Teaser Tell All


“These hats are more comfy than those green ones aren’t they gang?!  Let’s go tell the Professors that we’ve completed perimeter check and we’re ready for them to conduct classes safely!”

Hello class!   Hope your St. Pat’s Day was green and fun.   Ours was but we’re ready to buckle down to business now with the Teaser Tell All.

I’m ready for the news…..have on  my shades though…..might have “overindulged” yesterday…..

We had a great Teaser yesterday and as of the moment we got things ready for class today we had NO RIGHT GUESSERS………………….Lots and lots of you guessed DUBLIN, IRELAND assuming that because it was St. Pat’s day we had given you a bit of Blarney and used an “appropriate” photo for the occasion.   BUT WE DIDN’T because that would have been way way way way too easy!

Let’s start with who our FIRST COMMENTERS were……………….and we had FOUR!

FOUR???? FOUR FIRST COMMENTERS???? I bet the Cheer Team is upset………….

Yes I’m sure the Cheer Team was a little – well – perturbed when we told them but they are troopers and got a cheer done in spite of having to cram all those names into the cheer.    Here are the four who get a FIRST COMMENTER badge!

Drumroll Please!



OK You Four – Each of you gets one of these of your VERY OWN:

I was one of FOUR First Commenters on the Teaser of March 17, 2020! I was FAST!!

Only one person figured out the Teaser this week……..can you believe it???

It was a GUEST Teaser……………………..and who sent it in???

Charles (Chuck) Huss of BADCATCHRIS!!    This badge is for you!  

My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of March17, 2020 for St. Patrick’s Day and I FOOLED ALMOST EVERYONE!

This was our Teaser photo sent in by our friend Chuck:

This is NOT Dublin – it’s STUTTGART, GERMANY!     Chuck and his wife had a vacation there and took some beautiful shots of places they visited.    Isn’t this a good Teaser?   Thanks Chuck for sending it in.   It was PURRRFECT!

We had ONE RIGHT GUESSER…………………………………..and who was that?????



Here’s your winner’s badge!!!!

I was the First and ONLY Right Guesser on the Teaser of March 17, 2020 !!


Did you guess wrong?   Did you guess Dublin or any other number of places on planet Earth (or any other planet)?????    Well if you did, you get a GREENIE!

I guessed WRONG on the Teaser of March 17, 2020 for St. Patrick’s Day….but I still was “WEARING THE GREEN” because I got this GREEN badge anyway!

There you have it……………let’s see what the Cheer Team did with having FOUR FIRST COMMENTERS to work into their cheer today shall we?????????????????????

Well we had a crowd of early birds
We couldn’t believe it when FOUR NAMES we heard
But we do our best when we write our cheers
Our cheering prowess is known among our peers!
Firsties were Sharon, Janet, Timmy and MessyMimi
So many names we got a bit SCREAMY
We thought we’d add a THANKS to Chuck
That Teaser photo of his brought our students BAD LUCK!
(tee hee)

Thanks girls……………………..I think we all better head for the cafeteria and some lunch don’t you?     Hey everyone if you have a photo you think might make a good Teaser just email it to us here and we just might use it one of these Tuesdays!!

Hello Students…..now that St. Patrick’s Day is done – we move back to our regular menu!


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Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy


56 responses »

  1. Whoot, I am first today…I think:)

    And in the afternoon, @ 325pm, I guessed Stuttgart…so I was a right guesser…you didn’t stump *her* for too long! Hooray! (Mr Huss, you sure had me in hunting mode…for two or more hours…)
    And concats to those four fast fingered firsties!

    Now for some yummy baked potato and onion rings..and then a milkshake…afterall, I need to drown my quarantine sorrows, (the whole state is in a lockdown mode), with some goodies, right? Forget dieting. MOL!

    Liked by 4 people

      • Thanks!!

        You know since we cannot travel freely as per usual, its fun to travel *this* way! Now they are putting a stop sign at the US/Canadian border too…sigh…so my sister and I can’t visit, except by phone or internet, along with all. my cousins and friends there…oh well…I sure hope & pray it will be normal again, SOON!


        • Congratulations again – sorry we didn’t know you’d been RIGHT until the next day but “righting wrongs” is what we have to do in the blogosphere! Anyway, sorry you will not be able to visit your sister – these things too shall pass I’m sure but in the meantime it’s changing a LOT about how we live isn’t it.

          Hugs, Pam


  2. Four firsts is pretty amazing and I was impressed with the effort that went into finding the answer. By the way, I have not been able to “like” your posts or anyone’s posts for the last couple of days. I can like a comment but not a post.


    • I had a feeling you might need a chicken/mushroom/bacon FIX! Our grocery has MEAT shortage but not chicken fortunately. I keep wondering what will be hoarded next. The other “strange” thing that is disappearing from our grocery stores like TP is TOMATOES! Weird? Yep!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Here’s to abundant TP for everyone! (we’re still looking though………..) Chuck did take a marvelous photo – the architecture is so beautiful Europe – also in many cities here of course but Europe is so much “older” !!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. Congrats to all the winners. I should have come back to try and work it out. I did originally say it looked typical of Scandinavian waterfront buildings, and German architecture is very similar.
    I knew I wasn’t able to come back and work on it so just plumped on Dublin as a wild guess. To be fair though, I have been to Dublin several times and it doesn’t look at all like that.


  4. We are aways excited when we get a firstie badge, and especially a special one. Thanks, and thank you cheer team for getting all the names in your cheer. Congrats to Ingrid. We didn’t see anything in that photo that would help us identify it. Everything on the menu looks so yummy, we are each going to get something different and share. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


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