Tuesday Teaser Time!


“All clear Professors!  Let the games – I mean CLASS – begin!!”

Thank you Clowie and welcome class – HAVE YOU COMMENTED YET?

After you have commented, please have a seat so we can get down to business.    The business of guessing where a photo we will be showing you was taken.    Can be anywhere in the world but we know that one or more of you will FIGURE IT OUT!

I’m totally ready to figure it out.   I cleaned my glasses this morning even!

Today’s Teaser is another Graphics Department find – we think she   they do a swell job finding interesting photos for us to use when we don’t have one supplied by an outside source.   Now here are the rules you MUST follow today when making your guess and figuring it out OK?   OK!

I ALWAYS follow the rules……………..well………….almost always! What Badges are we gonna win????


Now who’s up for seeing the photo for today?   HANDS UP !!!!!      Our Cheer Team will visit us after the viewing of the photo……………..then it’s OFF to lunch before you come back to agonize over the photo before you head home until tomorrow’s TELL ALL CLASS.

Looks like you’re all ready for guessing!

Here’s today’s photo Professors!

OK fans of architecture……………..where was this photo taken?   Town, City, Country, State – WHERE?????     

Now – heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeee’s the Cheer Team:

Yesterday was President’s Day
We missed out because there was no school that day
So we’re here in our hats to do our thing
Don’t worry you all we weren’t asked to SING!
Take a peek at the photo you get this week
If you guess it right we’ll tweak your cheek!
No not THAT cheek you naughty child
Settle down and study and don’t go wild!
If you’re a winner we’ll be cheering your name
Too bad winning Teaser brings no fortune or fame!!

Thanks Ladies -I think I see a lot of fired up faces in the crowd here……………I think that cheek tweaking thing got everyone awake…………………


Well – almost everyone!

Let’s head to the cafeteria………………..Miss Dingleberry is ready for us………………….

Time for lunch class!   Hope you enjoy your meal in our cafeteria today……..

Our Delightful Menu:

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After lunch head for the bus!   We’ll see you tomorrow for the TELL ALL Class!   Good Luck!

Your Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy (and the Graphics Department)

94 responses »

  1. I know this one! I have a penfriend who lives in Des Moines, Iowa and it is the Capitol Statehouse Building. He sent me a lot of postcards from our CB days.


    • Well maybe you are right then but we’ll have to wait and see………….MessiMimi thought that was where it was too but you know how the Professors are – they won’t tell anyone until tomorrow!

      Hugs, Graphics Department


      • I used to do a lot of long distance CBing before mobile phones and before I knew what a computer was. I made friends with people around the world and still keep in touch with a few. The friend in Des Moines was a haulage driver taking corn across the state and his “handle” was Mr. Tall Corn. Those days were fun! Now about 40 years later we mostly just exchange Christmas cards and the occasional email.


  2. Spurred on by your mention of architecture, I just spent a half an hour trying to look up a tidbit I know I read in an Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader at some point about a prison architect in either England or France a couple centuries ago who wound up being the very first prisoner in the prison he built. I couldn’t find it, or even Google it… but assume this little bit of ironic history is accurate and accept it as my irreverent reply to this week’s Teaser…

    BTW, shouldn’t it be an ambulance picking everyone up from the cafeteria after lunch? A bus can’t run red lights to get to the emergency room quickly so everyone can have their stomachs pumped…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. MMMM ham an cheezey friess…..umm no wait…that not mee answer Teddy!! Gudd greef mee got ahead of meeself.
    OKay LadyMew an mee putted our headss together an wee think this beeuteefull buildin iss inn eether Frankfert, Germany or Bavaria, Austria.
    (Shee sure soundss connfydent doessn’t shee?? Mew mew mew…)
    Now that mee did a guess may mee have sum ham an cheezy friess pleese??
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  4. Came by just before eight, but that was way too late, and there were already 33 comments. Should have checked at 7:25 when I woke up. Need to check out the photo and get some,lunch. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  5. I’m late, Teddy, I came from Russia through Potsdam, through France and ended finally here, without finding that building…sigh…thank Cat dinner is ready, I’m starving from my trip😸Pawkisses for a Happy Tuesday🐾😽💞


    • Oh Angel Buddy Budd THANK YOU for stopping by and for giving us a message from Sammy. We knew he’d be giving you a PAW HIGH FIVE when you got there and we are happy that you are safe, wearing beautiful gray wings, and keeping an eye on your wonderful family now from there just as you did here. Mom and I sent you THANKS and HUGS…..lots of both!! You are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO missed.

      Love, Teddy


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