Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Hello Friday!    Mom and I think this post will appear on Friday anyway – remember LAST week when Mom  we got things messed up?   Well not this week!    Anyway, this is a FUN Hop and one we look forward to every week.   It’s co-hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs and if you’d like to join in and fill in the blanks – click the badge above and link up.

Here are the four sentences with blanks that we have for today……..two from each co-host.    Mom and I each did two sentences this week.   My fill-in words are in RED and Mom’s are in BLUE!


1. I just finished my early morning nap – so I think I’ll begin my mid-morning nap.
2. I am hoping to start talking Mom and Dad into taking me out more now that the weather is perking up!.
3. Waking up another day is my idea of success.   (those of you who have been through things in your life where you weren’t so sure you would wake up again know what I mean!)
4. When I can’t sleep, I puff up my pillows, turn over, adjust the covers and try, try, again !


So there you have it – another successful filling in experience by the dynamic duo of ME and Mom.    We hope all of you have a Happy Mother’s Day on Sunday.    My Mom says I’m the reason she gets to celebrate since her Mom and my Dad’s Mom are long gone to the Bridge AND since Mom and Dad have no human kids.    I’m THEIR BOY!!!!!   YAY!!!!!

Hugs, Pam and Teddy too

56 responses »

    • There are even Moms who ARE Moms to many people – a soft place to fall, a caring ear, a smile when you need one, someone you can always count on. Thank goodness for ALL Moms!

      Love, Pam


      • Oh, for sure! When I was single and living far from home (2000 miles) I had an extra Mom and Dad…and later when I was at another job about 100 miles from home, there too I had another set of parents…whom I still have contact with…she’s in her 80’s and he is in his mid nineties.
        Gotta love these surrogate parents.
        And now it seems we at my job are the surrogate children taking care of the many Moms and Dads who are not allowed to have the company of their own.
        If I was bestowed with a ton of $$ I would get flowers for all the little old ladies there! And later for the many men who also live there.


  1. I agree with you on #3, but you knew I would! I also puff my pillows up when I can’t sleep and usually turn it longways and cuddle into it. It really does help.


    • Well it does help me – I have two pillows and sometimes I’ll pull one out from under my head and just hug it close and I fall right asleep. A pillow doesn’t snore or jerk in its sleep unlike the other THING in the bed!!!! HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Pam


  2. When I can’t sleep I listen to sleep stories on my Calm app… works like a charm. Sometimes I watch kitten TV. Waking up another day is good! Definitely a success… after I convince my aching feet and legs it’s a good idea… Ha! I need to get out of sandals and in to some kind of sensible shoe! Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Good Morning down there in FLO-LAND! Would you believe we may see some snow flakes tonight? HUH? Yeah – I kid you not. I personally doubt we will but maybe in the mountains west of us…….sigh. I’m glad that you have an app that puts you to sleep. David has one of those sound machines and he’s set it on the “ocean” sounds. I think that’s very soothing too. What I REALLY hate are those nights when I simply CANNOT sleep. That’s when naps come in handy!! I wear comfy and soft (and plush lined) moccasins in the house all day. My poor feet need to be cozy – I haven’t worn sandals in years – didn’t even wear them when I lived in Florida – why? I HATE HATE HATE MY UGLY FEET! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Boy, do I ever EVER know the continual gratitude to wake up seeing another day. Like you, I am filled with gratitude to have the privilege of another day. I am glad of the continual rainy days because it means I am here to complain about them. 🙂 And, like you, I do adjustments to the pillow IF Katie isn’t on it too (and usually she is). Pull up the blanket and try to pick up where I left off in my dream. XX


    • Yeah we all do complain about our weather a lot but I just have to wonder is there any such thing as a place where the weather is PERFECT all the time? I really don’t mind rainy days – it always feels so cozy inside when it’s rainy or snowy outside and I LOVE “cozy” !!!!! At this point in my life I consider every new day to be a “bonus” day….another day I actually didn’t think I’d have. 🙂

      Hugs, Pam


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers from both of you. I especially like your answer to #3. Your mom was beautiful. And Teddy, your mom is beautiful too. Have a nice day! XO


    • It is exciting to open your eyes and say “I’m still here!”…….LOL Thanks for the compliments on my Mom – I always wished I could be as beautiful as she was when she was young. She loved to dress up and go out looking like a Princess and I loved that too. I guess every little girl enjoys having a fairy princess for a Mom (tee hee).

      Love, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pam, your Mother was lovely. Always a blessing to have treasured pictures. I to thank our Lord every morning that he allows me to wake and service HIM. Can relate to the sleeping too. Have a blessed Mother’s Day.


    • Thanks Shirley – my Mom was more like a beautiful fairy who was mostly happy when she was all dressed up line a Princess going to a big “do” with my Dad……I knew she wasn’t glamorous ALL the time but when she was she was a whole different person and quite magical. I’m happy to have some old photos of her to bring back all those memories.

      Hugs, Pam


  6. Having pictures of mom brings back the memories of that day. We were an odd duo always looking for new experiences. We had barrels of fun but as a teenager I didn’t get along with mom at all. Part of growing up?

    Your fill ins were terrific Pam and Teddy.



    • I didn’t really get along with my Mom either for a long time – it was after she got older that we became “friends” and got close – YES I know it was part of growing up!

      Hugs, Pam


  7. Teddy, we have been napping a lot this afternoon. Mom got clearance to take us for short (careful)walks, so we are both loving THAT, and hence the need for some extra naps.

    Have a great weekend.

    Woos, Lightning and Timber


  8. I think the top answer for the blogging felines this week is #2 and we ALL are looking forward to being outside a little more (especially the kitties that live in cold climates).
    Purrs & Head Bonks,


  9. Wow. Pam, your mom looks like a movie star! Mine has been gone now for 55 years. She would have been 100 years old this year. Tom’s mom has been gone for more than 40 years now. You and Teddy both did great with the fill-ins. I chuckled at #1. Take good care of yourselves. Love, Janet and XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • I can’t remember WHO it was but my Mom told me (so did my Dad) that my Mom was often mistaken for some old timey movie star…..I’ve tried to figure out who it was (since I can’t remember) but so far haven’t. I thought it might be Veronica Lake but I don’t think so after seeing photos. Anyway, I always thought she was very “glam” and I think that’s why I felt so much like “PLAIN PAM” !!! LOL

      Hugs, Pam


        • I’ve tried to remember but can’t……I did look through some photos but didn’t find one that Mom looked enough like to be constantly mistaken for. I do remember that Mom said in that photo she weighed 98 lbs. – she lost a lot of weight on the ocean liner freighter she and us kids went over to Germany on to meet my Dad who was already there back in the early 50s. Rocky ride apparently. Good luck with your idea!


  10. Mee-yow wow Miss Pam yore Meowmy was gorgeeuss an you can see shee was kind….just liek you!!!
    Happy Meowmy’ss Day to you. Teddy mee hopess you get to go out on more walkss; it has been snowin on an off last 2 dayss with North wind an so chilley! Mee not even go out inn Condo….
    Bring on warmer weather!! Mew mew mew….
    **purrss** an ❤ BellaDharma


    • SNOW should not be allowed in May! 🙂 You and your Ladymew stay warm and cozy and above all, have a really special and wonderful Mother’s Day. BellaDharma you have a very brave Mom!

      Love, Teddy


  11. You and your mom filled in these fill-ins purrfectly, Teddy! We hope you enjoyed every last one of your naps. You deserve every single one of them. And your answer to #3 is incredibly true and profound. Purrs!


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