Teaser Tuesday Time


Students!  Time for class and time for you to COMMENT!

“Clowie’s Security Detail reporting in Professors – all is secure!”

Excellent that means we’re a “GO” for Teaser.    Looks like we have no absentees for class today – full house!

WOW….is it just me or has our class become VERY large lately?????

Let’s start with the basics – rules and badges – ready??

Now that the business is out of the way – who’s ready for the Teaser?




Alright then Security Guard – please bring on the Teaser photo for today…………..

Here’s today’s photo Professors!


OK students – come and get it……………where was this photo taken????     We’ll share details with you tomorrow…………our fabulous Mom  Graphics Department came up with this one for your enjoyment today.

What’s for lunch????

It’s coming shortly – keep  your fur on.    First we should have a cheer from the Cheer Team – right?

Here we are again on a Tuesday
You’re on your own – we have no CLUES-day!
We girls decided this one is EASY
Hopefully you won’t be bored and tired of TEASY!
There’s badges to win and geography to learn
Come on you smarties – time to take a turn!
We’ll find out tomorrow who is a smarty
Who knows maybe we’ll go out and party!

Oh heck – let’s go ahead and go to lunch now – raise your hand if your tummy is rumbling!

Looks like it’s a GO!

Off to the cafeteria we go – after lunch you can pop on your bus and we’ll see you all tomorrow for the badge presentation – good luck students.

Hello Charming Students…..time to fill your tummies with our fabulous breakfast/lunch choices!  

What Have We Got Today??

All aboard!!!    Heading home – we’ll see you in the morning!

Your Professors

94 responses »

  1. We thought that Teaser was going to be in Alaska as Dad was watching some this or that about abandoned stuff but… No Banana MOL. We think it is in a fishing town but if not in Alaska we are not sure where. No hints from the Cheer Team. Sigh. We are going to Steak Out with Swiss Steak and Oven Pub Steak! Yowsuh! See you tomorrow to get our “Late” badge MOL


    • You can find out tomorrow at the Tell All class about Teaser today…….meanwhile we think you’re made WISE CHOICES with your lunch selections…………GOOOOOOOOOO STEAK!

      Hugs, Teddy


  2. Ah, that’s peaceful Sunny Cove Minimum Security Penitentiary and Lifeguard Reform School. Or, as it’s known by both the locals and the inmates, Ol’ Yeller, obviously due to the terrible color scheme the prison got since the state saved a bunch of money on the project by buying a bunch of mis-tinted yellow paint from Home Depot. Ol’ Yeller wasn’t the worst place you could be incarcerated at…. at least until the nasty winter of 2008, when a record amount snow fell on the area. And all it took was one shrill scream in the shower room to send a huge avalanche down off of the mountain… crushing Ol’ Yeller under hundreds of tons of the white stuff. So, if you happen to be visiting the site of the old prison, just keep two things in mind. First, remember that the cove is still guarded by ferocious man-eating otters. And second, do not… I repeat, DO NOT eat the Yeller snow!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. whitefish wavez two ewe ted o nator; two day we wood like ta place an order pleez for 185 meatball pizza piez and an order for 35,099 bacon pizza piez; we will share with de blog sferez !!! 🙂 ♥♥

    we will be usin de chex de fedz sended de food gurl ….sew itz gotta be “good”…rite !! 🙂

    happee day, one oh theez timez we will get a teaser ♥♥♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh sure those checks from the Fedz are good (make sure they’re written in ENGLISH and not CHINESE though). Your order will be delivered via airplane since it’s a LARGE order – keep your eyes on the sky!

      Happy Tuesday Tabbies!
      Love, Ted O Nator 🙂


  4. Yeah for Mom Sharon. The dummy known as our mommy forgot it is Tuesday. We just don’t understand how she can do it, especially when it is her day to post Periwinkle and Stinky. We have not figured out where the Teaser is. Heading to the cafeteria to fuel our brains. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I see that the cafeteria is almost empty. There are 2 types in this world. Those who have tried the cafeteria food-they’re all dead and those who haven’t-they all have a sense of smell.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Well, it looks like a fishing kind of place. Mountains?? Water going WAY back there…but my thoughts of maritime Canada were thrown to the winds and waves when I noticed the roofs and the functional dormer of one of those yellow buildings, so then I had to rethink…so OK, Europe somewhere…Scandinavian by the tone of the mountains…and therefore though I am very late in coming by, my guess is:
    Nusfjord on Lofoten Islands, of Norway.

    Speaking of fish…may I please have some salmon and a lemon tart?? (Irish Salmon…today it should have been lox or something like that, MOL, MOL!!)


  7. MMMM Irish Salmon!! Yes pleese…1 for mee an sum Swissy Steak fore LadyMew pleese Teddy…oh wait mee must answer THE teezer…
    LadyMew sayss Newfoundlnad or Labradoor. Mee sayss sumwhere on Ireland coast……
    Mee feelss a Greenie comin on! 😉
    May wee all so have 2 Lemon Poppyseed muffinss?? LadyMew’ss faverite….
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  8. Good Afternoon 🌞 We’re very, very late because we had a doctors appointment plus errands. Doing good though. Hubbys fishing, but not here. When I saw those small windows I thought Norway. After that it was fairly easy to find Nusfjord, Norway.


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