but she does. So many folks were not wearing them that now a few of the local cities are mandating them for essential businesses.

    The Florida Furkids


    • We think the masks will be around here for a long time too – Mom doesn’t mind really but on the other hand won’t miss them when they’re gone! Right now they are keeping her and Dad SAFE though and that’s #1 !

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Thank you both for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am sorry you don’t get to sleep with your folks. Listening to Old Time Radio shows sounds fun. I had bought my Dad cassettes of some shows eons ago. Have a nice weekend. XO


    • I had a chance to sleep with Mom and Dad but never did like that………I liked wandering around all night screaming my lungs out and trying to get Mom to get up and play. For some reason she wanted to SLEEP! Phooooey!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. I’m with you on the canned food, T. Once Mom put a teaspoon of it onto my dry food. It confused me and I stared at it like it was a spoonful of deadly spiders. I eventually broke down and ate it, because I basically eat anything even spiders.

    Love and licks,


    • HAHAHAHAHAHA……..good for you Cupcake. I’m VERY picky and always have been – you’d think that a feral kitten or barn kitten or whatever I was when I wound up at the shelter would eat ANYTHING but not me! I’m special! HAHAHAHAHA

      Spider? Are they crunchy???
      Hugs, Teddy


    • Well I started out with “whole house” privileges when I first came here but Mom got tired of my meowing at her to GET UP GET UP every fifteen minutes all night long. I thought she’d like me wanting to play at 1AM but she didn’t particularly care for it. If I would sleep with them QUIETLY that would be one thing but yelling all night long doesn’t make for anything but GRUMPY PARENTS! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. You sleep in the basement? Our cats are allowed anywhere and Morgan will sleep on the chair in the basement sometimes. There is a cat door though so she can come up when she wants to.


    • We sound up making the basement Ted’s “man cave” within about two weeks after we adopted him. He wouldn’t sleep on the bed with us – instead, he would come in the bedroom about every 15 minutes and meow for me to get up – we tried closing the door – he meowed at the door…….it was “self preservation” that got us to try putting him in the basement at night and he loves it. His cat trees are down there and other perches in the windows – he gets to watch the critters that live in our woods wandering around at night outside. We had hoped to have a bed-snuggle-cat but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO – instead we had a GETUPMOMMYGETUPMOMMYGETUPMOMMY boy!! 🙂

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 2 people

    • Kitties are night critters after all……..I think Teddy doesn’t sleep all night – I think he probably looks out the windows – we’ve got places for him everywhere that he can spy on the night creatures – deer, raccoons and all manner of other stuff.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Garfield will not eat wet food either except he has been cleaning Hope and Mitzi plate when they’re done. I tried to give him his own and he wouldn’t eat it. LOL. Another warm day-82 and humid but; not as bad as it has been. The rain cooled us off some. Have a great day.


  11. Mom hopes that everyone learns better hygiene habits after this pandemic. She won’t miss the masks either, but she will for sure wear one now.

    We like both kibble and canned food. But Mom is stingy – she only gives us a tablespoon of canned food with our kibble:(

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


    • Mom has tried easing me into wet food that way but I just push the wet aside and eat the dry stuff……….I’m hopeless (well…I don’t think I am but Mom says I am when it comes to wet food!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. We love old fashioned radio on our NPR station! Our family will be wearing masks for a long time unfortunately. But Teddy it’s ok that you don’t like wet foods. Some kitties don’t and that’s A OK


    • Well I eat that prescription dry stuff my doc says I need to eat since I’m already a big boy and shouldn’t get bigger…………..I think you’re right about masks – gonna be a long time before they disappear!

      Hugs, Teddy


  13. Mew mew mew wee have no basemint here, which iss sorta weerd Teddy.
    When mee getss ‘rambunk-shuss’ LadyMew closess door to bedroom…mee not mind ’cause mee has mee bunky bedss out inn livin room an toyss an snax an water…
    LadyMew agreess with you Miss Pam that washin handss will bee a roo-teen thing fore rest of her life. Shee sayss it iss mandy-tory peepell wear maskss to go inn bankss an storess fore who knows how long! Shee iss actin like wee still inn Stage 1 an next week wee go to Stage 3…..maybee…
    It furianlly rained here an iss kewler….whew!
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  14. It’s good that you like your kibble, it makes things so much easier for your mom.

    As i noted, because i work with very vulnerable people, i will be masking up for the rest of my working life. They can’t catch anything, not even a cold, so i will have to continue to be vigilant.


  15. Thank you both for your fantastic fill-ins! I’m like you and though I always intend to practice good hygiene, I really can’t wait until the mask-wearing days are over. I wear one whenever I go into a public building, but wearing a mask in the heat of summer really isn’t the most comfortable thing? Teddy, you sound like Eddy. She loves her dry food, but she’ll pass on the canned food. Purrs!


    • It continues to amaze me that there are people who are INSISTING that it’s their “right” not to wear a mask even though it may be mandated wherever they live. It’s not comfortable but it’s the right thing to do. Anyway, we just got back from a quick trip to WalMart and I’d say it was about 75% mask-wearers. Teddy fortunately really likes his prescription dry from Hills.

      Hugs, Pam


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