Teaser Class Is NOW!


The Professors are waiting for you to COMMENT then take a seat!

Our fabulous security detail has said ALL IS WELL IN THE WORLD as far as possible introoders on school property – GOOD JOB!

Hey – Professors – when was the last time all of us who WORK for the school system got a RAISE – including the Security Detail???? HMMM???

Well Sarge, you know we are in the same boat as all of you – we’re paid by the system too and have we received raises?   Heck no.    HOWEVER, we promise to mention this to the powers that be next time we have a School Board meeting – OK?????    I’m sure the Head of the Board will be sympathetic to our request – she has SOME reasonable moments.

Not many of those moments but SOME.

Now, let’s get on with business shall we?     Here are the Teaser rules and badges…………………

I’ve almost resigned myself to abject failure….sniff….but one day maybe I’ll surprise myself and get a badge!!

Teaser Security Guard would you please bring us today’s Teaser photo so the students can begin their process of figuring out WHERE the photo was taken???????

Here’s today’s photo Professors!

So use your skill to solve a mystery students – figure out what town/city this is and WHERE that town/city is and you might be our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!!!!!    Ready – Set – GO!

Cheer Team – I can tell by the students’ faces that they need some cheering up AND some encouragement – you all are JUST THE TICKET…………

Here we are to cheer this crowd
Maybe we should just scream out loud!
Your sour faces are a bit upsetting
Remember if you’re deserving a cool badge you’ll be getting!
Study the photo and do your best
Who knows – you just might make the RIGHT GUESS!
No matter how you do you get a free meal….
There’s always something in the cafeteria that will appeal!
Now get to work – you can do it!
And if you don’t well you just BLEW IT!

Jeez Louise – I’m feeling the pressure !!!

Now let’s head to the cafeteria – you need brain food (some of you could use a brain too I think) so ONWARD to the cafeteria line.   You can make your guess after you eat or nap – your choice – then pop on the bus for home and we’ll meet again tomorrow for the BADGES AWARDS!

Happy Tuesday Students…..step right up and get a nourishing lunch – or as your professors call it “brain food” – you probably need all the help you can get with the Teaser today!

Our Menu:

We’ll see you in class tomorrow students!  GOOD LUCK figuring out the Teaser!!   

Your Professors

92 responses »

          • It was heavenly. No blasts or Booms to make us hide in our room. Now about those aromatic noms like that Chick-Hen with Bacon and Mushroooooom sauce. That room we like to wallow in


          • Here’s the recipe – maybe your Dad will make it!!!!

            Chicken With Bacon Crockpot
            8 bacon slices
            8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
            2 (10 oz) cans cream of mushroom soup
            1 cup sour cream
            1/3 cup flour
            Steps to Make It
            You can prepare this one of two ways. For the first way, place the bacon in a large skillet and cook over medium-low heat until some of the fat is rendered. Be sure that the bacon is still pliable and not crisp. Drain on paper towels. If you use this method, reduce the flour to 1/4 cup. Or for the second way, use the new precooked bacon in the market. It’s pliable enough to wrap around the chicken.

            Wrap one slice of bacon around each boneless chicken breast and place in a 4-5 quart crockpot.
            In medium bowl, combine condensed soups, sour cream, and flour and mix with wire whisk to blend.
            Pour over chicken.
            Cover crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours until chicken and bacon are thoroughly cooked.
            You may want to remove the chicken and beat the sauce with a wire whisk so it is very well blended. Serve this over noodles or rice or just as it is.

            Liked by 1 person

  1. We we got up early enough so lets see if we are awake and, wow, what a teaser *Timmy confers with the family* That big fort on the hill is way old. Way way old so maybe Fort Narikala in Tbilisi Georgia. No Rumpy not Georgia, Georgia so it is no place to visit next month. Thanks professors and we hope you find a few nickels more in your pay envelope Sarge. Cheer Team very cheery. See you all tomorrow

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A little early for some of those noms, but we are getting some carrot cake and watermelon iced tea. Mom thinks Miss D. Really needs to wear a face mask. She needs to set a good example for the students. Going to be a hotty day again. Stay cool and hydrated. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  3. We are changing our answer to what Timmy said. The places sure look similar, but his place has the correct looking houses. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  4. Hi there! I told the rain clouds to follow me, but I think they’re still enjoying the countryside where I live too much.

    The building in the photo looks very old, but I’m guessing you want more detail than that. I’ll see if having some lunch helps my brain.


  5. If you were to make an educated guess as to where the prison is in this photo… you’d probably go for that big building on top of the hill. It has a high, barbed wire fence around it, as well as a guard sphinx…. well, it was a sphinx until a couple kids with a BB gun shot off its head. You would be wrong however…. the prison is actually that little pink house in the bottom left corner. LOOK AT IT! It isn’t even built on solid ground! The guards can keep the prisoners there in line merely by threatening to kick out one of those boards keeping it from dropping into the ocean if they don’t behave…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Narikala Fortress in Tbilisi, Georgia. I was in Tbilisi a number of years ago, but didn’t get to visit the Fortress.


  7. Hello everyone…I’m in too and I found the Narikala fortress in my sleep…Not sure if I’m right though…I’m very hungry, so I get me some bacon in the lunchroom and for Granny a Strawberry shortcake for a long bite…MOL😸😸Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞


    • Hi Binky! Tomorrow you can find out if you are right or not but for NOW – here’s a pile of bacon for you, and a strawberry shortcake for Granny with some whipped cream on top!

      Hugs, Teddy 🙂 ❤


    • One giant order of tuna bowls and salmon cakes comin’ right up. Good choice! Mom and Dad are definitely chilaxing other than when one or both of them had to be my escort as I travel the perimeter of my yard checking for bunnies. We have a bumper crop this year. Hope you and your food service gurl are fine and dandy too.

      Hugs and stuff from the Ted O Nator!


  8. Can we have a potato….loaded…then we can guess. Delicious!! We would say Israel. a small town on the seacoast…..no? It’s the Stares? Georgia you think…ok, we go with Timmy….Tbilisi, Georgia. The cheering team is looking especially spiffy today.



  9. Well I’m here but I was so late I had to stop by the principal’s office for a hall pass. MOL MOL
    Amazing how when you get up your day appears to be free…then it explodes with a flurry of activity
    Hugs cecilia


    • You’re right! What you think will be one of those nice restful days blows right up in your face!!!! Well I’m glad the principal was in a good mood and gave you a hall pass….sometimes it’s instant detention!

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. We just got inside from our yard duties…hubby, too…and after we washed off all the blood sweat but no tears, in the shower; we sat down to see what what was happening in the internet world…oops, forgot it was Tuesday! Brain fart, MOL!!!

    We are going to go with a number of others: this is in Georgia (the Country),
    Tbilisi in the Caucasian Mountains, and there is a fortress there called Narikala. And a mosque, too.

    Pretty place!

    We are still hot, even in our AC, may we please have two tall glasses of that watermelon tea?? Wait, maybe we need two pitchers, MOL!

    Stay cool.


  11. Here! I didn’t forget, we have been out for the day for the first time since the beginning of March. We packed up a picnic, the folding garden recliners and the picnic table and went up onto the moors. Living in the area all our lives we know the places that not many others do. We had a nice long leisurely walk first then drove to another part where there is a nice sheltered but sunny hollow. Unless you know where you are going, people drive past without even noticing the opening to it.
    We had our picnic then a nice snooze in the sun.
    It was a lovely day, so nice to get out safely.
    I am sure the Teaser has been long guessed, but I will say it looks typically Eastern European to me.


    • Jackie that sounds totally idyllic – what a wonderful day indeed. You and Ivor know how to RELAX – makes me want to do something similar – I’ll suggest it to David!!!

      Hugs, Pam


  12. That looks like an interesting place. I waited too long and it looks like you already have some great guesses. Of course, it’s not like I would have had a better idea this morning. 🙂


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