Spark and Reminder


Sparks?   What’s that?    Well it’s just what you probably think it is – it’s a special message to SPARK you into having a great week.   It will start your week off with a SPARK and give you some inspirational thought to carry you through.     SPARKS sparkle in our imaginations and make us move forward with enthusiasm!

Here’s my inspiring SPARK for this week……………………..a rather uncomplicated thought but maybe it will speak to you like it does to me?

I will be very happy when we’re all back in the light…………….stay strong and do the healthy thing even if it’s difficult………..we will get through this tough and challenging time!


Encouraging VIRTUAL Hugs, Pam

A reminder from the Ding Dong School Professors that tomorrow is TEASER TUESDAY – yes we will all be agonizing over another photograph trying to figure out WHERE it was taken.   We have fun……..everyone is welcome in class!    Remember that the post doesn’t appear in your inbox at the USUAL time – it’s always a surprise time just to make it more interesting!    SEE YOU “WHENEVER” TOMORROW!


53 responses »

  1. That’s a good one, Teddy. We’re almost out of it, still a few miles to go, but the shops that were closed will get open slowly this week. So step by step it will all get back to normal again😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Easter Monday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🙏🐾😽💞


  2. I don’t like tunnels or enclosed places and always look for the light at the end. These times it is even more important to keep looking out for that light.
    I will try and remember it is Tuesday tomorrow. Every day is the same and I have to look at my phone to check what day it is. I was convinced today was Sunday when I woke up this morning.


    • Awful – already suffering and to have your home destroyed and all that loss of life. Heartbreaking. We had 60mph wind gusts but tornadoes did not get us thankfully. I think everyone is grateful for all the mercies they are getting no matter WHAT they may be!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. I never knew this quote had a particular author, nor that there was more to it. This indeed is a very long and boring tunnel. For those of us not accustomed to being at home 24/7, it has to be just about unbearable. Sawyer has trained us well. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We have always been pretty much homebodies so it is only moderately inconvenient to go through this – we miss our neighbors a whole lot but we have no family close by and most of my friends are online so it’s been GREAT to stay in touch. I’m sure if I was still working I’d be going NUTS being home though. Somehow you kind of get used to that routine and when it disappears it’s – well – WEIRD!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


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